Video Game General 6.3: Sekiro has so many damn chickens man. Chickens Everywhere!

So this isn’t really game related but I’m watching Black Mirror’s Bandersnatch on Netflix with my wife and it’s a literal interactive movie with choices to make. It’s interesting. I don’t want to give away anything for those who might be interested in it.


playing xenosaga ep 2 and i forgot that every single fight in this game takes forever even when you know the break zones and the enemies have long animations that do like 20 damage sometimes. the bosses so far have been shorter than the normal encounters because there’s only one enemy on the plus side after i finish this im either going on to ep 3 which is my favorite of the series or i will finish my replay of shadow hearts covenant.

From Software has 2 unnannounced titles in the works

Gif and screenshot of streets of rage 4

I just want Metal Wolf Chaos XD. That game is so laughably stupid and bad. I need it.

Devolver Digital is publishing Metal Wolf Chaos for a stateside release. Thought it was supposed to be this year, but haven’t seen anything since the initial announcement.

Octopath Traveler is supposed to arrive tomorrow, no word on Monster Boy yet, though.

you talk about the pc release? only info so far Q1 2019 but i guess sometime around feb because game is done and porting shouldnt take so much time.

Switch version. Ordered both, but Monster Boy is (supposed) to be coming a few days later. Amazon sent me a shipping notification for Octopath Traveler bit but not one for Monster Boy.

How long is Gris?

Probably around 5 hours.

yup. 5 hours to beat the game.
after you beat the game you can chapter select to get all the unlockables and achievements.
my only problem with the game is how short it is. that and the fact you start the game in a grey world hence why its called gris which is spanish for grey.
then, like the game Hue, you unlock colors for coloring the world around you and gain powers that help you platform.
my problem is you dont unlock all 6 colors which is wack. you only unlock 4. why orange and purple never come up is wack. i will assume since the dev team was small, they just ran outta time, money, and ideas to make 2 more chapters.
i would wait till its on sale since it is very very short and not having the last 2 colors of orange and purple feels sorta gimpy and incomplete. hopefully it’ll get added later since the game blew up.
incredible game tho.
the platforming feels good in your hands, and its very spicy meaning you’ll find yourself using all your powers in a single platforming area. and the puzzles are a good brain teaser yet very intuitive.
its a good platformer its not just artsy fartsy

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Orange and purple are just combinations of red and yellow and red and blue respectively, there was no need to unlock them the way you do with the rest.

And even though it was made by a small team I never felt like it was missing something. Feels like a very complete product and both the gameplay as well as the story reach their high point shortly before it’s over so I don’t feel like stretching it out over a couple more chapters would actually have helped.

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Eh 5 hours for $17 is fine in my book. I’ll probably get it after I finish Monster Boy.

And without even clicking @Darksakul’s link it’s obvious they are referring to Xbox One because he’s the most anti Xbox One person on the internet.

And congrats for jumping to conclusions and commenting with out reading the article.

You won today’s Idiot Reward. :coffee:

But am I right or wrong?


I clicked, you’re right.

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I also just realized he said todays idiot ‘reward’. I think he meant ‘award’. Pretty ironic lol.

Guess I win today’s “Awesome and psychic award” too.

Of course. In general SRK GD is anti XBOX. Everyone hated last gen, and touted when PS3 finally caught up at the end of the gen, basically when it didn’t matter. Optimus Prime literally ragequit SRK over the 360. It’s never that big of a deal. LOL.

I have no loyalty, in the PS2 era, PS2 had all the games I needed or wanted to play. And even as the weakest system, devs mostly made the multiplat games better on it.

Last gen 360’s start was too strong, I also worked at Gamestop giving me access to free check outs. 360 wall of games was bigger than the PS3’s for a very long time. Controller for non fighters, and online experience…sure you paid for online, but play the same game on both systems and it was apparent why. Also, devs usually made the 360 versions of games superior, due to the GPU/ease of programming.

This gen, I’m still on board with XB controller and having better Beth games. PS4 is for fighting games.

Next gen, anyone that goes full digital is not getting a console sold to me. I’ll be on PC playing true Beth games, and probably nothing else.