Video Game General 6.3: Sekiro has so many damn chickens man. Chickens Everywhere!

At least on 360, blightown was awful

No plans for Black ops 4 for Switch

It was just as awful on PS3.


Yea I skip Blightown for more reasons then Poison and Toxin, the frame rate down there is awful.

I’ve been playing video games since the NES. I’ve finished god knows how many games over the years. Path of Exile is not only one of the best action RPG’s I’ve ever played, it’s one of the best games I’ve ever played period.

-It’s one of the deepest games I’ve ever played across all genres.
-The artstyle is great.
-The story and lore to the world is pretty damn interesting.
-You could sink 1000’s of hours into the game and STILL be learning new things every time you play.
-It’s almost all I’ve been playing for the past two months to the detriment of my backlog.
-1000’s of hours of playtime and it’s still fun as hell.
-The game is a 100% free-to-play.
-It’s come a long way in the time it’s been out, with so many updates/content patches with more on the way(new league/expansion on June 1st. I’ll be there.)
-If you plan to play it there’s a guild with me and other SRKers if you want to join. :+1:
-If you enjoy games like the Souls series, Diablo, Monster Hunter, X-Men Legends/Ultimate Alliance games shit even Zelda I’m a 100% sure you’d love this game as well.
-Endless replayability with a disgusting amount of varied builds/playstyles to try out.
-A “gem” system that’s similar to FF7 materia system but a lot more fleshed out.
-A skill tree system that’s similar to FF10’s but again, a lot more fleshed out.

I can’t stop playing this damn game. It’s so damn good. If you have a half-decent PC or an Xbox One(the community is a lot smaller on Xbone) you need to give the game a shot.

^ A picture of my character in my hideout. That totem there is a “minion” that gives me more attack speed+attacks shit, the ice golem gives me added critical strike chance % and accuracy % that floating sword in the background is the sword familiar from Symphony of the Night(not really, it’s just a pet I won during the recent “flashback” race league. He looks cool though.) The “rhoa dinner” on the left is what I won during the Path of Exile Royale April Fools that was going on last month as a jab to PUBG. The blue globe on the right is your mana and the reason why it’s not full like the health globe on the left is because I’m using a couple of auras that reserve mana but give you certain affects.

There’s so much to the game that I can’t explain in a single post. I can just ask you guys to try it out because the game is something special and it just keeps getting better with each update. Once the new league/expack hits on June 1st I’ll be kissing the first 3-4 weeks of summer goodbye. The only thing to pull me away will be Fighting EX Layer. :ok_hand:



Does the PC version support joystick?

Well, quite an odd session of Horde in Gears 4 earlier today… though still fun…

We had a Scout that was on point with playing his role…but for some reason he was just sitting on the power most of the time…didn’t deposit that shit until the end…(at one point he had something crazy like 39,000+ power…just holding on to that). this may have been just because it was only Casual Lite though. I was playing it on that mode because people actually DON’T usually quit there. (I guess since it’s less serious?) One person dropped but the rest of us pretty much cruised easily to wave 25 which is the end of it. I was Engineer for this run… currently level 8. Leveling is incredibly slow at that point.

Horde Mania (Normal and Insane) is still going on; I thought it was just for last weekend but perhaps they extended it…it’s definitely fun.

Sooo…Resident Evil 7 got announced for the Switch and it’s a Cloud version of the game.

You gotta stream the game…

From what I’m reading you have to rent the game for about 20 days for 180 days. No announcements of this coming to the west but uh…eh…

Wow, $120?! I have Amazon Prime Japan, and it’s only $32.50 a year. It has 18% off games, but only new releases or newly released games. But I get a lot of other things from Amazon too…

wtf, that is weird

hahah a “stream-only” game… get ALL the way the fuck outta here with that. This is one of the worst concepts I’ve ever heard of in this industry. I hope that idea crashes and burns as hard as possible.

Gears 4— Engineer frustration now… once again it’s when people are kinda barging in on your role… here I have these skill cards that give me some nice cost reductions on buying barriers and turrets (and sometimes I swap one of my cards for a cost reduction that covers everything! -32% on barriers and turrets PLUS a -6% on top of that
[*sidenote–yes, turrets are actually good now! They adjusted something a while ago; buy 2 or more of them and the results are awesome])…and all the time I see other people buying that shit…and it’s silly to see people buying fortifications so damn early before we even have a lot saved up. Barriers aren’t really needed right away…and it’s silly to get shit as early as waves 1(!) thru 4. Shit, wave 1 only consists of the rolling-ball robots and 4 or 5 humanoid robots if I recall…we don’t need fortifications for small-time chumps like that. I’m not one of those players that bark out orders to the team or anything, but c’mon bruh.

*edit—damn it seems like the grind is even slower for some reason?! I just went a whole session of “Horde Mania” which is 25 waves (and even “just” 25 waves can seem like quite a long time)…it only took my heavy class from a fresh level 3 to a level 3 with about 20% of the progress meter left before hitting level 4. Jesus H. Christ, man.


I agree, streaming only games on a handheld is pure garbage.


Capcom couldn’t be bothered to scale down the game. I can’t see that version of the game being successful.

Just want to reiterate how fucking incredible God of War is. I probably have 25-30 hours into the game and I’m not even done with the story. This is uncharted territory for a single player game of this type. The scale of this game is simply unreal. I’d wager that I’m about 75% done with the story based off of my stats/levels and what I’ve just seen randomly in discussions online.

I can’t even think of one complaint about this game. There’s like nothing wrong with it. The only thing that I can actually think of is that the map is kind of weird and it’s hard to follow sometimes. I wish you could zoom in a bit more on it. But I mean, that is such a minor gripe with this game in the grand scheme of it.

It’s 100% one of the best games ever.


Agreed. I JUST finished the story last night, and there’s so much shit to do still. I don’t usually hunt trophies in games ever, but I’m thinking I might give this one a platinum run. It’s just that good.

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Wow…that’s some bank.


I know they want to make a splash, plus on top of the Fortnite money, Unreal engine is taking Mighty good care of them… but are they really bust a wad of cash that large this early? Can they do that shit every year because they are setting the bar a bit to high.

Sooo, lots of stuff to do = great game?

Not necessarily arguing with your opinion that God of War is good (though I think it has more faults than just the map) but that’s a weird way to judge quality.