Video Game General 6.3: Sekiro has so many damn chickens man. Chickens Everywhere!

Thaaaat’s pretty harsh.


Shenmue 3 pushed into 2019

Oh is it that time already? The Platinum Studios Wars where everyone goes back and forth on whether they’re fantastic or terrible and goes around in circles for a month?

Final Fantasy 6 is the best Final Fantasy. And Smash Bros. is a fighting game.

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And Cerial is a soup, and a burrito is a sandwich.

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Nah I was done. He stated his point, I made mine. We agreed to disagree respectfully IMO.

People spend millions of dollars on art I wouldn’t pay $18.99 at Ross for. As long as you like it you win right :smile:


The original Guilty Gear has been announced for par, switch and pc

Unknown if coming stateside

Battlefield reveal coming may 23?

Apparently Trevor Noah said it was happening on twitter… kind of confused here is he a battlefield fan or something?


she was in dazed and confused. and she was in the charlie chaplin robert downey jr movie too.

Sony is ending production of physical Vita games in America and Europe next March

I’m grab up all the physical games I can.

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they need to just officially call the system dead and stop supporting it all together. they haven’t made any vita models since the gamestop exclusive aqua blue model over 2 years ago, they stopped all first party support years ago, they stopped making peripherals for it years ago and the memory cards are still too fucking expensive to warrant buying. PSTV was dead on arrival.

theyre getting rid of free vita games for ps+ too at the end of the year.

if you aren’t buying one to hack you’re buying one to play extremely niche (and I mean extremely niche) rpg’s and visual novels on it.

Unless your zoolander than you buy all the shitty 8 and 16 bit games your grubby little mits can get a hold of



I wishcI could lol this because it’s so true.

You ever been on your cell phone and thought ‘You know that Street Fighter IV game on the phone isn’t that shabby…but I wish these characters could fight the Power Rangers!!!’ Well…have…I…got…a game…for you!

And this is literally the only reason I’m posting this lol. Apparently there’s a Power Rangers fighting game on the phone and this is a thing.

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Guess I’m downloading that Power Rangers game.

Day Juan’d Dragon’s Crown yesterday and got some other cool pickups:

The pickup that got me the most hype next to DC was Alien Trilogy. It was the first FPS game on console to use dual analog control, years before Halo. Aesthetically it looks awesome too, very DOOM/Duke/Shadow Warrior esque with its sprites. Not a scratch or blemish on the disc and when I opened up the jewel case I was greeted with an ad for WWF* feat. Razor Ramon. :joy:

The DC steelbook is slick as hell. It comes with a nice slipcover and the artwork literally POPS. FFT and Legends II I own already on PS1/PS2 respectively, but I got all of the games with stickers on them for 5 bucks off the sticker price so I couldn’t not get them. I still love collecting for ze PSP and I still play it. :ok_hand:

Kingdom Farts pickup was kind of random considering I’ve only beaten the first game in the series but according to the back of the jewel case there’s like 3-4 games on there so that seemed like some serious bang for my buck. Sherlock Holmes was a completely random purchase too, there’s like 5+ games in the series now(wtf) so I imagine it has to be decent for there to be so many games in the series. Right? :sunglasses:

I didn’t get Titan’s Quest but I should hopefully pick it up within the next few weeks.


I love that Xmen Legends 2 game - Sonicabid.
IMO its the best X-men game of all time.


I don’t know about that…

I really enjoyed ‘X-Men Origins: Wolverine’ on the PS2 and ‘X-Men: Mutant Apocalypse’ on the Super Nintendo.