Vergil combo thread 2.0

I’m new to vergil and I’m a little confused on which combos I need to use when/where. As a beginner what would be a good set of combos to learn at first, basically a good corner combo and a good mid screen. I’m also a bit confused on when and how to use sword loops. Do the loops fit into basically all BnBs and you just use them when you have the meter and want the damage, or are there totally different combos to use when you are going to do sword loops? Sorry if this is the wrong place for this question.

Just make sure not to jump cancel your st.S until after round trip comes back to you.

The reason I back dash before throwing round trip is to make it easier to get the S to hit while round trip is coming back.

When it comes to the corner loop where you go cr. H (delay) release round trip into the loop. Some of the dummies don’t end up on the other side of me so far I have had an issue with Wolverine and Captain America. The issue I have is that even when I get the dummy to the other side it seem they are so close to me that the cr. H does not connect. Any help with this would be appreciated.

I’m not even sure what you’re asking for 0_o. Are you asking about cr.H->stinger (wallbounce cross under)->round trip? If so then basically there’s a few things you need to keep in mind.

1.They need to be pretty high when you hit them with the cr.H for the stinger to cross under some characters (like wolverine and iron man)
2. If you’re having trouble linking the cr.H after the round trip, try throwing the round trip even later (this also fixes “they’re falling before the round trip comes back after cr.H! Q_Q”)

How do you consistently get the opponent close enough for the swords to hit? I get the swords to hit about 2 out of 10 tries.

Edit: This is about the last combo from the video.

Even though the combo almost dropped in the video, I don’t actually recall having a problem with that.

You can either omit the c.H and just do Judgement Cut > slight delay > swords, or you can delay the dash before throwing the Round Trip very slightly so that you are closer (So the dash ends after Crystal has already started to push them away). Also make sure to hit them with the top of the c.H (i.e. as soon as possible) so that it gives them less time to fall away from Vergil.

For some reason I just like doing the round trip glitch corner combo except changing it up to where I don’t have to incorporate the glitch. It’s consistent, and works on everyone(so far).

Edit: Also, Dat firebrand[media=youtube]qwg3g0917B8[/media]

The issue with that extension is that for longer combos (such as the popular Dante/Vergil pairing) the SH drops. You should obviously take advantage of it if your team can do it though.


EDIT: I got the wrong damage calculation of the combo, revised it.
I can add one Round Trip on the intial but it is not necessary.

Been practicing it for a good day and a half. Since I use Seismo which is faster than Crystal I actually dont have the time to dash back. So I had to make something up. I came up with

corner carry combo->spiral swords->judgement cut L->helm breaker (jump forward a bit before helm breaker)->cr.H->round trip glitch->cr.H->S->helm breaker->call OTG assist->round trip->cr.H->st.S->jump canceled into L Judgement Cut (they dont tech out of the st.S because the round trip is already coming back)->cr.H->lunar phase->cr.H->stinger wall bounce then the typical finisher.

Using 1 sword rep after the wall bounce I finally broken 1.25mil off a grab at the start of the round with Viper. Meter positive of course. Except a vid sometime this week, maybe even tomorrow.

1.25 off a grab meter positive is pretty nuts.

aaaaand thats Viper for you

  1. when you land rapid slash into swords on an airborne opponent or u cancel into swords too late the opponent is spinning while u activate, what is the best/most efficient way to bring them down into a normal combo? i have been doing 2x helm breaker etc but i dont know if its the most efficient.

  2. a) when I dhc into vergil swords after a long spencer combo (with using wall bounce, in the corner), what is the most efficient combo? right now I am doing 2x helm breaker round trip lunar phase x2.
    b) same thing without using wall bounce, right now I am doing 2x helm breaker round trip lunar phase c.H stinger round trip c.H qcf.L c.H lunar/swords

  3. is it better to do (in corner) 2x helm breaker RT lunar phase or s.S s.H RT c.H lunar phase? or is there a better corner swords loop? the s.S s.H variation sometimes they fly up and the H cancel never hits.

  4. What is the most efficient combo off of an air grab? I didn’t see 1 in the OP, but right now I am doing s.H stinger s.H s.S s.H RT c.H qcf.L c.H swords. I saw yipes do dash up lmh stinger dp.L etc but I’m not sure which one is better.

Thanks to whoever answers these!!

ps: almost all of the combos I listed are from watching yipes play…

as much as i like the round trip helm breaker tech, its pretty much useless for dante/vergil… lol
[media=youtube]BqQdqoGNZ3w[/media] i tried

Best combo i know is basically a better version of 3.:

Activate swords, S, H, round trip, S, H, judgement cut, cr.H, stinger, round trip, cr.H, judgement cut, cr.H, lunar phase, cr.H, lunar phase

Good thing about this is you still get the full stinger, round trip loop even if you already used your groundbounce. If you didn’t, you get two lunar phases, or can go for raw tag stuff.

The trick to get the S, H without sending them too high is to just crouch for a sec to lower the opponent a little.

It’s not useful for Vergil on point.

But it’s alright for Vergil DHCs. A lot of times Vergil will get better use out of an OTG than whoever is on point. The biggest exception is when the point character IS the OTG assist, so it’s a contest between their rapid slash extension vs Vergil’s OTG extension.

So yeah it’s not really gonna be seen that often but…it’s something.

for some reason I can’t get the charge for round trip in time off of the stinger… are you partitioning the charge or just holding L after judgement cut…?

edit: my arm flashes when its too late to connect the round trip… so it whiffs all the time


Damn…now that I’ve actually killed Thor I’m outta ideas for Vergil combo stuff.


forget what i said… this tech is perfect for dante/vergil when dante is midscreen doing shot loops. godlikeeee

Ah sorry, forgot about that: you have to use the round trip glitch to make it work.