Video Game General 2.0: Yo Dawg I Heard You Like Remasters And Ports

MS was in a can’t win situation.

If they kept to their guns, they’d continue experiencing the ire of the internet while lagging behind in sales. If they changed things, they would get backlash from loyalists who believed in their vision and spent the initial $500… which is exactly what has happened. The X1 subreddit has not been pretty since the announcement(s), and yes, a lot of people (myself included initially) thought it was a huge mistake.

This stuff only matters if it helps their sales and PR standing. If they do this and they’re still way behind in December, even after the additional launches in September have happened, then they matter as well drop the X1 faster than they did the original Xbox.

why would you want to waste 1 and a half minute of another persons life? Seriously

Because fuck the police


Well apart from Sunset Overdrive they also had Killer Instinct, Quantum Break, Max: The Curse of Brotherhood and Project Spark but I guess those aren’t games. They must be varieties of tropical birds or something.

I never really jumped to njntendo’s defense either given how rich they are…sony on the other hand…

Xbone was design with the Kinect in mind and it’s functionality was used as a major selling point of the console. Xbone without Kinect is like Wii U without the gamepad

Worth buying?

While not under identical circumstances, it’ll be interesting to see which company finds greater success; Nintendo in sticking to its original vision (and whether success comes more from better gamepad integration or just solid traditional game design), or Microsoft in essentially rebranding its product based on feedback & a massive shift in its US/UK marketshare from last gen.

Nice ass house tho

Sony’s in trouble? Maybe they should go third party. :coffee:

I hope I see more from Sony’s first-party devs than just the realistic cinematic stuff, really bring the crazy over-the-top AAA stuff to the conference as well.

Out of the rumors going around Project Beast is the only one to have really captured my attention. I’m hoping for some good surprises, a next gen fighter would do it, promising FF footage might do it. Zelda and X will do it.

Sunset Overdrive wont. That is not for me, I think it looks awful.

NPD numbers for April

Titanfall is at the top followed by Ghosts, and NBA 2K14. Minecraft and GTA V are still in the top 10 and Amazing Spider-man 2 managed to make it as well. Infamous was the best selling next gen game for the month though (single sku and only involving next gen). Wii U software sales were up 80%.

PS4 is still the top selling console with the Xbone in 2nd. Both PS4 and Xbone have more than doubled the amount of sales that 360 and PS3 have had in the same period within their lives.

Ubisoft financials

Ass Creed IV has sold 11 mill, Far Cry 3 has sold 9 mill, and South Park sold solidly. They also expect Watch Dogs to sell 6 mill.

Assassin’s Creed confirmed by Ubisoft coming to 360 and PS3

And will continue to do so for the forseeable future.

10 Ubisoft Studios Developing Ass Creed Unity

good lord…and they say they want this to come out ‘more regularly’ like…is the franchise coming out annually not enough? Is the fact that they’re making 2 dif Ass Creed games this year and neither of them are on a handheld not ‘more regularly’? We’re gonna get Ass Creed coming out every 4 months at this rate.

The Division gets delayed to 2015

‘We will release the game when it’s ready’

Phil 'Rare is currently evaluating what they want to work on next’

Oh shit that’s riiiiiight! Now that Phil is in charge and they’re preparing to Old Yeller the kinect in the backyard…Rare might actually be able to do something that isn’t Kinect. Hopefully it doesn’t end up disappointing…

Gears of War Xbone still in Prototype phases

They’re only 100 days in…if we somehow get a decent CGI trailer that isn’t bullshit (I.E. something like Marcus coming out of the shadows…aaaand that’s it) at E3 this year it will be a miracle.

Mario Kart 8 has been seeing very solid reviews…but there’s one review that seems to stand out at the moment.

Apparently Mario Kart is in need for some ‘diversity’ in it’s roster…especially since Toad and Toadette are considered human…and white. The paragraph in question starts with ‘The other notable omission’.

Wolfenstein The New Order - House of the Rising Sun Launch Trailer

Anybody picking this game up? There hasn’t been much buzz on it with customers at work.

Watch Dogs - Tech/Multiplayer

Drive Club 1080p HD footage

“Po, why do you always seem pissed off and yelling the word ‘FUCK’ all the time?”*

Shit like this is why… :bluu:

So this pic just got sent to me…


Not believing it.

I guess Dankey Kang isn’t good enough.

Wolfenstein will bomb hard sales wise. Most of the time you can gauge how well a big budget game will sell depending on how much it’s talked about on the interwebs despite gaming forum members being a drop in the bucket of the gaming demographic. If the marketing department doesn’t make people aware a game exists than it doesn’t matter how good it may be, because the majority of the gaming demographics who don’t follow forums or media outlets won’t know it’s coming or what it even is and thus have no incentive to buy it over something else that already caught their attention. Whether we like it or not marketing drives sales more than anything and that will never change, Ken Levine purposely decided on the Bioshock Infinite box art to be generic and resemble every other popular shooter so it would get more attention from gamers, he went to a frat house full of gamers and none of them knew what Bioshock was because at Gamestop they saw the big daddy on the cover and assumed it was a robot game and passed on it. No one is saying shit about Wolfenstein…sooo yeah, if DmC wasn’t talked about as much as it was prior to release it would have sold even less.

LOL @ 10 developers, that’s a direct result of the 11 million AC4 sold, clearly Ubisoft is more concerned with making money than quality games and no one can blame them even if you think it’s that mentality that has created the problems in the industry we have today.

“The other notable omission is in the cast of characters’ diversity. After 30 years there are still zero Mario characters of color, a problem that Mario Kart 8 highlights by lining up all the characters on a single screen. When it comes to human characters, Mario Kart 8 is overwhelmingly white. Of the 29 drivers, 14 are human (including Toad and Toadette), and every single one of them is white. While it’d be atypical of Nintendo to introduce new characters into a Mario Kart game, it’s also where the deficit is the most obvious, and during play I found myself disappointed that Nintendo’s stable of characters so painfully fails to reflect the diversity of its audience.”

A kart racer that features a Gorilla wearing a necktie, a Spiked Fire Breathing Turtle King and his seven kids, a dinosaur, walking, talking mushroom people, and whatever the fuck Shy Guy is isn’t diverse enough…

Never mind the fact that if you’re that hard up for “diversity” you can import a Mii and use that. I want to punt the author of that review in the head, Randy Orton style right now.

This can’t be life…