Video Game General 6.3: Sekiro has so many damn chickens man. Chickens Everywhere!

Darksiders 2 was hot garbage. I expect 3 to be the same.


Destiny Forsaken is fucking awesome.


I liked Darksiders II a lot more then Kingdoms of Amalure myself. The combat was much faster paced and a lot more fun, and i liked it the world it created more. Amalures combat was fun but it way the only thing in the game i cared about. Its world and narrative and characters where generic and boring as fuck imo, and while the combat was good, nothing in the game could compete with you once you leveled uped bit so it wasnt even very challenging combat, very one sided. Its dungeons where pretty boring to, you dont really do much in them but beat shit up.

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MHW, DBFZ, and GOW got another contender for Game of the Year!

Also I need to stop watching some of these Pro Walkthroughs, because we just got a surprising and cool ass reinvention of a classic rogue. :open_mouth:

11 hours left until Im on my way to my local shop for the new spiderman yeah :slight_smile:


Darksiders is definitely better than Amalur. While the combat was fun I found the game as a whole too easy. You can bulldoze the whole game by doing a couple of side quests. The side quests themselves are on the some tedious MMO type of shit. Darksiders 2 definitely hands that game itā€™s ass.

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Darksiders 2 was an open world filled with absolutely nothing, forgettable combat and annoying backtracking.

Hell you play as one of the four horsemen and they managed to make that shit boring.

Edit: And harping on fetch quests in comparison to Darksiders 2? The fucking irony.

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Amaular is just as empty and boring. There is nothing interesting about that world at all. I donā€™t agree with the combat being forgettable at all it actually has depth and requires real input and timing, weapons even have just release windows that give you new properties, Amaluar is mash city, you barely even have to try. Thereā€™s shit loads of combat options no doubt but it doesnt matter much when everthing folds to you sneezing on them.

They even some how took generic Tolkien/DnD races and made them even more generic and boring. How do you do that? Being one of the 4 horseman is instantly more interesting then being another fuckin chosen one. Youā€™re special!!!..because. zzzZZZzzz.

DSII definitely has some dull back tracking but it beats the shit out every dull and boring ass cave and generic as fuck dungeon in Amaluar. Sometimes felt like back tracking even tho it was a new dungeon because it looked like the last 3 I explored.

I dunno man, I donā€™t know what you see in it over the other, I beat Amaluar once and it was fun but Iā€™ve tried again since then and I never make it more then like 5 hours. The world is dull, the story is dull, it presents choice but those choices donā€™t have any kind of impact so itā€™s a fake illusion, and while your character is buff as fuck all the enemies are piss ants who fall before you with minimal effort at all making all those combat options superfluious. Theres no actual strategic use for most of it, you just use it because it looks cool or something itā€™s not like the enemies encourage you to use better skills or anything. Legit DMC3 status on the combat. Buff as fuck MC, piss ant weak pathetic shit to use it all on. The Samael fight alone kicks every Amaluar fight in the balls imo.

Not saying Darkaiders II is perfect, itā€™s got issues for sure but Amalaur is a weaker game easily imo. Game needed a lot of shit cut from it.

DSII world is too big, I hope for DSIII they either return to a more DS1 style world, or fill the world with more stuff to justify itā€™s size.

Would be smart for them to move the narrative forward as well instead of trying to keep doing this concurrent narrative thing, itā€™s not really good for keeping people interested.

Edit: The fetch quests in both games are shit, tho I tip my hat to Amaluar having the shittier ones based on volume alone. Way more quests like that in Amaluar then in DSII, but the fetch quests are kinda cheap in general in both games. Hard to make fetching very compelling over all honestly.

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My copy of Spider-Man shipped. :smiley:


At this moment Iā€™m enjoying Dragon Quest 11 more than I did 8. Mainly because Iā€™m not always broke. I remember needing to farm gold golems if needed any money.


Yeah Iā€™ve been enjoying it a lot. I just donā€™t understand why they took the time to make the Free Move camera system when it serves literally no purpose at all and doesnā€™t change gameplay in any fashion

Picked up Dead Cells over the weekend at GameStop for Switch and started it tonight while the NFL game was delayed. After I ā€œgot itā€ on when you die what you actually keep and stuff, I can see how people are saying they can play this game for hours. I love the art style and sound and all that jazz. The controls are pretty tight but I have to get used to them still. Iā€™m playing on Switch and have noticed that performance issue people are talking about and itā€™s not really game breaking or anything in my opinion.

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I didnā€™t know about the free move camera until I press down on the left analog by accident. So weird thereā€™s nothing within the game that letā€™s know itā€™s there.

I just beat the Tricky Devil boss. He was pretty easy which was disappointing.

Any game that comes out on a Nintendo console and a different console(letā€™s say PlayStation) I always buy it on the different console to avoid performance issues. I ainā€™t about that.

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Iā€™ve been seeing that Dead Cells is actually selling really well on Switch despite the performance issues. More than likely itā€™s going to get patched. Main source of this comes from Destructoid though.

The performance issue is not that big of a deal really. It is just kind of jarring when it happens. itā€™s like the screen freezes for a couple frames, and then when it resumes, it is in the animation where it would have been had there was no freeze. The devs already said they are going to fix it, however they said that the fix would be in November at the earliest.

@Stuart_Hayden well one reason I got it on Switch is cause I want to play it on my flights when I go on vacation next weekend. I canā€™t really do that with PS4 or X1 version. I also paid the $10 extra to get the physical version, partially because I prefer physical versions, and also in case I didnā€™t like it I could sell it.


I dunno, man.

I am somewhatā€¦ ?less than fond? of the way the skill trees are set up.

I like the cast well enough, but I dislike some of the cutscenes because they dip in narrative quality to nearly Star Ocean 4 levels of bad.

At least the ā€œchild characterā€ is not anywhere near Lymle levels of paedo taste cancer.

The narrative crap didnā€™t make me drop SO4, though - and it was worse than terribad; Lymle DID.

The twist with the DQ11 character actually works, and makes for some funny moments.

I also dislike the fact that you HAVE to FIND recipes in order to craft new things.

And I find myself skipping A LOT of the superfluous dialogue.

I never did that in Dragon Quest 8.

And the DQ8 Hero had Spears.

So DQ8 Hero >>>>> DQ11 Hero by Richter Scale magnitudes even before we factor in little things, like his hair.

DQ11 Heroā€™s hair is enough reason to presume Sylvadoā€™s closet heterosexuality.

Congrats. Though I can do you one better:

Mood & Theme for tonight and the weekend!!

More of a sub boss. Also Iā€™m playing with the ā€œStronger Enemiesā€ ruleset, itā€™s making the game way more engaging overall. It kind of turns it into high lethality mode and makes defense skills way more meaningful

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