Video Game General 6.3: Sekiro has so many damn chickens man. Chickens Everywhere!

If you still feel the need to get into the series, the latest remakes basically sum up the spin offs and show the cutscenes from the prior games to tell the story, but still some details will be missed.

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Hell I still think the actual KH III is vaporware, and I will not believe it till the game is on store shelves.
Also there been some terrible design choices in the games, like a massive 3 hour tutorial in KHII and a vauge plot that makes no sense.

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Regarding spinoffs for KH, personally the only 2 are worth a play are bbs and 3d, id look up story for chain of memories and 358/2. Nobody cares about recoded and you wont miss anything. 358/2 story pertains to roxas and org 13. BbS, 3D are probably most important story wise and reading about the other 2 I believe will suffice so you can atleast know what happened

Nintendo announces dockless bundle in japan

No word on anywhere else

Sony head says he wants sony to keep thinking about the portable market

Uh huh

Take two boss says red dead will not be delayed again

kingdom hearts is great. :frowning:
the story was fine and followable until they introduced time traveling in 3D then it got stupid.

i cant wait for three but yeah, it’s essentially vapor ware until i have it in my hands.

Really skirting the line here ain’t ya game? An yeah talking about the one below.

Rabbids vid was same one ubisoft posted

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Nintendo can’t stop you from hacking your switch but they can stop you from using online services

Hack the switch and gtab

Sunset Overdrive might be coming to PC if a korean rating board is to be believed

I loved kh1, really liked kh2, havent really played them all but dont like the spinoffs. I havent touched bbs or 2.8 yet

Tbh, if you have a ps4 buy 1.5+2.5 and play the main series. Try the spinoffs if you want but just watch a story summary or something. The ds and 3ds ones suck ass imo and you should avoid them.


Can PC do 4K and HDR, or do you need to plug your Playstation 4 into it?

Birth By Sleep is amazing. It’s as good as 2 IMO. Just he sure to play the stories in order so you get the full feel of it.

KH series should’ve kept the basics in the numbered series and the spin offs just should have added lore. instead, it’s now a big investment to understand everything going on.


was nice to see Battlefield V trailer switched to real-time in game gameplay

New FEXL video. I am so goddamn hype for this game. Hope we hear a release date soon(I heard that it’s going to release in June sometime.)

Edit: Goddamn the Allen blockstrings are looking legit. FIREBAWRRR. They re-recorded his VA a bit since the beta too. I’m going to main Allen with some Shadow Geist and Cracker Jack on the side, though I hate his Village People cowboy outfit. His old pimp outfit was way better. I might use some Garuda, Kairi and Ryu Hayabusa too, a lot of the characters in this game look fun to me. :ok_hand:


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Full reveal for those who missed it

Also all post launch content for this game will be free…no prem pass.

Damn those comments about Battlefield 5 are so full of hate. Thought peeps would be ready to have a reason to hate BO4. Guess they care more about muh historical accuracy with no women in MP than the actual game.

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People are hating on battlefield v because it has females? …probably a good thing I bother to read the comments.

Also Sony seems to have reiterates that they dont have plans for another console for 3 more years

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You could play as female characters in Medal of Honor: Underground and Allied Assault. If people are actually complaining about that…I don’t know what to say.

Battlefield V trailer reaction:

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Barely followable, some of the events make little sense and things were tossed in purely to introduce forgettable game elements. The whole Noimne/ Roxas thing made no sense, stupid 3 hour tutorial added nothing to the story, and the now mandatory Sephiroth fight although cool added nothing to the plot.

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No one ever played Kingdom Hearts for the story. Ever. Not even from the beginning.

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SRK front page is reporting an interesting rumor