Video Game General 6.3: Sekiro has so many damn chickens man. Chickens Everywhere!

Its Rathalos one of the tier-2 level monsters.
Which I am surprised that he got in instead of Nergigante, but I guess Nintendo didn’t want to go in that hard on players.

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I still have three HD DVDs in my collection (Transformers, Clockwork Orange and Eyes wide shut). It’s a nice curiosity even if I can’t play them anymore.

Edit: actually didn’t want to reply to someone specific.

when i collect movies i just rent a movie on amazon, then use a screen capture vid app. record it. saves money, and destroys the entertainment industry all with one stone.

Sound quality must be ass on your captures.


That’s the most pathetic thing I’ve read this year.

And yes, that would have been true for 2018 as well.


Ur so kewl


Only HDDVD I own is Unleashed/Danny the Dog.

At Magfest this weekend. There is a line for the F-zero AX machine that they brought back and they some how drudged up a Pokemon Snap kiosk that was only in Blockbusters if I remember…dunno where they dug this thing up.

Dang they needa add fitness boxing trainer girl to Smash.

Meh…I don’t really see the big deal. gets to 1:00 You know. This looks like a great addition to the Switch library :wink:

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Finesse Boxing makes me want a new Punch Out.


shrug shoulders. idk, i dont notice any difference. i use oCam.
but if u are implying i use headphones to watch movies i dont.
i also use oCam to record soundtracks, songs, and albums from youtube vids but i dont use vid record when i do that i use its mp3 sound recorder. then i move the songs over to my phone to listen with headphones when i travel.
idk man, sounds fine to me. then again i have middle aged ears now. aintz rocking teen ears no more.
i cant even listen to music full blast like when i was a teen. my ears hurt if i do. not just ringing, but actual pain.

guess what.

and its fitness not finesse boxing.
im the one who boxes with finesse.

i dont even know what that means,but i like sayin it every chance i get

It’s more the fact that you lose any type of high quality surround sound at all, but then again, sound in streaming sucks in general, which is why I pretty much only watch blurays unless it’s something that exists on Netflix only.

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do you have speakers connected to your tv? i dont. i just have a old ass sony bravia tv. just its native speakers. besides. if you really cared about sound. not only would you need high quality separate speakers but you’d have to soundproof the room you are in to not have reverb or sound reflections. which would be cool if you cared that much. but people who go to that lengths are buying 4k tvs. which i’ll never do cause again, middle aged eyeballs aintz seeing like a hawk no more. need glasses to read. no need to get 4k tv when eyeballs aint seeing 20/20 no more.

Most people with 4K TV’s don’t even have surround sound systems. People who don’t like the shitty speakers on their TVs will get a basic sound bar. You don’t spend a small fortune for decent sound.

I don’t have my consoles hooked up to a TV. It’s hooked to my AVR that is hooked to my projector and $10k+ in speakers. So now you can see why I care about sound quality.

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You’re surprised about the weird shit gamers collect?

Only $10k?

My audiophile friend, when carving out a literal home theater in his basement, dropped $30k on the sound system alone.

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Takashi Tateishi (composer for Megaman 2) is apparently here at Magfest and he just came up on stage to watch Bit Brigade play/speedrun Megaman 2. Pretty fuckin awesome.