Video Game General 6.3: Sekiro has so many damn chickens man. Chickens Everywhere!

It had the worst battle system I’ve ever seen in a JRPG. I don’t know who thought hat letting the AI decide whether the healing option was available or not is a good idea but looking at which games came out since then I’m sure he’s not a JRPG battle director anymore. I didn’t even mind the performance, I was just incredibly annoyed that it kept punishing me for its own dysfunctional systems.

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Fumito Ueda has a new project underway

Omega Labyrinth Life announced for Switch in Japan

Grow breasts on the go. There’s no way this game is coming over here lol.

Undead labs will be focusing on Zombies

Eh… I prefer the Vanilla to Mend 'n Fend.

She’s tanky enough when kitted, and her strength is balls.

Exp. grinding is another matter.

But Big Sis is the tits for crits.

MC really ought to have had Spears as a 5th tree.

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It’s just a matter of learning the system, there where definitely ways to influence the party to have healing options more often. It works fine for doing what it meant to. Which isn’t to say that I don’t think having an option to micro manage as needed would be bad or anything, and I think they did add something like that to PC, but I haven’t played the PC release

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Well then it wasn’t even remotely clear enough on how to do that. I remember dying about ten times with different tactics and group compositions to a boss named ‘Gates of Hell’ (will never forget) because whenever I needed healing the command was either unavailable or resulted in a faraway group to move in closer to heal and get destroyed the round after.

I’ve read feedback from people who somehow got it to work but the way I experienced it was complete shit and it has the questionable honour of being the only game I’ve sold in my entire life.

It also had some very high pitched noises in its first battle theme that were unbearable for me. Unlike the rest this wasn’t deal-breaking but I had to fight on mute until the music changed a few hours later. I guess I should have taken this as a sign and dropped it right there.

Street Fighter hasnt been good since 2003. last great SF game was CvS2.
SF3 sucked ass hard.
SF4 sucked ass too just not as bad but at least it had a great character roster that pleased most people.
and well balanced considering the roster size.
SFV was better gameplay-wise but the cast of characters sucks hard. And major changes to the move set of alot of the characters like Vega, Juri, Dhalsim didnt help either. shit even a major vega upoader of SF4 matches quit Vega because of it.
the only two fighters that come to mind that i can say were actually good during the Ono era, had nothing to do with Ono, therefore not somehow ruined by Ono was Tatsunoko vs Capcom and Fate Unlimited Codes.
and both games failed to sell well due to one being a console exclusive on a console not known for fighters(wii) and the other was also console exclusive and japan only.
both terrible business decisions by capcom.
great, so no one played the only two good fighters released by capcom during the long Ono years.
so yea.
Street Fighter. because the fighting games genre just isnt his strength Darc. he just was never talented in that genre. there is pre Ono capcom years, and post Ono capcom years…
and post Ono years were freakin terrible dude. guess why.

Ono isn’t SF’s combat designer. Your anger is misplaced.

SF4’s so link heavy it isnt fun, and SFV desperatly wants to be 3rd Strike but isnt anywhere as good, i’d rather play it over either 4 or 5.

And CVS2 is an awful “Street Fighter,” It’s a great crossover game but a shit street fighter game.

With all that said none of the so called Ono era games reach the maximum turd levels of SFA1 and SFA3 so he’s still ahead of the game if we intend to dump all this shit on his shoulders.

If i blame anyone its fans for pushing for pro players to become designers for these games as if they wont design to their skill strengths and preferences, thats totally not why SFV plays like ghetto Rush Down game with shit defensive options, totally not Combofiend and Woshige’s playstyle.

Fans ruin the shit they love regularly.


The character design is goddamn disgusting in SFV… every time I see that “Cowardly Lion” edition Akuma it just irks me, man.



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The designer for SFV is Woshige (the Guilty Gear player), and the main issue is that he’s trying to give it animé style distinction between neutral and pressure phases, but not in a way that works for Street Fighter.

Classic Street Fighter is about finding the correct ranges and keeping at those ranges depending on the match up. A favorite example of mine would be how Rose in A2 always wants to be at just beyond crouching strong range in the Chun match up. Basically, winning in the neutral tends to be the main point, since winning in the neutral tends to directly lead to damage.

Street Fighter V (and in a way SFIII and even A3 before it), as mentioned above does things differently. Like with animé games, winning in the neutral rewards you more with access to the pressure phase. You can see this most clearly with Nash (who, it should come to no surprise, was top tier in season 1). Nash’s basic gameplan involves using tools such as his sonic booms and scythe kicks to dominate neutral. Once he does, he can then use his fast dash to get in immediately and start pressure.

The problem with the above lies in how they’ve implemented it. For the most part, they’ve implemented this by nerfing a lot of mid-range options (hence the stubby hit boxes), and limiting movement so characters don’t easily move to their desired ranges, and dash becomes a much more preferred form of movement (one that has less precision in terms of spacing, but allows you to get in faster). With this, it’s harder to play classic Street Fighter as you’re forced by the limits placed on characters, to play the way the game wants you to.

Of course, we should also consider the fact that a lot of characters interesting or powerful options are locked behind V-Trigger. However, even if that weren’t the case, the core design of the game still remains and we’d still end up with a game that doesn’t really play like classic Street Fighter.


Looks like Nintendo isnt editing the direct…they are going to air it as is tomorrow

Also Tatsunoko vs Capcom actually sold well. It didnt break records or do anything super fantastic but it beat expectations. That’s the whole reason we got mvc 3 in the first place

Alan Wake is becoming a TV Show

I wonder if they’d be willing to do a big overhaul for 5… or just wait for 6 altogether. For example, the jump from A2 to A3 was huge. SF5 still going strong cuz of all the money being thrown though… but it could be more?

I really like 5’s music and aesthetics tbh(aside from some character faces) so if 6 goes in a different art direction I might be a little sad.

I’d go back to SF5 if they didn’t regress in their matchmaking. Gimmie SF4’s online matchmaking with SF5’s netcode that gives accurate 5 bar connections and I’d probably actually play it again.

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he doesnt need to be the head dev. he’s the guy that makes all the final decisions. most of them being all wrong. he’s the captain of the ship so to speak. how is he not responsible for what gets made?

and lets not forget the disappointments that was mvc3. SFxT, MvCi either.

stop it.
just stop.
its been terrible since Ono.

What is up with DS Remastered? Did it get a recent patch that messed things up(even more) or something because everyone is saying game is dead now.

Its actually not, its the directors call for the most part, he makes far more final calls then a producer does. Ono just produced and was a hype man. Again your anger is misplaced.

And SF4 and 5 aren’t even in the running for worst SF games. Like fuckin seriously dude they dont come even close.

Also I like Marvel 3, stop acting like because you dislike something means everyone did. I’d rather play Marvel 3 then any Vs Super Hero game before Marvel 2.

But whatever I guess, SRK thrives on misplaced hate boners so this really shouldn’t surprise me. Keep on keepin on I guess.


Forum wont let you quote two people in one post? Annoying.

Anyway I’m not sure man, I saw some of those videos but I passed on checking them out because I assumed it was the Souls community continuing to eat itself. They’ve been killing themselves over the HD Remaster since it was announced. What did this patch change?

Ono hasn’t been the captain of the ship in 6 years. Capcom sends him out for major announcements because the FGC finds his Engrish and goofball humor entertaining. Of the games you listed, only SFxT can be laid at his feet. MVC3 was Niitsuma’s project and Infinite was Hirose with heavy involvement from Capcom USA.


DQ XI with Draconian Super Strong enemies is fucking lit. Got damn this game is good.