Video Game General 6.3: Sekiro has so many damn chickens man. Chickens Everywhere!

I Think once I level up the Boom Hammer I’ll like it more. It’s awesome at first but I wanted more awesome after the initial attacks. The L1 uppercut is nice.

I want to fight the more human enemies along with Wolfman. This fights kick my ass. I figured they might have nice items, but I only do piddly-shit for damage. I’m guessing they are skill checks as well?

Gonna run some more in the red stream and try to avoid the giant nutsack monsters.

What is your build? Is it quality? A closeot evenmix of Str and Dex? Or did you go down a more deffinitive path?

If you’re Dex is decently high then I recommend giving Simons Bow Blade a shot (har) when you eventually get it. That weapons a lot of fun.

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In other news: water is wet


Sorry for the late reply. I was at work at the time.

Nothing special I think,

Vitality 30
Endurance 19 (about to be 20)
Strength 30
Skill 13
Bloodtinge 10
Arcane 15

Initially I wanted to focus most on Endurance and Strength, but I would get peaced out hard, especially before I know about Gunshot -> R1. Gasaraki recommended I boost up my health more several months back when I was lost in the Forbidden Woods. Next playthrough I’ll focus on most everything but Health.

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Walmart has the NES and SNES classic for $10 off


Yeah BB is pretty brutal to spreading out your attack based stats so I would pick one or 2 at most and never put a single point into the other 2. Then just add Vit and End in between.

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Yea i agree, in Bloodborne you should decide on the type of damage you want to do and then stick with it and never deviate.


I know I want this.

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If they had announced this, then slipped that mobile game in at the end, or in the middle of the announcment or something, no one would have been pissed.

Wonder if this is a direct reaction to that mobile C&C game.


because we need them till the academy awards finally catches up with the rest of society and recognizes the medium of “video games” or if you wanna call em “interactive entertainment” for what they are.
an art form.
roger ebert said that video games werent an art form.
i disagree.
he didnt see the potential of the medium because he said that in the 90s.
when tech was still primitive.
sorta like how tolstoy when he was shown film for the 1st time, called it shit.
because film was still very primitive in those days. the tech hadnt been developed yet.
that was like in 1905 or 1910.
neither tolstoy or ebert saw, the future for either medium.

at least the british have caught up with society because they have a video game category for their BAFTA awards.

bafta is british academy of film and television awards.
until we get a category for video games at the oscars and emmys…yeah, these video game awards shows will haveta do. till people’s prejudice against the interactive entertainment of video games as “silly little things lol” gets erased…and the genre gets the proper respect it deserves.

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Why do we need them though?

i just explained.
recognition for the genre as an art form.

also, looking at 2018’s nominations reminds me how damn good 2017 was for gaming.
nier automata
horizon 0 dawn.
damn, such a incredible year.
2018, meh, not so much.
only thing of real value for 18 is god of war, rdr2 and dead cells. this year is weak.

I don’t disagree that games can be art I just don’t think we need an awards ceremony for them. It just doesn’t feel worth it or productive In any manner

The only good thing about the award show is new game announcements and trailers. I’ll wait until all of them hit youtube to see them.

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Pretty much this.

Loving the Beast Cutter. Went through Yarnham on a tear!

Decided to go to the Lecture Building since I didn’t do any exploring for the most part and just opened a door at the end that took me to the Nightmare of Mensis. Opened up all the doors this time and did the exploring. Crazy shit, haha! Ended finding Nightmare Frontier. This place is Forbidden Woods v2 :tdown: At least it’s light out. I’m guessing I was supposed to go here before Nightmare of Mensis?

The level is super detailed but I ended up opening a shortcut and did some more roaming around, eventually killed the two hunters with the Beast Cutter and Saw Cleaver. The one Hunter with the Threaded Cane was pulverized with the superior whip weapon :slight_smile:

Saw some bright icons that lead to a trail. I thought I could pick them up initially but couldn’t. Shit ended up being dildos and no I didn’t make it out, lol. Didn’t do any exploring of the DLC.

For any one who has been waiting on buying a switch or certain games for your Switch here is a list of all the Black Friday sales for system bundles, games and accessories

Words to make this post different than the switch thread post.


Not sure why Yakuza Kiwami 2 didn’t get a nod. Man in Black was some fucking bullshit, but the rest of the game was ace.

I wish GCU stacked with the BF deals. Would’ve double dipped on Donkey Kong and grabbed Monster Hunter Generations. Actually it’s probably good I didn’t. A little more money saved.