Video Game General 6.3: Sekiro has so many damn chickens man. Chickens Everywhere!

You would think that for a company as successful and large as Bethesda that they have someone monitoring what is advertised and promoted for their big fall title to make sure it lives up to some degree it’s promises or at least be able to provide decent compromises.

So far '76 is feeling like a last minute side project elevated sometime within the last 12 months and that they are scrambling to meet expectations at every level.

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Anthem trailer inbound for TGA

Dragon Age Announcement might be coming

I hope they don’t fuck up Dragon Age…


Too late for that. Every game after Origins has been ass.


I liked Inquisition, not as much as Origins, but I had a good time with it. They need to ditch or heavily reduce the fetch quests and fix the overhead view in the game though.

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Surely you mean again.

The last one that was good was the first one.

So people are suing because they got a cheap bag instead of a different cheap bag?
If I was the judge I throw the case out of the court room.

The lawsuit isn’t related to the bags but I’m sure it will be added to it now. False advertising is false advertising regardless of how you feel about the bag. People are justified in being angry about it.

So what False advertising are you talking about? If it isn’t some stupid bag then what is it?
Where is the bait and switch?

If you say because the game is buggy, I am going to laugh as name one Bethesda game that isnt buggy at launch.

I think that it was the bag.

For $200, I’d want a $250 bag to be included with the Bethsleezda game.

Really enjoying the God of War reboot. I miss the fast paced, hack & slash of the old games, but the combat is solid and the story is really great. Hard game to put down sometimes


No, they advertised that you get a canvas bag with the purchase of the Power Armor Edition of the game. Instead, they included a cheap nylon bag. And their initial response was basically, “Sorry, it was too expensive to give you the canvas bag. We’re not doing anything about it.”

Eventually they apologized and gave anyone who ordered it $5 worth of in-game currency (which is ironically not even enough to purchase the outfit with the canvas bag in the game).

Edit: After a quick google search, I found that the lawsuit is actually based on players not getting refunded by Bethesda for returning the game. The whole canvas bag fiasco is just icing on the cake.

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Good thing youre not a fucking judge then, law has 0 to do with what you think of the people involved or the product being argued over.


They need to include myriad dungeons from an Inquisition style of exploration, and have WAY more hot loot hidden, both specifically, and randomly generated.

And they need to eat precisely as many Macro dicks as Micro transaction Loot Boxes they sold.

Make them pay for the DLC booty with BBC in their booty.

I thought it got close but I didn’t think it matched Origins. I put hundreds of hours into both. I finished Origins more though. With all the DLC, 100%ing an Inquisition run took a long ass time. Occasionally I’ll boot up the game and change my mind about starting a run due to the time it would take to finish. I just don’t want to commit the time.

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If you pay for something and don’t get it, you have a right to be pissed. They promised one thing and delivered another. I don’t care if it is “just a bag” that is BS.


BioWare fucking murdered Mass Effect with andromeda and now they’re plotting to murder Dragon Age. Granted, Origins is the only good one of the three but like…shit. Dragon Age is up next on guillotine it seems.


I also liked Inquisition shrug


All I can think about the Fallout 76 business is Po Pimpus and his laughing Joker.

Thought I was done buying games this year but I’m fighting the urge to not buy Monster Boy at release. Game looks so goo~ood!