Video Game General 6.3: Sekiro has so many damn chickens man. Chickens Everywhere!


COUGAR’D 2018 edition!!


The awards show aren’t really supposed to be so much for the participants of the medium. They are more so supposed to help recognize the hard work done by people in the industry. Difference with games though is that participants of the medium can actually be very involved with the games which makes it the only medium where a participant can actually be recognized for something pertaining to medium since its so interactive. Personally I want an award show for this medium since it helps put it on the same pedestal as other forms of entertainment. I like seeing devs being able to be recognized for for their hard work on a big stage. This could also help draw more attention to a game that may not have gotten as much recognition which I’m sure may happen with Celeste if it wins the category it’s in.

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So… getting a PS4 Pro, I think.

…any SSD stand out as optimal?

Holy fuck at that vid. I would have jumped out of my skin if that had happened to me. I haven’t run into any of those fuckers yet but I did think I heard one once…I wasn’t about to go confirm it though. I’m too busy being creeped out by the serial killer clues that I’m randomly finding.

Edit: WTF at that twit vid. Great…gotta worry about getting dynamic entried by cougars at any point

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I was about to come here and ask how I use runes in Bloodborne. Forgot about a section that I meant to check out earlier and got the tool. The amount of damage I was dishing out told me, I was WAY late to the party, haha :slight_smile:

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That area is totally optional but you would normally encounter it before NoM, yes.

If you’re lucky…and I do mean…“IF!”

You got a split second to melee them off, but you will be fucked up.

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I got wrecked by one of those as I was doing a cross country run with Trevor in GTA V. These things are vicious.


Also Monster Hunter: World which has taken up more of my time than any game has right to.


I need some bbtag in my life, so if anyone sees any black Friday sales for arcsys stuff, post up in here lol


But basically, if it’s not a racing game with licensed cars, WRPG, Western open world or fighting game, I probably won’t buy it anyway.

On that note, I forgot to pick up Fallout 76. Guess I’m grabbing that here in a few when GS opens.


Metroid Prime 4 well in development

Kinda goes with out saying but I appreciate thw update…sounds like we might not get news until maybe next year.

Reggie shoots N64 classic rumors in the kneecaps

Overwatch Cinematic team would love to make a film


Degrees of separation looking sweet. I could always use more platform puzzlers.

Told everyone not to hold their breath on this.
N64 Emulation is nothing close to the development and maturity of NES, SNES and PS1 emulation.

How bout no. Didn’t work for Square, its not going to work for you Activision.

I think it would work for Blizz, Overwatchs character shorts are arguably one of the best things about it, and people are more about the characters then the game itself anyway.

I would go to an OW movie.


Why is Sony not hosting a conference or appearing at E3 next year?

That stupid plant-type bitch that inflicts frenzy urgh. I came across one on the Nightmare Frontier when I fell for a trap, and then I while ascending the castle I see a shortcut that leads me to a secret path and I see here there. She’s vulnerable to electricity, but then you get hit with needles, Frenzy goes up, attempt to use sedative but her stupid fucking reach…ugh.

Mid-boss on the castle is fucking GDLK though. Has some crazy shit, but I’m going to spend some insight for some Electric paper. Since it doesn’t like electricity Second time it throws up mist and suddenly has a helper, lulz. “Get hit by 16 blades at the same time your size!! jajaja”

First boss (?) of the DLC is on some fucking shit, too. Dude is sooooo fast. I’m using a.i. summons and got to the second phase. That’s when I decided to go back to the castle of the main game and beat the first boss. Think I’m going to risk it and just finish the game. The art design in the DLC on the way to the boss is G O D L I K E x 1000, though.

Man…seriously…dont finish the game. Do the DLC.

And yea the Winter Lanterns (the bitches with the brain heads that frenzy the fuck out of you) fucking suck. I dont even fight them, i run past them. It’s not worth it. Just chug Sedetives and fucking run.

The Winter Lanterns are wearing the same outfit as the Doll…


Edit: Unrelated but Mark Brown has a new episode of Boss Keys. Its on SOTN.


I’m thinking I want to live the pain most of ya’ll did.

“Oh sweet BB DLC, I coudln’t get enough of the first game even though i’m NG++++++++. Imma check it out”

checks it out


I’m guessing that’s how it went, haha?

That comparioson pic of the Winter Lanterns is kinda heart breaking and actually makes me want to fight them more. Think I’ll run for now though. The trap in Nightmare Frontier seriously pissed the fuck though, haha.

Don’t know what to think of Sony having no E3. What the hell is that about? At least Nintendo has a show floor presence, just with no presentation.