Video Game General 6.3: Sekiro has so many damn chickens man. Chickens Everywhere!

I was paying more than the 9% online sales tax my first few years on PSN. Protip that I’ve mentioned before: change your area/state to a place that doesn’t have online sales tax. Boom, money saved. Edit: This works for any digital service like Steam as well.

Tax on physical goods makes sense. Tax on a digital game/movie/whatever doesn’t.

Change your location man. 2 minutes of work will save you a ton of money over time.


I didn’t know I needed snoop dog hyping up Spyro reignited trilogy. But here I am, a better man because of it.

So… we claim we live in Cali then, or what?

The billing address is still going to be AZ.

Seems like it might be a hard sell, if caught.

I think I might go see it, I think it’s kind of looking to have that so bad its good/surprise sleeper kind of vibe.

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Were any actual games were announced, or was it all Bull shit we can do with our Xbox that no sane person gives a shit about?

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You already know the answer to this


sheeeeit, this Diablo addiction is back in effect and strong now that it’s portable… I never even bother with Seasons but I decided to make a seasonal character earlier today…another wizard I named “Rienzi”… already level 37 on that sumbitch. It’s pretty lucky when you get a good helm that has a socket in it early so you can put a ruby in there for the bonus exp. I’ll go ahead and go online with this pretty soon just to play with some people once again… I realize you can get quite a bit further in this game in a group.


I hope to fuck that the Borderlands 1 & 2 remakes come to Switch.

Because Diablo 3 and Octopath have me convinced to dip, once its price dips.

That way the lady can watch [insert random Jane Austin flick here] in bed, whilst I play, after PQ2 and EOX send off my 3DS with 2/3 of what would have been the perfect swan song hat trick*.

*goddammit, Squeenix.

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So the usual, not a god damn thing.
No games, no new IP, some BS no one who just want to play video games ever give a shit about, all with a Celebrity who never played a video game in her life.

@Million-X You sound as addicted to DIII as I am to Path of Exile. :sunglasses:

There’s a new expack announcement in a few days. Hype as hell!


Hit a level hunnid a few days ago. It was a brutal journey. If you die in this game you lose 10% of your experience which is rough at higher levels. My 2nd highest was a 99 and my 3rd highest was a 98.

  • I “mirrored” the best one-handed sword in the game on “standard” league a while back. Mirroring an item straight up duplicates the item, but the Mirror itself is the rarest item currency item in the game and is so goddamn expensive. Had to spend currency out the ass to get this done but it was worth it.

-I got an item upgrade for pretty much every item slot this current “league” for my standard character. I hit all of my goals for the league and then some. I also just picked up a SICK Claw for my Claw character on standard too. I’ve been looking for a sick one for two weeks. The search finally paid off and it’ll make the transition between leagues/the new expack that much more fun. :+1:

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I think their biggest announcement was that the One is going to he keyboard and mouse compatible with select games starting next week?

Who cares

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yeah, it’s deeper than with probably any other game I’ve ever played… perhaps even deeper than my addiction to Soul Sacrifice Delta… [and hell yeah I’d bust a NUT if THAT shit got announced for Switch, but I know there is no chance, sadly; I would prefer a new Soul Sacrifice though… I did nearly everything there is to do in Delta]

oh yeah I’ve done that too, the “portable gaming stuff”… playing D3 while laying in bed with the tv on… played the game while sitting on the toilet… or sitting in a parking lot at work… the possibilities are all awesome. At home I also can get some time with the game right there in the kitchen while I’m cooking something too…it’s such a cool luxury…like as I’m waiting on whatever to finish cooking on the stove I’m there in a Greater Rift, killing more demons and getting the loot for the billionth time.

One of the things in D3’s favor, I think…at least current-day D3… is how fast you get powerful. Like any rpg your character is a chump in the beginning, but it doesn’t take long at all to start looking like a badass that can kill anything…and once you hit 70 and get a good set + your legendary gems you are basically a GOD at that point.

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Glad this is coming to ps4. If I’m gaming on pc it’s league of legends or the odd dip into Overwatch. Didn’t want anything else soaking up pc time. Can’t wait.

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The BOne:

Now 38.76% more clearly an inferior PC.

With less games.


When I can pull myself away from the PoE crack I’ve been messing with Fighting EX Layer and Bulletstorm. Bulletstorm is still a gorgeous game and it’s still fun as hell. If you like FPS games and have PS+ you should download it. Shit, even if you don’t like FPS games that much I still think you’d enjoy it based on the “skillshot” system which makes it feel really arcadey. Depending on how flashy/crazy your kills are, you’re rewarded points that you can use on upgrades/ammo. You’re rewarded for killing shit in creative ways.

@DangerousJ I remember you really enjoying DOOM a while back. I think you’d really dig this game too. :+1:

Based on the games I see you talk about I’m a 100000% sure you’re going to like the game. It’s the deepest game I’ve ever played when it comes to its mechanics and it’s rewarding as hell the more you understand them.

Imma try out the PS4 version eventually but I’ll be sticking to the PC version 99% of the time since that’s where I’ve invested a ton of my time. It’s where all my good items are/all my virtual scrilla is. If you do decide to try it on PC instead of PS4 though, I can toss you items+a guild invite if you want. Depending on how the nerf/buff bat gets swung around with the expansion I can give you my sword or claw build to copy, but you should for sure do your own thing the first time through to get a grip with the mechanics/see how far you can take your character. :ok_hand:

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I may try on pc before it comes console side if I can hit challenger in league. I’m in grind mode lol.

I legit didn’t know people still played League of Legends. I know it was super popular like 4-5 years ago but I thought it fizzled out.

Huh. Today I learned something

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Bulletstorm is pretty awesome. DL’ed it from PS+ , would’ve overlooked it otherwise. DOOM and Maken X being the only first person games I like.

Started the last boss in Bloodborne because I wasn’t sure I wanted to start the DLC yet. Cool story so I see what one bag of tricks he has, lol. Died of courses then checked out the DLC. It’s already badass, more than I expected. I’m assuming I get that breakable sword the first two hunters have? If so…oh mama. Really liking that I’m a third party in this and can watch the beasts and hunters fight, with the hunters winning of course.

Still might try to beat the game first, before the DLC just to say I did it. This game will be up there with Mario, Sonic, Revenge of Shinobi, and Bayonetta in which they are games I will be playing again and again F O R E V E R.

EDIT: Just saw this beauty. Horizontal shooter from Brazil that’s supposed to be an alien invasion B-flick. Right now it’s only for Switch. Supposed to be out first quarter of 2019 apparently.

Damn. If those are the only FPS games you like, you definitely need to try out more FPS games. Maken X looks pretty cool though, I’ve never heard of it before.

As always I recommend Wolfenstein: The New Order and Wolfenstein: The Old Blood. Fantastic games that are dirt cheap. I enjoyed them so much that I bought them multiple times across multiple platforms.

Dual-wield automatic shotguns. :scream:

^ Wolf II