Video Game General 6.3: Sekiro has so many damn chickens man. Chickens Everywhere!

Well I hope wrestling is removed from the Olympics. Boxing to. No fighting in Hockey anymore either.

I’m not really for esports as Olympic events but for fucks sake come up with a better reason you stupid turds.


Own this Big Beautiful Monster. Was so worth it!!!

They were just trying to find a reason not to have them there and they got one with the madden shooting.

Video games have no place at the olympics anyways. Esports is fucking stupid as is. They have no reason or right to be held to the same caliber as athletes who have spent their entire lives training to get to that point.


Was watching a Joe Rogan clip about esports being in the Olympics and he made an interesting point that the athletes get little money and the billions of revenue goes into the pockets of the suits.

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I know I’ve made this joke before but…this guy gave it an 8.7 too. I’ll link his video review


I don’t think Esports really need to be in the olympics either…I just thought their reasoning was incredibly stupid.


Esports couldnt moneyhat their way in.




Gods know fencing is a benign practice.

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Also more info about fallout 76’s campaign from GI

Nintendo direct tomorrow:


Well…I guess the rumors actually pannes out this time.

Death Stranding will have a stage event at tgs

Space channel vr game coming to psvr

Did the group presenting eSports just show off CS and Overwatch?

I get most major e Sports are violent but it isn’t like you couldn’t have the Olympic esport be Rocket League or some other non violent game which could be the official game. The blanket statement seems like there was no effort in the response at all.

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sheeeeeeit, I absolutely need this:

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I started Dragon Quest XI. I’m enjoying sweet classic JRPG goodness. It’s refreshing to play something like this when every other RPG wants to be a lackluster action game.

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I got my copy yesterday but I’ve been too busy to play it (haven’t even taken it out of the amazon envelope yet). And with Spider-Man coming out Friday I have no idea when I’ll be able to get to it. I want to play it though. I have a four day weekend coming up, I’ll probably do it then


As much as I like Video games, eSports do not belong in an athletic event like the Olympics.
The shit don’t belong on networks like ESPN and the like.

If you want competitive gaming to be taken seriously, don’t treat it like a athletic sport.
Chess has more of a place in the Olympics than video games.

Most of these Athletic events, the rules and procedure hardly changed.
For decades the rules and how you participate never changes.

Gaming is changing all the time, what we going to do Lock the participants into CPS2 Street Fighter II and DOS versions of Quake? Most of the Summer Events of the Olympics haven’t actually changed since ancient Greece, and other ACTUAL Sports haven’t have any significant change in decades except in Uniforms and safety equipment. Olympics strive on consistency of their sports, eSports can change up whats popular every 6 months to a year.
And Yes I consider Chess more of a Sport than any of “eSport”. Chess is more a sport than Nascar, and we never see motor sports going to be apart of the Olympics. Why? Because Motor sports and athletic sports are two very different things and they don’t try to mingle. For eSports to be considered not a joke they need to stop comparing themselves to athletics.

Eh…If Chess is a part of the Olympics makes things kind of sketchy since that game requires outhinking and outplaying your opponent using your brain as does plenty of competitive games out there. Still not advocating for esports to be in the Olympics but playing fighting games can be on par with playing a game of chess and possibly even more stressful since often times you need to the reflexes and dexterity to remain clutch.

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