Video Game General 6.3: Sekiro has so many damn chickens man. Chickens Everywhere!

I disagree. The first game was very straight forward and had a decent overarching plot, which was interesting enough to make getting through Monstro world doable. The plot became nonsensical in Chain of Memories and every release after it tried to outdo the previous ones on that front. At least most of the worlds in II had relatively interesting subplots and memorable art directions.

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But no one picked up the game for the plot itself. Youā€™re lying to yourself if youā€™re saying ā€œMan, I canā€™t wait to get KH1, the story must be FANTASTIC.ā€

Everyone got KH1 because of the concept of playing an Action RPG (a concept that was still raw during that time period) in Disney Worlds while also interacting with certain Final Fantasy characters. The plot being solid was only a bonus.

Ever since then, you either get KH because of the new Disney worlds to roam around in, or the new gameplay mechanics.

Even the most dedicated fans, while they certainly care about the story, itā€™s not the reason they play the series. Itā€™s not worth it and never was from the start. And with KH, thatā€™s fine. Itā€™s only a stupidly complex story as a design edict from Yamaguchi (back when he was in charge) because he believed the series wouldnā€™t sell otherwise. But ultimately the plot always was on the backhalf of why anyone cared about the series or chose to play it.


Well, it is safe to play Gears 4 again; the exp glitch has been resolved as of a little while ago todayā€¦ surprisingly they even made it so people got ā€œcaught upā€ on the exp they missed! I didnā€™t expect that, so it was a pleasant surpriseā€¦ Heavy is now level 5 and already about midway to level 6. I went for the ā€œMarked Damageā€ for my 3rd card choiceā€¦ thatā€™s giving me +40% damage on any marked enemies, with any weaponā€¦so you can imagine that is quite ridiculous to stack onto +100% Boomshot damage. Itā€™s insane, manā€¦ this is definitely a big-time boss-killer now. I canā€™t get enough of this.

*noteā€” I played Zombie Minh, and apparently they changed it so zombie characters have normal voice-linesā€¦? Thatā€™s definitely good, because nobody wanted to hear these characters constantly saying ā€œā€¦brainssssā€ on repeat forever.

You mentioned playing for the story not the story being the main selling point. However, after playing KH2 I did lose interest in the franchise due to the lack of a decent story. The novelty and quality of the first game sold me on the second game, but that was as far as I would care to venture. If the second game had a better plot I would have no doubt been less reluctant to invest in the spin offs.

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I think everyone lost interest in the franchise. I love the franchise, but Iā€™ll never defend it, nor will I ever suggest to someone to get into it themselves.

I definitely forgot about Kingdom Hearts after a while. I stopped caring after birth by sleep. My interest in the series has always been on the Disney characters and worlds. I ignore the original characters and overarching plot.

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People got a hold of KH because of
ā€œOMG FiNal FaNtAsY cRoSs DiSnEy gaymz PLOXā€

Most of the Kiddes that played KH in their pre-teens and teens never played a Final Fantasy older than FF7.

Final Fantasy fans got it for Final Fantasy, and Disney fans are stupid for anything Disney

Nothing but facts.

Is Fighting EX Layer going to have a psychical copy or download only? Iā€™ll be getting this either way.

I got kh1 cause that song was fire.

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I played staring with CoM in KH. I read the story of KH1 to get myself in. I own KH2 and got a free copy of DDD (which I never finished).

I USED to play for the story butā€¦not so much after soo many convoluted twists and turns. I also was drawn in for the Disney far more than the FF char especially since I never played a numbered FF game.

Dice responds to people upset over ā€˜authenticityā€™

Pretty much all that needs to be said on the matter really


Wanting realism in a video gameā€¦thatā€™s funny.

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I think I would have put females in battlefield, but dressed them like WW2 nurses in all white for the lulz. I think harvesting noobs as nurse Jenny would be good times.

Dark Souls remastered tomorrow dawgs. This will beā€¦the 4th time Iā€™ve bought the game. :star_struck:

Sadly itā€™s only getting a digital release. Nishitani said if it sells well, it could see a physical release as well as a Steam release.

Thereā€™s going to be a 39.99 version and a 59.99 version of the game. 39.99 version has less Gougi decks and is missing Shirase, whereas the 59.99 has more Gougiā€™s and Shirase. I think itā€™s lame that theyā€™re locking some decks with the higher priced version, but I want to support these guys for making a fighting game that feels oldschool and new at the same time so Iā€™m 99.9% sure Iā€™m going with the 59.99 version(which I imagine will be 69-79.99 here in Canada. Rekt.)

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I had no idea the Mega Man X legacy collection was being split in 2. That makes things easy. Vol. 2 has the two of the worst games in the series. Makes it real easy to pass up


X8 is atlesst playable. Itā€™s bad but itā€™s not x6 or x7 bad


X8 is decent game but itā€™s bundled with two shit games and a mediocre one. I donā€™t think X8 by itself is worth my $20.

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