Video Game General 6.3: Sekiro has so many damn chickens man. Chickens Everywhere!

Some final purchases before 2018 is gone. Still got a shitton of games to pick up but hopefully 2019 will change the situation for the better. I think I’ll have to start prioritising games that I 100% will play immediately upon bringing them home rather than sitting on a shelf like FF15 and Witcher 3

It’s been quite a while since I played a Dragon Quest game man. Also I heard that apparently the Valkyria Chronicles series is really good?

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Burnout Paradise was so good back in the day. I 101%'d that game. I probably put well over a hundred hours into that game.


Paradise’s multiplayer was my SHIT in the PS3 days. Full 8-man lobbies were so fucking fun to be in, and Criterion really made sure that people had a multitude of ways of doing precisely that - having fun, AND then they kept adding stuff with the expansions/DLC like Cops and Robbers

I hope the PS4 servers are just as populated

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An update to this. Soulja Boys site for the handheld now redirects to Nintendo’s home page.

He got got by Nintendo. Lol


I’ve decided to spend a chunk of my 2019 attempting to get some platinum trophies since I had so much fun doing it for FFXIV. Next up for me is the Lightning Saga, then the Yuna Duo.

Fun and FF13 don’t go together.


I don’t know who he was talking to business wise that told him shit like that would fly outside of China or some South American countries with looser regulations.

Oh. You’re serious.

Well this is awkward

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See me in NGBC scrub. I’d say 3S but you always parry my cr.MP on wakeup.

Re: Final Fantasy XIII
Time appears to have sweetened the internet’s opinion of Final Fantasy X-2, so FFXIII and FFXV are the new “everything that’s less than ten years old is awful” whipping boys. I loved FFXIII when it came out and I love it now.

I had a lot of fun with FF13 too. Loved the battle system.

I can’t hate XIII cause it brought Snow cold cocking fucking monsters while wearing badass jackets. Bootleg Pokémon and lightning dress up can burn though.

There was nothing truly awful about FFX-2. The negative reaction the game got is due to the Charlie’s Angels angle the game went in and being a complete 180 in tone compared to the original game. It’s my favorite FF game and still is.

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FFX-2 has the best battle system and job class system out of any final fantasy. Fight me.

Snow is only awesome in design and the fact he gets the twincest shiva motorcycle. Him as an actual character is beyond bitch made. He was my favorite character initially and ended up being one of my least favorites. All the while Hope who everyone fucking hated when he first shows up ends up being an absolute bad ass by the end of the game.

Sazh is literally the only likable character tho


I hated Snow the moment he opened his mouth. That character is everything I hate about shonen protagonists. Made worse in him thinking he was the main character when he wasn’t. He was only likable to me when Lightning kept punching him in the face.

What people miss was that…that was the point. A point people seem to get just fine with Hope and Lightning, but when it comes to Snow far too many take him at his face value. The entire game, and trilogy really, was structured to show why Snow pretending to be a shonen protagonist simply doesn’t work.


I had no issues with FFX-2’s gameplay. It was great. Everything else was ass. The story was absolute shit. It’s like making a comedic sequel to an award winning drama. That’s shit you just don’t do. Now if you put the X-2 gameplay in a game with great characters and story, you’d have an instant classic.

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I was meh on Snow. Hope and Vanille got on my damned nerves. I still remember my brother asking “Has Hope’s ball dropped yet” when I told how far I gotten in FFXIII before saying fuck it. Vanille…ugh that happy go lucky chick can walk into the mouth of a behemoth for all I care. The ironic thing about FFXIII for me was the one character I thought we piss me off the most, Sazh, was the highlight of the game. I’m actually trying to trudge my way through the FFXIII on my X-Box One X, because I have nothing better to do with that system than play old 360 games in 4K.

Sazh was also the highlight of the cast for me. The story arc with him recusing his son got me.

I actually like Hope. Though it’s probably because he hated Snow as much as I did. I really wanted him to through with his plan to kill the fucker.

I couldn’t stand him. His mom died because he didn’t man up. He didn’t take the gun, she did. He needed to look in the mirror. He was such a bitch. Vanille had to encourage him to try to man up to Snow and couldn’t do it. Side note: Why the hell does Snow look 25 and Serah look 14. It bothered me when the game came out, playing through it again it really bothers me now.

I liked snow cause he lightened the mood. Just a big dumbass always smiling and punching shit. Liked sazh too.