Video Game General 6.3: Sekiro has so many damn chickens man. Chickens Everywhere!

About time Bethesda stopped getting passes for releasing glitchy shit…then taking the glory by allowing mods.


Bethesda’s shitty practices have always bothered me. It’s why I’ve never bought their games. Any other dev who would try to pull the shit bethesda does would get raked over the fucking coals but Bethesda fans and the general gaming public just shrug it off because “the game is still good”. Utter and complete bullshit.


Yeah but you say that a lot. It’s more surprising when you HAVE heard of anything.


I don’t follow gaming as close as I use to. I’m an old man and I don’t have time for it.

@Sonichuman is my gaming news source.

Why do you act surprised every single time then lol




If that Rocksteady Superman tease turns out to be true…



I don’t like how Guacamelee 2 looks at all. The first one was an awesome Metroidvania (a genre which I hate but I loooved guacamelee) now it just looks like a super meat boy/dustforce/Celeste clone that happens to have bosses

Wanting to see more but as of now it’s a hard pass.

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It’s a good game Stu, but for a sequel it’s underwhelming. It gives you more chicken moves, platforming gimmicks, more goofy character antics, 4 player couch play, the usual stuff but it’s not enough to set it apart from the first game. The last boss is also really easy, the highlight of the game is being able to play as X’tabay honestly, Es muy guapa.

Went exploring in the northern mountain area of RDR2 last night and came across this guy who was looking either a relative or fellow hunter. Apparently guy got lost in a snow storm and should have been back ages ago so I already figured this was gonna end well. Found the body frozen to a rock, Arthur had peeled the body off and you could hear the skin peeling off…was pretty fuckin gross. Went to go tell the dude and it gave me a choice to tell the truth or mislead. Went with truth. Followed the guy out to where I found the body and watched him mourn for a minute. THEN…A GOD DAMN GRIZZLIE CAME OUT OF FUCKIN NOWHERE AND DYNAMIC ENTRIED THE POOR MAN. I gave an audible ‘Holy Hell!’ at this moment as the Bear is mauling the shit out of him. It takes me a sec to come to my senses since the bear isnt directly attacking me yet but try to save what’s left of the guy by plugging 6 shots of the repeater into the bear’s backside and the bear gives NO FUCKS. Immedieately switched to the pump action shot gun and the first hit visibly stuns and pushes him and 2 more finally put him down. At this point, dude is dead and the guy’s blood has Jackson Pollocked the snow all over the area. What in the actual fuck RDR? Lol


I got the game included with my Pro.

I might actually have to boot it up, now, lol.

It’s like a Bethesda game, in the best worst ways?

Or Scottsdale, I guess?

Reddit is up in arms about Bethesda not giving them everything they were promised from
The Power Armor Edition of Fall Out 76 and upset over Bethesda’s response to the critisism

It took a fucking hand bag for the gaming community to realize what a piece of shit company Bethesda is.


RDR isn’t a Beth game. It has way too much polish and attention to detail for it to be in the same sentence.


And yet cougars are everywhere.

Be glad it was grizzly…

Cougars are damn near instant death when they perform “Dynamic Entry!”
Also, I’m currently not a fan of RDR2O.

If you’re trying to keep a character in High Honor to get shop discounts, and the other 3 members decided to be Egdelords and make a dishonor decision for a major part of the mission, you will get penalized.

And you will need shop discounts with high honor, because the online mode currency is being setup to use micro-transactions heavily!!

I wouldn’t bother with the beta. Word is that your data won’t carry over once it officially launches.

Some ol’ bullshit.

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It’s gonna be tuned for Shark Cards so I wouldn’t bother with the online period, beta or not.


This too. Micro transactions have always and will always be bullshit.

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Yeah…I’ll be sticking with the Single Player story mode for here on out.

Even though I’m in the middle of my 2nd playthrough, I can still want and can do multiple playhthroughs of it.

First person mode only!
'All Gold rank missions"
Asshole/Low Honor play-through


Also discovered that lassoing strangers and dragging them behind your horse doesn’t lower your honor so long as you don’t kill em. Been doing that to assholes who think they can just say shit to me without consequences.