Video Game General 6.3: Sekiro has so many damn chickens man. Chickens Everywhere!

You never had friends.

Iā€™d like The xbone if they had exclusives worth a shit. But it doesnā€™t. So. Yeah.

And the backwards compatibility is whatever to me. Iā€™d only play Lost Odyssey and Jade Empire. Everything else has been rereleased on other consoles or PC.

There is cuphead I guess? But I have no interest in that game. Itā€™s super cool astheticly and the music is awesome but the gameplay is whatever. Even then itā€™s on PC so itā€™s not even truly an exclusive.

Fuck Crosscode. Puzzles that last for 4 hours long and fetch quests all day long isnā€™t whatā€™s considered fun. And I love puzzles in my RPGS.


In what way is Microsoft anti-consumer with the Xbox? Itā€™s the only one of the three companies that is focusing on backwards compatibility, allowing you to play a bunch of older games on their latest system without having to pay extra (some of them even with full 4K support). They also introduced Gamepass, which I think is ideal for people who just now pick up an Xbox and want to catch up. Also thereā€™s Cloud Saves for anyone no matter if theyā€™re paying for a subscription or not.

Yeah, they donā€™t have Spider-Man and God of War but that doesnā€™t mean they automatically suck at everything just to bolster your argument.

I think heā€™s referring to all the always online stuff they wanted to put into the XBone, before they were forced to pull them out.


Yeah, but that was 5 years ago. Not saying it wasnā€™t a really bad idea but I donā€™t see how that matters anymore.

Gamers hold loooooong grudges.


Because console wars bruh.

Iā€™m still sat here playing games from a couple of years back and barely even knowing what happens this year.

Thinking of which, Ludwig, the Accursed, might be the most disgusting creature Iā€™ve ever seen in a video game. Between the mutated horse head, the other head with a mouth full of eyeballs, and the general mangled nature of his body, heā€™s one ugly motherfucker. I summoned help. Iā€™m glad heā€™s dead.

What they do have thats good but also exclusive to them?
Forza, Halo and Gears of War.

Not much when compared to the PS4 and Switch.
The sad thing is the Switch being out there for 1/5 the time the Xbox One is and has more console exclusives in itā€™s launch year is very telling.

On top of that how many interesting Hyped up IP that is single player or the main attraction is single player Microsoft killed because it didnā€™t fit their rather stupid ā€œgaming should be a service not a productā€ philosophy.

What everyone wants to gloss over here is that its a very, very limited Backwards compatibility involving rewriting parts of the 360 (and later OG Xbox) games that the Xbone supports. And because Microsoft has to pretty much patch everything they call Backwards compatible, Microsoft is limited to those games they have the legal rights to. It isnā€™t a true backwards compatibility where you can just pop in any disc and play.

I also find it dumb that most of the people that praised the BC of the Xbone also had a Xbox 360 they sold, gave away or trashed. Before Sony with the PS2, backwards compatibility was not really a thing.
Yeah you saw it with the Genesis with the power base converter, the Atari 7800 and the Game Boy Advance.
But the Genesis required an add-on for SMS games, the Atari 7800 sucked during its own limited life cycle with sucker games), and people thought the GBA was just a fancier DMG Gameboy with SNES titles.
People are kinda spoiled when it came to BC with Sony for so long they felt it should of been standard.

And I will still hold to that as Microsoft can change it all back with a mandatory firmware update.
They want to get rid of consoles having optical drives and go with downloads only with talk their next gen console is a glorified Streaming Box. Also reiterating what I said above, Microsoft sees the Xbox more as a service than a product, and the same with their games. They are putting their chips in Online multiplayer and hardly anything if at all into the single player game.

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Why does the XBOX bother you (and 99% of SRK GD) so much?

I mean, I didnā€™t care about the OG X, I just ignored itā€™s existence while I played PS2.

You all are mad that it exists. PS3ā€™s launch was trash because they didnā€™t see the XBOX as a thing. Took competition for Sony to come around and finally get close that gen. You needed the 360.

Unfortunately, the 360ā€™s run made MS do the same thing, but much worse.

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I donā€™t see the focus on backwards compatibility to be a good thing. It feels like a consolation prize. Phil Spencer is aware of the lack of exclusives the console has and I believe they turned to backwards compatibility to fill the void. The biggest appeal of your console is to play old games something is seriously wrong.


I mostly wanted the Wii to play older gamesā€¦

In many ways the OG Xbox has the best versions of multi-platform games and some great exclusives.

how long did the ps3 need bc?

outside of heavenly sword, and tekken 5dr, what was there to play for the first couple years?

ā€¦and yet itā€™s still something the competition does not. I was able to play the Mass Effect Trilogy on my Xbox One which I greatly appreciated because I already had all three games but never got around to playing the third one before disconnecting my 360. So yeah, itā€™s not complete but itā€™s still better than not having it at all.

Biggest problem with the PS3 early on was having shitty ports. The BC from the PS3 was removed to reduce the price of console since it didnā€™t help it at all.

biggest prob with ps3 was that they put that useless unwanted blue ray player into it that made the cost of a ps3 way more than it shouldve been that turned everyone off to buying one.

BC was needed for a good while. Or did you not have a PS3 at launch? I mean, I worked at GS at that time, and disctinctly remember the PS3 wall being tiny and with repeat cases for a while.

And shitty ports were a thing for the whole gen.

But hey the point is, they learned from competition. Expect MS to do the same, and if NextBox is better than PS5, then so be it. Sony will likely counter later that gen or next, and we will get better games. If 360 wasnā€™t so good, Sony would be trash, and they wouldā€™ve been able get away with it, just like what Sony did after MS shot themselves in the foot.

Console wars are like the American muscle car horsepower wars. Weā€™re all getting better shit for it, regardless your taste.

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Yes and no. That was the foundation of this generation and MS never recovered. The XBox One was designed with Kinect in mind as well. That was even bigger albatross for the platform. They later removed it but the compromises from itā€™s inclusion were inescapable. The systems scaled back specs were a result having account for cost of the Kinect. In addition, Kinect caused a limited global launch roll out. Before they could launch in a territory, the voice recognition had to work with the native language.

So the PS4 launched at a lower price, with superior specs, in more territories, and high consumer confidence. The Xbox One never recovered from that. It is strong in the US and UK. It isnā€™t anywhere else. Phil Spencer has righted the ship but the previous regime left him in a bind. Heā€™s armed with rocks and his competitors have firearms. Phil has set them up well for next gen but the best they can do now is ride the current gen out. As someome that owns all platforms, I regret my Xbox One X purchase. Itā€™s basically a $500 Xbox 360 emulator box and 4K Blu-Ray player.


i gave up on consoles a long time ago.
i hate consoles.
i dont agree with nin, sony, and ms business practices. namely, no backward compatibility, region locking, and console exclusivity.
i hate all that.
i dont even understand why peeps even get consoles in an age where you can connect your pc to your tv. only reason why consoles ever even came into existence in the late 70s early 80s was cuz you couldnt connect your pc that played games, to your tv in those days. now you can. so why even get a console?