Guile can do (VC3) crouching Jab, Forward Flash Kick [neutral standing Fierce, Forward Flash Kick]x5 as a midscreen, does about 50% damage to Birdie. The shadow of the standing Fierce hits the same time as the regular Fierce hits. You might be able to something with canceling a standing Fierce into a whiffed knee bazooka also, but I can’t really test things out…I don’t have a copy of A3 anymore, and I just happened to have that particular VC on tape (now on DVD since I’m backing up my super-random VHS tapes…random A3 footage followed by 30 seconds of “The View” from 2001, followed by G Gundam).
In the corner he can do something like (VC3) crouching Strong, FK Flash Kick, [crouching Fierce, RK Flash Kick]xn, but I don’t remember exactly how it went.
…in case anyone asks, Dee Jay can do (VC3) c.JP, Short upkick move, c.FP, Short upkick, and then switch to standing Fierce xx whiff upkick. Standing Fierce does more damage. The version I have on tape actually uses standing Roundhouse, which may do the most damage, and will push the opponent towards the corner, whereas other versions will cross themselves up and stay midscreen, sorta like the one V-Cammy midscreen in the Youtube vid. The Roundhouse version does 82 points of damage to Ken, just under 60%.
He can do the same VC in the corner, but just c.FP xx Short upkick over and over, IIRC. I actually wonder if there would be timing problems in HSFA or the A3 Upper…I remember in the DC version, the Guile midscreen had different timing than my old Saturn version, because they probably changed either the speed of Guile’s s.FP or it’s hitbox. I wonder if there any new changes, or if that was a DC-only thing.
About Guile: Guile hella sucks. Terrible. Questionable priority, and Flash Kick is…it’s like they made the move just so you wouldn’t use it. It’s really easy to airblock, at least in the Saturn version (and I hear it was this way in the PSX version, too…I assume he’s better in the DC version and Z3 Upper…though he really couldn’t be any worse). I don’t mean like Charlie’s Flash Kick, or DP’s, etc…I mean, I don’t know if there’s a point where you can’t have it air blocked. And, of course…it’s horrifically unsafe if blocked.
The selection of his normals was questionable, also…V-ISM was the only version worth playing, IMO, but he lost the cool stepkick with Roundhouse that X-Guile has, and of course can’t do the backfist while charging. I also remember some issues with the standing Forward sobat move, probably that it was retarded how you couldn’t do it and charge without moving backwards, but that’s pretty standard.
Guile :: Charlie
Dan :: Ryu
He’s not unplayable, but he’s definitley not as good as Charlie, at all.