Video Game General 6.3: Sekiro has so many damn chickens man. Chickens Everywhere!

dropping that much on sound system alone, his audio better make a dude experience:



Dude was/is a straight cinema buff.

That’s not passion… that’s just steak and potatoes for him.

I am [monetarily] glad I have no such intense fixations.

Even my PC rig is only $7000, minus the 24" Cintiq Pro.

And, as @Hawkingbird suggested, a sound bar works for most 4K T.V. viewers… myself included.

If the actual T.V. speakers projected proper, consistent sound distribution, I’d stick to them, because I have really, really good ears.

But the goddamned things are garbage for listening to modern bluray movies that expect 5.1 or better.

It is kinda cool when you feel the air blowing from the subs though at certain parts of movies. If you’re upstairs at my house it sounds like a god damn bomb is going off in my basement but when you’re in my HT it sounds fantastic.

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Apparently it’s been known since June (wasn’t keeping tabs) but Shenmue info was sent out to backers and Shenmue 3 coming in at a 100 gigs for PC. I’m guessing it’s going to be the same for PS4? Glad I didn’t buy the DLC for Spider-Man, lol. Horizon and God of War forever in queue, though.

You mean they’re on your system for all time?

I just bought both, at the BF sale, so just wondering.

I fear I ‘archive’ it and some asshole(s) come and fuck with PSN and then boom, another fiasco. Plus I don’t want to re-dl fat sized games. My speed isn’t bad but it took Spider-Man almost 30 minutes to dl when I first bought it.

Memory is 4gb, but storage is 100gb. Maybe for the voice acting?

EDIT: Fuck I just remembered Death Stranding and Ghosts of Tsushima (I’m only sticking to one this year) are supposed to release this year…

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its not just the sound system that matters but how the sound has been mastered by the engineers behind the movie.
for example.

vid description states
A lot of people didn’t like the new Last Action Hero/Bad Boys II-esque gun sound effects done in the 7.1 stereo mix for the 2006 DVD release and the 2011 Blu-Ray remaster, that’s why I decided to upload a scene from this movie without them. All rights reserved to Universal Pictures.

people say the blue ray version sounds like shit regarding the gunfire. like toy guns. muffled. idk.

also, so sorry if derailing off topicing the thread.

So my Asia physical copy on SNK Heroines finally got here after a month.

My opinion after actually playing…

Still should use back to block
Allow crouching
Should at least have a 3 button anime layout (A, B, C)
Should be able to use specials like a 3 button anime game (light special =A hard special = B, super =C)
Should not lose momentum with running stand A
Cant cancel into super/finish if doing a tag combo

Combos, tags combos, ect, feel really fucking good to do, and you can combo air throws, even after a ground bounce. Just a shame that it’s literally not worth playing an actual person. Even if it had crounching and low attacks, it’d be almost playable as it is.

started playing Arena of Valor today,
my first MOBA game, but it’s actually really fun.

Even torbjorn from overwatch is in this game lol

Probably because Nerg doesn’t appear in any MH game on a Nintendo platform.

The trainwreck that is Fallout 76 just keeps on providing us unintended, delicious entertainment value:

It’s one of the biggest disasters I’ve seen in at least the past several years :rofl: I’ll have to ask the people I’ve seen with it exactly WHY they spent money on this shit… there’s 1 friend I already know has questionable and sometimes straight up bad taste in things though.

The controversy around the Nuka Cola dark rim is another good one. Motherfuckers thought liquor and bottle collectors would be fine with a plastic shell instead of a unique bottle.

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That’s what I said, lol.

If you’ve got a stereo T.V. and a movie with its sound rendered in 5.1 exclusively… fuckin’ collusion, I tell ya.

On topic, given how some video games’ cut scenes dip in and out, I wonder if they too suffer from the dole be Dolby.

Except that most Sound bars are also just as Shit as the TV speakers.
Sound bars are over priced PC 2.1 speakers except with the PC speakers you have proper L and R separation.

When it comes to stereo systems, with the exception of the receiver give me the old 70s, 80s and 90s era equipment. No one today makes a decent cassette player or record player to save their own life.
Only decent newish Audio CD players I can find are Audio Bluray. The bad thing about using a new Receiver with a classic Record player is I need a PreAmp for the Record player, and those are hit or miss.
And most Speaker systems costing 10k or more is mostly snake oil.

Sound bars will provide better sound than the TV speakers, will direct face the viewer and most will come with a subwoofer for bass and tremble. For anyone who isn’t an audiophile that will be enough.


Audiophiles are those who go into the deep end and spend way too much for dumb shit.
I the kind of person who just want their audio not to be a hot mess.

And Most Sound Bars are only an improvement as most TV’s built in Audio are bottom tier bad.
There are some good sound bars out there I will give you that, but the majority than I seen are garbage.
Not to mention a good pair of Bookshelf Speakers do the job much, much better at a lower price point.

Most I seen are made for the Aging Baby boombers generation with bull shit post processing to make speech clearer for the cost of making everything else sounds like Ass, and the lower end ones have hilarious amounts of delay. Designed for old people who thinks CNN is entertainment.

Hence by use of the words of 2.1 and PC Speakers.

Even most modern generations tend to undervalue audio. As long as medium and high volumes don’t sound like shit they will be content.