Video Game General 6.3: Sekiro has so many damn chickens man. Chickens Everywhere!

…and all was right, in Erdrea.

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They added V. Rosso and Pullum in Fighting EX Layer. V. Rosso is one of the scariest characters when he knocks you down next to D. Dark and Pullum’s Dhalsim drills are fast as shit+will stuff normal anti airs pretty free.

V. Rosso is also fun as hell.

I went into a mirror match with V. Rosso VS V. Rosso against my nephew and the game froze the first time ever. I had to take the power cord out of my PS4. PS4 could not handle V. Rosso. :rofl:


Battlefield 5’s censor filter needs some work

Apparently you can’t say white man or dlc edit: also some people on Reddit think this was done on purpose…amazing…

Switch release of DBFZ was actually being worked on around the same time as the others, but focus was on the ps4/xbone versions first.

Also stated that sales of xenoverse and demand for the title on the systemd vindicated them.

downloaded Lei today, but damn Im too busy playing spiderman right now, so I can get back to tekken 7 atm lol


Got 7 suits so far!
3 of which were due to the Game-Stop pre-order!!

Those being Iron Spider suit from Avengers: Infinity War, the lame Spider Punk suit, and the Velocity Suit…which turns you into a diet version of “The Juggernaut”


I been so preoccupied with Spider-Man I forgot the second season of Iron Fist dropped the same day. I got catching up to do.

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Well damn, I got something to watch while taking breaks from the game.

I just finished Yakuza Kiwami 2.

It took me about 17 hours (15.5- Kiryu and 1.5- Majima) with only doing a handful of substories. (I like doing substories/side stuff after the main story is finished )

Yakuza Zero took 30 hrs and Yakuza Kiwami 1 took about 20 hrs (with minimal substories)


Graphics/Music. This is probably the best graphics so far in the Yakuza games IVe played - Y0,K1, and K2

Story was great with twists and turns.

The characters of Ryuji and Kaoru. Ryuji is a badass and yet has some sympathetic elements. It was nice to have a strong adult female character allied with Kiryu throughout most of the campaign. Her backstory and interactions were Kiryu were a treat.

The Osaka Castle sequence was very different from all the “big building chase/battle sequences” I loved the ninja/samurais and of course the TIGER UPPERCUTS! lol.

I really liked that you could enter restaurants and convenience stores without loading.

Also it was neat that thugs could follow you inside and you could continue the fight.

Increasing XP through dining in addition to regaining health was a cool touch.

Seeing Majima meet up with a character from Y0 was the best part of his campaign.


You seem to get no money from the standard thug fights on the streets until later in the campaign. Y0 gave you a lot, Kiwami 1 gave you some , but here I had to wait till later in the story or do some sidestories to get some money. Even completing story chapters in Y0/K1used to give you some money. That seems limited in Kiwami 2.

There is a 1 second delay when activating heat moves against an enemy in a giant mob. Is it because the game is graphically intensive or some other reason? I have a “vanilla” ps4.

While I’m glad there is a Majima campaign in this game, gameplay wise it feels very shallow. You can’t level up stats or moves. He only has 2 heat moves. The lack of the multiple styles from Y0/K1 hurt him a lot more than Kiryu IMO. I feel like a scrub mashing light and hard. Also, the circle button “spinning clothesline” move is too overpowered lol!

Still, an excellent game.

Overall: 8.5/10

Yakuza 0 - 9/10

Yakuza Kiwami 1 - 8/10

I hit that THREE TIMES in like an hour and a half, last night, as I browsed SRK and ish on my phone whilst falling asleep.

Ten token slot machine second from the right is legit OP.



That actually happened way back, around April or so. However, Ono still works in Division 2 under Tsujimoto.



The troll’s troll game got out trolled.

Thanks, Combofiend!


Takes his favorite low tier 3S character, and makes her broken for all the wrong reasons.

Takes his favorite high tier fighting game, and completely and utterly ruins it to the point where even 3S begins to appear to, if not shine, then at the very least reflect the shine of the moon during a lunar eclipse.

Takes Marvel, and removes it from being part of the VS Series by proxy, because ain’t nobody pressing Start, much less on the 2P side.

Takes the Ono out of “Oh no! ANOTHER utter piece of shite current gen Cacpcom game!” through guilt by association.

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God damn Dead Cells is fucking demoralizing. I was just on by far my best play through and was like on the 4th or 5th level, after beating the first boss I faced, and just got completely raped. Then bam, game over, start from scratch with nothing. Fuck…

Speaking of the travesty that was MVC:I…

…did it even get a SIDE tournament at Evo?


Even Catherine got one.




Yeah it did


It got one and it hit 128 player cap easily. Game would have smoke Injustice 2 numbers if it were a main tournament.


it finally happened. yes! sweet lord jesus…
now Capcom can make great fighting games again.
the weakest link in the Capcom chain has finally been removed. long long overdue.
good riddance. he had no understanding of the fighting game genre. none.
good action game producer, but as for fighting games he was clueless. it went over his head.
goodbye and good riddance!


capcom is on the roll! greatness is returning

i hope the new boss scraps SFV and MvCi and starts fresh with SF6 starting as soon as tomorrow. fingers crossed.


i watched super best friends play Heroines and there was the wonkiest hitboxes to the point your hitbox is behind your character and special moves dont do knock downs which, lets say you do rising tackle and hit em with it, no knock down even if you did full hits and because youre recovering from the move you get punished with supers.


cant tell if SNK have officially lost their minds, or just trolling the entire world. they didnt just do fan service. they went full retard too.