Video Game General 6.3: Sekiro has so many damn chickens man. Chickens Everywhere!

Spiderman the game does not interest me in the slightest.

But Spiderman the meme is vastly entertaining.

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Fuck this hater shit!

Real Marvel players with a history with the series actually love MvC:I. Despite all the changes, the game is mechanically much more similar to the previous Versus games bar TvC2MvC3.

Gameplay-wise, it went back to how we played MvC2 - lots of freedom to explore, but barely any touch of deaths, instead focusing on resets.

But no, it gets the same treatment as KoFXIV, where scrubs who got on the previous game hate on it for bad graphics, while everyone who’s an actual player or veteran will tell you how good it is compared to the XIII (which, is a rant I’ll save for another day).

Yes it did.

More importantly, it was supposed to be on the main stage of both Evo’s (Japan and main), however the game never got in because a certain corporation wouldn’t give the license.

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MvC:I is wet, lukewarm skankin’ garbage.

Not to insult SRK Skankin’ Garbage (great Chun).

History with Marvel?

Man, fuck 'dat noise.


THAT is Marvel.

I am totally, 100000% in agreement with you as regards KoF 14.

But your equivocting it with MvC:I completely obliterates any redemptive value that [correct] observation might offer your post, situating it firmly within “every half a day, once right” land.

  1. This is old news. This happened like 6 months ago.
  2. Without Ono the last SF game would have released 1999.
  3. Ono never had the roll with SFV that he did with SFIV. He stepped down from the lead role with SF back in 2012 because of health issues. Capcom was overworking him.

I have my issues with some of things Ono did, but I appreciate the fact that he stuck his neck out to get Street Fighter brought back. We know what happens to Japanese developers that suffer any sort of failure. They get “window seated”. I.e. Yu Suzuki with Sega after Shenmue. If you have issues with SFV, you may want to direct you ire towards Nakayama, Ayano, or Woshige. People that were actually heavily involved in the games development and overall direction.


MvCI was garbage, stop.


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Kofxiv and Mvci are good fighting games

So is sfxt


And Combofiend, and his ilk.

Ono almost got us a Dark Stalkers revival.

That makes it incredibly hard to hate on the man.


“One of these things is not like the oooothers


KoF 14.


It actually IS a good fighting game.

But holy fuck-sickles, is it ever Basic-Ugly.

Toshinden holds up better aesthetically, given its age.


Toshinden is a MiLF starfish, as KoF 14 is Benjamin Franklin’s best gentleman’s quote ever.

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so I finally downloaded Destiny 2 since it’s for free now and I gotta say the game is actually pretty solid & fun.

It’s much better than it was.

I still like borderlands more than Destiny. I can’t put my finger on it but Destiny just isn’t as fun.


Specs for 3 are all that hold me back from making a new rig.

I know it will be “PS4 able”, but I have a feeling that the PC version is going to have some much more going for it.

BL2 was crap on console until PS4 + an SSD.

Field of view is still far worse though.

Unless BL3 will be littered with Ray Tracing, my new built should be more than enough to handle it. I’m more worried about BL3 catching a nasty case of microtransactions. The series is published by 2K and those assholes are putting them in all their games.

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I have a errands to run all day tomorrow and it’s going to come down to a coin flip which game I start tomorrow: DQXI or Spider-Man.

I’m getting anxious just thinking about it.

Spider-Man would be the quickest to finish between the two. The game is 20 hours long if you ignore side missions.

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You cannot objectively call MvC:I bad without objectively calling XvSF, MvC1, and MvC2 bad. Because just about every thing you could complain about gameplay-wise in Infinite exists in some form or other in the old games - full screen proximity guard, the ability to make a lot of shit safe for free, easier to pull off moves, etc. I could go on and on, but y’all gonna hate just because so-and-so character isn’t in the game.


Or we hate it because it’s a bad game.


MvC:I looked like shit, played like shit, had shit mechanics and had a shitty cast.

If the game was so good peeps would be lining up to play it
but where they at? KOF, anime, skullgirls and even trash ass injustice show up.

All MvC:I cats do is talk about how good the game is but it’s community can’t hold it up. Gtfo