Video Game General 6.3: Sekiro has so many damn chickens man. Chickens Everywhere!

Parents have been sending their kids to rehab because they won’t stop playing the game. I have no words.


LMGDAOOOOOO :rofl::rofl::rofl:

Fuckin just take the device from them if they arent doing what they are supposed to do. Why in the hell would you spend all that money?


Do parents not know that grounding your kid is still very much a thing? And that you can tell your kids “no”?


Fortnite is particularly compelling because the battle-royale version is free to play and available on a range of devices from phones to gaming consoles, notes Cam Adair, who dropped out of high school at age 15 due to his own video-game addiction


An online U.K. divorce service says 200 petitions cited Fortnite and other video games this year as the reason for the breakup of marriages.


Fortnite being a leading cause of divorce is fucking hilarious.


I remember when I got suspended for getting into a fight a school in Jr. High my parents took away EVERYTHING. They packed up all my toys, took out my tv and cable box, all my consoles. The whole shebang. Didn’t get them back for a month. Wasn’t allow to go anywhere either. Had to come straight home from school.

Kids should still be treated they way we were. I get not wanting to treat your kid shitty like your parents did you but like…discipline should still fucking exist, you know?

Take their phone and/or tablet, unplug their consoles, change the WiFi password.


If you showed me a random video of Fortnite I wouldn’t even be able to tell you what game it is. I don’t think I’ve ever even seen screen shots of it. Or maybe I have but didn’t know what it was.

Trust me, you are not missing much
its like a Retarded version of Team Fortress 2 trying to be PubG with Zombies and Fallout 4 Settlement build system tacked on for no reason.

The one good side is Fortnite is not buggy like PubG

The only things I know about fortnite is that it’s free, kids love it (I see little kids doing stupid fortnite dances at work all the time), and it’s color palettes are obnoxious as fuck. Like, I’ve seen stills of the game and it just looks like neon vomit.

I have no clue what PubG is either.

a buggy piece of shit everyone quit playing when fornite came out is all that i’ve amassed.

I tried Fortnite about six months ago because it’s free.

It’s garbage.

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PUBG manages to have the dishonor of having a more asinine name than the most obscure ultra weeabo JRPG imaginable.

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clutches psvita

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Black Panther writer onboard for CoD movie sequel

2 things…no.1 being the first CoD movie came out? No.2. Write might be making a questionable choice right now

The build system is the main mechanic of the game. The main Fortnite game is tower defense and you build stuff to keep zombie hordes at Bay. No one knows about that part of the game sadly.


Oh didn’t know that still existed. Thought it got scrapped.

When the fuck was there a first cod movie?


Epic has plans to make that part of the game F2P as well. They got to get people to play it since they ain’t paying for it.