Video Game General 6.3: Sekiro has so many damn chickens man. Chickens Everywhere!

except platinum is notoriously bad at handling other peoples ip’s. look at korra, transformers devastation and tmnt. all really bad games.

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Korra was made by their “B” team. I don’t see anything bad about Devastation.

psn sale

lol. wow. okay.
the only good thing about devastation was its music. the campain was laughably bad (even for transformers standards) and incredibly short. the campaign wasn’t even 5 hours. it would top out at 6 if you took your time. Platinum thought grinding it out at higher difficulty levels to unlock more stuff would be enough for people to play through it over and over again. Wrong. The game sucked.

Platinum games seem to have this idea that replayability equals good gameplay but the game actually has to be good in order for people to want to replay it. Most of the time–their games aren’t good. ALso another thing that bothers me with Platinum games is they force you to replay the game over and over to get the full story. Happened with Korra and Nier Automa (which is why i didn’t bother picking it up. No thank you)

Sure they struck gold with Bayonetta (though I personally don’t like the game. I wont say its bad though) because it has replayability because people like the story (shrug) and the combat (double shrug) but their other games don’t really have that going for them IMO.

Except Vanquish. Even though Vanquish’s story sucked the gameplay was top notch and that made me want to play it over and over again.

I never played Wonderful 101 but it had to do with senta super heroes creating constructs out of themsleves. That seems awesome in theory but i never got around to playing it to see if it was good in practice (despite me owning the game for wii u)

ANd platinums involment ruined what could have been a great star fox game in star fox zero (though a lot of the failure came from Miyamoto wanting people to use the fucking wii u pad to aim like it was a cock pit… What a stupid idea)

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The story of bayonetta is good?! That’s a first


I don’t think it is. But a lot of platinum Stans think it is.

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All of those were Activision games that were given little development time and low budget. Platinum handled other IPs like Metal Gear and Nier and those games were great.


Best thing about metal gear rising or whatever it was called was the music.

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Thank you Stuart…damn mobile.

Wrong thread homie lol

Nier Automata has multiple endings because thats what Yoko Taro likes to do, all his games have multiple endings and then generally require you play multiple times to get them all then deletes your save laughs. Nier did this years before Automata.

Korra, TF, and TMNT are all activision produced games with small budgets and little developemt time. I blame Activision more then Platinum i bet those games wluld have turned out “bad” no matter who worked on them. Personally dont think Transformers is bad just short and not worth what Activision was asking for it. When i found it for 15 I scooped it up and its been a good fun for that price. Length isnt much of an indicator of quality for mw so i dont really get that point.

Its fine to dislike a studio, but most of your problems here are producer related not developer related. Same problem here as with Star Fox.


Korra was fine. Don’t know what people expect from a 13 bucks game. It was arguably a lot better after leveling up every element to the maximum and slaughtering enemies on the hardest difficulty but that’s usually the case for those games so I don’t know.

Pro Bending minigame was a pain in the ass though and the Naga sections were a bit wonky.

Transformers had better combat but really uninspiring level design and I didn’t like the RPG mechanics. Other than that it was good as well.

Never played the Turtles game.

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The story in Bayonetta is embarrassingly retarded, some of the dumbest crap I’ve ever seen.


Metro Exodus delayed into 2019, darksiders 3 and biomutant are under evaluation for new dates

how do I unlock spear fishing in yakuza 6?

I’d have to disagree about Devastation. It’s not the greatest game, but definitely was worth playing. The campaign was not that long, but the additional abilities in a new playthrough made it worthwhile. The rest of those games are complete trash. They also did a pretty good job with Metal Gear Rising.


devastation was not a $50 title either. it should have been a $20 psn game.

It was $40 on released. I think it’s $20 now.

The main drawback for me was the scoring system. I am surprised they didn’t just use Bayonetta’s template to get there. The other was the incredibly boring backgrounds. They were G1 to a fault. Beyond that, I felt everything else was pretty solid for a hack and slash game.


F.E.A.R might be getting a movie

still not worth 40.
i got devastation for free through psn and still felt like it was a waste of a free game slot.