Vergil combo thread 2.0

My reaction went from “lololol this guy” to “Oh WORD?” the second Dante popped on the screen.

I gotta try this later.

Hey guys, what’s the optimal ender for Vergil with Missiles assist?

Right now my Vergil BnB off a standard hit with my Magneto/Doom/Vergil team is st.:l::m::h:xxStinger xxRising Sun sj.:m::h::s: st…:h:xx Stinger Trick:m: st.:h::s: j.:m::m::h:: Helm Breaker, High Time xx Dimensional Slash or I go into Sword loops after the Trick:m:. I know Vergil should have a Missiles extension when you call Doom after the Trick:m: and go st.:h::s: j.:m::m::h:: Helm Breaker but I’m not sure how to go about connecting the follow up.


The key is to release round trip just when the last few missiles are hitting so it properly spaces them for lunar phases. Dash forward to L judgement cut to swords.

You can do another round trip loop before you do the second lunar phase unlike in the video :o

Awesome thank you good sir!

Im new to Vergil, all i need to know is what are Vergil’s most damaging midscreen and corner combos without assists or X factor?

Sword loops. Looks through the pages.

Dope shyt in this thread


hi ace do you have inputs for this combo?

hey guys i figured ide try vergil these days too… i have the hardest time consistently doing the og ramza solo loop. it seems i drop the combo most of the time after the first spiral swords when i try to get the lunar phase i just miss with the last hit of it… does anyone know what i am doing wrong? is there a specific spacing? timing? or tips someone can give to get me 100% with the lunar phase hitting… the combo itself is really easy once you do it a few times but that one part drops and i do not understand why.

Yeah sure. My bad for replying so late. I dont play Marvel too much anymore :confused:

Rapid Slash xx Spiral Swords, st.H (RT glitch) xx release RT, dash foward, st.M, st.H (RT comes back), release RT, cr.H xx L Judgement Cut, st.H, st.S, j.M, j.M, j.H, Helm Breaker, call OTG, RT, cr.H xx L Judgement Cut, cr.H, Stinger xx M teleport, walk forward slightly if mid-screen st.S xx Upper Slash (RT glitch) xx release RT call Iron Man st.S, Upper Slash RT comes back release RT, cr.H xx L Judgement cut, cr.H into whatever ender you want.

RT stands for Round Trip. good luck.

Just a few couple questions regarding Ammy/Vergil and vice-versa.

  1. How much damage can the sword loop extensions do if you’ve already used the ground-bounce? Can it kill someone like Taskmaster if my Ammy BnB does 650k-700k before Okami Shuffle DHC Spiral Swords? (I’m fairly certain this works. I tested this a while back and the giant lightning bolt won’t spike them through Spiral Swords). Could someone provide or point me towards a video or a combo transcript of the sword loop extensions sans ground bounce?

  2. Is “High Time + Cold Star assist” a functional substitute for an OTG assist with Vergil? If so, is there a significant difference between the two?

Thanks in advance.


bam have fun

this combo is pretty stupid

Has anyone found a combo for using Dorm’s Black Hole assist? I’m running Dorm/Doom/Vergil, I’m just exploring all the possibilities here.

haha i didn’t even notice the first posts on the page being about vergil missiles. yeah my combo is much better in terms of meter build and does like 60k more before swords than the one posted above

Corner BnB with Sentinel Force Charge

:l:(Charge RT):m::h::f:+:h::s:+Sent Assist sj.:m::m::h::d:+:h: xx :f::d::df:+:m:cr.:h::f:+:h:(Delay) Release RT cr.:h: xx :d::df::f:+:l: cr:h: xx :f::d::df:+:m::df:+:h: :d::df::f:+:atk::atk:

556k without meter

680-730k with Dimension Slash

Meter Build: 1.5

Meter Use: 1

hey whats the name of the song?

Im having trouble with Rising Sun Confirm combo. I just can’t time hitting the superjump after trick

Is the “Buster Swap” DHC into Vergil the most damaging DHC he can do?

Probably, but it does depend on who you’re DHCing from.

No ground bounce or wall bounce used.

I’m guessing the “Buster Swap” is still the most damaging?