Video Game General 6.3: Sekiro has so many damn chickens man. Chickens Everywhere!


Videogamedunkey - Pokemon Let’s Go

Good to know I’m just scrubby (and impatient) then, lol.

My Health is 35, Stamina at 20, and Strength is now at 40. I haven’t attempted any of the bosses with those stats yet, which would be Mergo (main game) and Ludwig (DLC), but attempted them with stats higher than the ones you mentioned and still got bodied, especially Ludwig. I got the dodges I’m supposed to use against Mergo down for the most part, but Ludwig is just fast and in my grill.

Concerning Ludwig, It was only a couple attempts by myself and in those cases. If I’m not dodging incorrectly or getting caught on geometry, the hits I barely get in have me trading…which isn’t in my favor. I’ll have a summon and I end up chasing Ludwig around the arena while him and the a.i. slug it out. By the time I reach him I have just enough stamina to either dodge is AOE attacks or, like I mentioned, trade hits…

Mergo really isn’t that tough, one of the easier bosses in the game once you figure out her bullshit. Ton of fun to fight tho, one of my favorite in the game.

Ludwig on the other hand is a fucking asshole. He hit sooo fucking haaard, his hot boxes are fucking jank, and that move where he drops from the ceiling can eat all the dicks lol. He’s weird to in that his first phase is way harder then his second phase. Once he pulls out the Sword of Moonlight he gets a lot easier imo.

I would recommend not chasing Ludwig down all that much and instead conserving your stamina for when his wild bucking leads him to your vicinity.

Really not liking the fact that M$ is going to trojan horse this disc less console on here. I can only hope that this doesn’t work out for them.

Piccolo and Cell will be in Jump Force

Broly full power super saiyan will get added to xenoverse 2 along with a ToP stage

Doesn’t say if this is old broly or new broly…thought old broly was already in.

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Mergo is awesome just for design and intro. There was a point in my last attempt where I dodged behind it and ended up just following it while it moved forward (away from me), with R1 attacks with my folded Saw Cleaver while it was moving forward across the arena in a straight line. My Saw Cleaver had the lighting paper activated on it no less. I was sure it was going to stop and I was going to get some hits in but nope. It was a definite "…fucking wow…’ moment, lol.

I saw a video of the Ludwig fight and the fucking drop from the ceiling is some bullshit. I had to rewind a few times on it, because it looked like dude/dudette was in the clear from it and they STILL took damage. Looks like I need to stay to it’s side most of the time.

Ludwig intro was awesome as well though.

EDIT: With the Ludwig video I watched the player wasn’t in the clear from the ceiling drop, it just followed them half across the arena before dropping >_<

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Anyone here play ffxiv? Would be cool to do a cross world linkshell for srk

I do but I doubt I’d be on the same data center

Guessing you’re not NA then lol? Im on goblin server

Nailed Ludwig down awhile ago. Now in the research facility. Stupid fucking ambush on the steps. New I should’ve backed up instead of fighting a horde on a circular staircase without rails shrug

Boss fight for this area was a trip. Almost did it on the first try too shakes fist The cross between Star Wars and Metal Slug 3 was something though, haha!

Re: Disc less Xbone. At first I was for it, since Bangai-O, Guardian Heroes, Radiant Silvergun, VF5:FS and the Alex Kidd collection are digital only, but then I remembered the BC with OG Xbox games isn’t a thing here, so that’s not ALL the bc goodness that is on the MS systems, so that’s a pass. Unless OG Xbox games are digitial too?


Nintendo has been at E3 they usually have the biggest or among the biggest show floor space. They just don’t hold the mega conference and put out a pre recorded Direct video.

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My buddy tried Astro Bot last night on my PSVR and after the first level he put it down and was like “that’s enough - I’m getting it - how much is this?”. Good timing considering the Astro Bot and Moss bundle is $199 over the holidays.

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ha, I know it will get our resident PoE super-fan started again, but this latest Path of Exile thing sounds quite interesting…

ha, and man I didn’t think the controversial Diablo commentary would continue following them like this… every video since on Pat the NES Punk’s channel has a ton of dislikes… (latest vid was posted about 10 minutes ago; already off to the same start with 16 dislikes to 10 likes…I’m sure it will get worse later). I generally like them but this is funny !
…yeahh they definitely stepped in it on this one. There’s no winning at this point either because if they try to apologize and walk it back now then it still looks bad.

Cliff Notes— basically they called out the Diablo fans to “grow up” and that they are entitled to nothing (referring to the backlash over the Diablo Immortal announcement). It’s amazing they thought this opinion would go over well at all. Yeah, real smart plan guys, to call a large portion of a fanbase that is upset about something “entitled” and “babies”…that always ends well.


They having none of that this time around… Pokemon fans are fighting back


GameStop just email me about the PlayStation Classic coming out soon, when they will charge me and when it will ship. I’m surprised GameStop is being so engaging. They’ve never email me about when I should be charged for an order or when it should arrive. I guess this release is a big deal for them?

I also forgot I even preordered tbh. So many other games have been coming out (or soon to be coming out) and I’ve beem so busy I simply forgot. While I’m not really impressed with the 20 games they picked I’m simply too lazy to cancel my preorder. It’ll go in my closet along side my nes and snes classics

Swung by gamestop and traded in some points, scooped up FFTA2 for $4.50. At that price i dont think i can be too disappointed if i end up not liking it. I didn’tlike FFTA at all, but it was all due to the law system. I hear the Law System isnt as obnoxious in A2 so im gonna give it a shot.

Forgot to mention but Cliffy B says he’s never making another game

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Kinda sucks but understandable. Boss Key had a rough go. He doesn’t play games anymore, either.

Well, I can see it now that next gen will be full digital with MS. They’re trying to weasel one of the ideas that was rejected by the public back in. Ease it into our asses for the full rape next gen.

Preferring XBL online, and the controller will not see me buy a discless system. Now tempted not to upgrade to the X1X as well. If they go full discless next gen, I will go PC and PS5 for fighters…unless of course Sony follows suit.

I don’t buy digital unless you literally have no choice, or somehow (which is not often) digital store has a huge discount, typically BF. I want my case, disc, and more importantly the ability to get money back if the purchase was a mistake.

In 3 weeks, Soul Calbur 6, then RDR2, then Fallout 76 released. I bought each game. Physical. I would literally not spend that on digital. MAYBE, I would have only gotten RDR2. These companies need to think about this. People aren’t going to be willing to try something on a whim if they are stuck with it. I’m thinking about selling SC, because I have 30 minutes in that game. No time to learn, ect. I can get 40-45 if I sell soon. Digital…zero.

PC is the only way I will concede to all digital, and I promise, if I don’t want to play it online, it’s getting pirated.

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I seriously doubt Xbox will go full on digital next gen; it’s too risky for them as they’re still trying to bring people back. I think they’ll create the option, but not force it.

I think they will go full digital. Like it or not physical copies are becoming increasingly niche and sales of retail copies are dropping while digital sales are going up. Stores like Gamestop and Best Buy are stocking up more on game related merch than actual games knowing that’s where things are shifting. As long as M$ doesn’t pull another always online shit on us than going all digital will work in their favor.