ah… im new to vergil so I don’t rly know how to do the glitch… which normal do you press the button again for in its recovery?
for the Magneto/Vergil players enjoy I hope this is new but if it isn’t well I tried
I could have went for another sword loop at the end and there is other variations of this combo that I’m saving for next time and ignore the lazy Magneto combo lol.
What i do is S, H, release rountrip (charged with M in that ase) and press it again immediately during the st.H’s hitstop. Of course you can also charge with L first and than swap to M after the release, whatever you’re more comfortable with.
hmm right now i find it easier to just do first roundtrip with L, then after i release it press M and it works out… im not good with the round trip glitch right now and just changing fingers is easier for me right now. ill learn the glitch someday >.<
what’s the best lvl 3 xfc quick kill combo started from a non-helmet breaker hit confirm, and best one from helmet breaker?
also the optimum combo from an air grab
New Vergil player here. I’ve been in training mode and for some reason I can’t cancel High Time into Dimension Slash. I see a lot of the combos end this way, but I can’t get it to connect. Any tips?
Use M+H or L+H instead of L+M when you do Dimension Slash. You’re basically cancelling the H Teleport after High Time into Dimension Slash.
I made the video after that discussion with you in the fgtv chat and I don’t even get to post it for you lmao.
Can someone transcribe for me the most basic vergil sword loop? What I’ve been doing is:
c.l, c.m, c.h, f.h, teleport, s.m, s.h, Spiral Swords charge round trip, helm breaker x2, release round trip, c.h, l judgement cut, c.h, spiral swords.
Is this wrong or is my execution terrible?
It’s cause I’m subscribed to your channel
thanks but I’m looking for a good lvl3 xfc combo starting off a non-xfc hitconfirm, and one starting from a non-xfc helm breaker
While in the lab today I found 3 new DHC extensions with the Round Trip glitch it’s so godlike I will make a video for it tomorrow and sometime this week.
Every combo in the video works of a short confirm->XFC. On grounded opponents, confirm with stinger->Devil Trigger->XFC->MH Stinger. On airborne opponents, confirm with S->sj.MH helm breaker->Devil Trigger->high time->XFC->sj.MH Helm breaker->High time->sj.LHS.
If you mean you want to XF at the end of a combo…Vergil can’t really get good extensions late in combos even with an XFC.
Thanks to Darksim for the vid btw.
So I’m working on a pocket Strider to throw in the back of my Dante/Vergil team when need be and I’m trying to work out some extensions with Vajra. If there are better ones let me know. Just ending with Lunar Phase here to get raw numbers.
MH 6H, Rising Sun xx Trick, sj.MHS, 2H+Call Strider s.S Round Trip SH Judgement Cut 2H 6H Round Trip 2H Lunar Phase
Total Damage: 632k (No meter? fu vergil)
MH 6H, Rising Sun xx Trick, sj.MHS, 2H+Call Strider s.S Round Trip 2H Judgement Cut 2H 6H Trick M 2H Lunar Phase
Total Damage: 564k
how do u make its so the vergil dp h tele into j.mhs is 100% consistent? sometimes the H whiffs when i do it… -_-.
edit nvm its just timing… altho on smaller chars i guess u sj later?
when do you use j.LHS instead of j.MHS?
XF3DT midscreen. I just don’t trust j.MHS as much because I’ve missed the j.S on that sometimes. Though I’ve also just done j.MS and that one’s been good for me.
I love you for this. It just gave me the idea to do with deadpools quick work what you did with dante’s jam session. It works perfectly and adds 100K to all my combos. Which is great because I play dante/vergil/deadpool