Video Game General 2.0: Yo Dawg I Heard You Like Remasters And Ports

I think the ambition and technology it showed off is what impresses most people or at lest me because when I think of the term “next gen” something insane with a ton of people and effects and physics all going off at once comes to mind. Besides it’s Insomniac one of the best and most consistent developers around when they claim a game to be the culmination of all their previous work they have my full attention. Sunset Overdrive looks like a dream come true for anyone who enjoys over the top weapons and powers. Although after the Watchdogs 2012 bait my optimism will remain in cautious mode for anything non indie.

Too bad I won’t pay more than $200 for an xbone

The Kinetic-less Xbone makes it at least a bit more appealing, but, unless it’s a console exclusive, I will just pick it up on PC.

I’m just waiting for based Platinum to release a fuckin’ date for Bayonetta 2 so I can kiss my already non-existent social life goodbye.

This has been the norm in the industry for awhile now. I’ve lost count of “Our game is like x-game and y-game etc…”

From last year’s **E3 ** conference we were shown

MGS5 (stealth)
Max The Curse of the Brotherhood (2d platformer)
Ryse (beat 'em up)
Project Spark (God Game, create-a-thon)
Sunset Overdrive (hybrid)
Forza demonstration which had an awesome feature set, despite it not being my thing…still.
Quantom Break (Adventure/slash Tv show. The concept is pretty cool)
Killer Instinct with Xbone snap feature
Crimson Dragon from the creator of the Panzer series
Dead Rising 3
Witcher 3

The only FPS shown were Halo, BF4 and Titanfall.

Pretty solid conference to start things off, last year. They had a cool idea about trading/selling game with other Gold members which I thought was cool, but since people did a 180 and decided they suddenly didn’t hate Game Stop’s practices after bitching about them for the 10 years, a lot of it got it over shadowed. There were still some stupid things, especially the check in, but there were more than just shooters shown at the conference. In contrast the Sony E3 conference just talked about their services and how they could integrate their music and movies into the system and how you could trade your games in at Game Stop. We got a glimpse at Versus turning into Final Fantasy x Gravity Rush and indies and not much else since they showed off a lot of stuff at the press reveal back in Feb. of that year.

I would like to see Final Fantasy XV and KH3 go Xbone exclusive purely for the melt downs. FFXIII, and reading old Bayo2 meltdowns NEVER gets old.

So Cute. Some people actually think the XBone is going to surge up in sales now.

Whoa whoa, whoa this is not my Batman glass. I wouldn’t try and downplay the policy fiasco, they tried to sell some unprecedented DRM with but only vague concepts & lofty promises to assuage us.

And having the freedom to choose whether to trade into Gamestop for some magic beans sounds a whole lot better than being forced to sell/trade only through MS & its approved partners.

My thoughts on the “games” are in bold. Most of the good stuff isn’t available/has no release date, or is shit that doesn’t speak to my tastes.

The second part of your post has nothing to do with my main concern: Entertaining video games. I don’t give a shit about “Who wins E3” because I only want to see good games with great, engrossing gameplay.

I don’t give a fuck about Usher or Aisha Tyler coming out to shill… I don’t give a shit about tech demos or rendered cutscenes/manufactured hype without seeing the actual game in motion…

I don’t care about dudes talking, period, unless its this sentence:

“Here is some ACTUAL GAMEPLAY video of great games that will be out THIS YEAR, with some teasers for other great stuff at the end.”

I liked that eco-system idea for trading/selling/sharing but I’m looking at it with optimism which is pretty stupid on my part. Their messaging was pretty terrible to say the least and there policies were pretty ballsy in a bad way especially for closed architecture. I still stand that they had the better E3 presentation but it was overshadowed by the blunders. I’ll even say rightfully so.

Sony’s initial review (pre-E3) was A LOT better than their E3 presentation, but I’ve seen how they sell BS with the Emotion Engine reveal and PS3 bullshots and renders. I knew a lot of that wasn’t going to come out (Gaikai) while the PS4 is at it’s current price, but it did have a more promising outlook. Still need to stay skeptical regardless since all 3 have to keep their business afloat.

Sony is really getting thrashed due to the companies current state. Also why is every gaming site riding M$ all the sudden?

Because Sony is in trouble, and they damn sure ain’t gonna support Nintendo…

They showed gameplay with all those sans SO. Adventure games like QB have a cool concept behind them that could add to the genre, otherwise you know what to expect when it comes to these type of games. Gameplay wise KI is pretty solid, but does get a little messy, which I guess is why they have a beast tutorial(from what I heard) to clear things up. What I put it in the league of MY favorite fighter? No, but it goes for the same thing with Capcom, SNK, ArcSys etc. doesn’t mean I still can’t enjoy them.

If you go back, skip the 360 part, and watch the rest of it they did all the stuff you like and none of the stuff you mentioned about Usher. Launch windows have always had this problem, sans the DC - Xbox era(for the most part). For the asking price + subscription services, I agree they need to come harder.

Visually it looks nice, I mean gameplay wise. It looks bad. The disconnect between the clunky grinding and the stiff strafing while shooting at enemies. It looks too ambitious and uninspired.

I liked it more when the trailer made it look like a racing/multiplayer game of tag.

it’s crazy how people overreact. it’s no news that Sony has been bleeding money since way back.
Now that they say that the CEO is cutting down his own pay along with other sony top dogs… everyone goes absolute apeshit. I think it is quite ridicilous really !
This isn’t any news and it’s not even newsworthy , but most of all - people need to stop freaking out and act like Sony’s financial dilemma appeared overnight.

Crimson Dragon and Max: CoBH are both out (and have been since November).

Ryse is nothing like God Of War. At all.

Word? Shows you how much I pay attention to Xbone stuff. Have you played them? Are they any good?

I just want to point out the irony of this, when you remember how everyone was calling for the death of Nintendo when Iwata said he was taking a paycut.

Where were you to defend them?

EDIT: Wow a double post… What the hell, Vanilla?

So MGS5 isn’t coming out til 2018. Still MS will throw Kojima money and showcase it first, again.

I seen a few sites thinking MS is making a big mistake. CNET for example.

I haven’t played Max (I’ve wanted to). It will be the first Free With Gold game next month, so I’ll get my chance.

Haven’t played CD either but from what I’ve seen/heard, it could’ve been way better.

Dead Rising 3, to me, is still the best launch title the X1 had. That’s not saying much though cause I haven’t touched it in months. Replay value is non-existent because of how the game works.

WTF…how could they even come to this conclusion?

Well to be honest… It’s probably because i know that nothing will happen to Nintendo regardless of WiiU sales as
i know that they have tons upon tons of money. Sony on the other hand… Can’t say the same for them unfortunately.

edit : could ALSO be because i am more passionate about the playstation brand.
I haven’t had a Nintendo console since the N64 after all… :coffee:

To be even more honest… I’d still like a Nintendo smartphone :coffee: mmmmmmmm