Vergil combo thread 2.0

Then yes.

Last question: Do I have to use the RT Charge glitch to do it?

No. It just requires you to exchange between holding the charge on :l: and :m:. Hence the title, “Buster charge” because it originated from zero’s buster.

I never switch buttons charging with vergil cause he actually doesnt have to like zero does. I guess no one found that out yet and i’m the only person huh lol. I mentioned it before but no one read it i guess.

So… Why isn’t this thread stickied yet?

Because it should really be stickied.

If i have a wall bounce assist can vergil make use of it? i dont have access to an otg :frowning:


Gato makes me so hard.

Theoretically, you just need to time the assist call with High-Time then trick down and dash up for the rest of the combo.
What assist are you using anyway?

Like ninjalink said, just use M to charge. The combo requires no M’s.

Also, pretty sure you need to use the RT glitch. Haven’t tried it in sometime though.

im going to be using jills arrow kick assist atm i dont know much in the way of vergil last time i was playing him was pre sword loops so alot has changed, i think theres been a few log trap teams by now so i could xcopy or improve the combo eventually. Im using strider and jill so i dont have otg’s and im not really a fan of them any way. Could you recommend me on where i could start?

Report the OP and request sticky. Report the old sticked thread and request unsticky

I was hoping to save this stuff for SB but I can’t go cause I’m moving and figured I might as well upload it. For the Dante/Vergil players.


Reports are used for users misbehaving and such, you can pm a mod for these things.
I already took care of it though.

Okay Preppy told me to use reports for such things in the past but good to know.

Can someone please let me in on how to do the RT glitch??Or does it not even work anymore??Saw Padtrick doing some insane pressure using it at AfterShock and Magus was saying that’s what was going on,would love to know how to do it to keep my opponent scared and blocking all day

New to Vergil, plan on using him in the second slot, behind Jill with Hawkeye as anchor. In my Jill combos I usually end up using groundbouce, and I don’t have an otg assist. What is the best combo for me to DHC into, and does anyone know if it’s better to DHC from Raven Spike or Machine Gun Spray? Thanks for the help.

was looking for this info aswell but noone apart from me and i guess you play this duo. dhc into raven spike in the corner because it crosses up sometimes which is real finnicky and machine gun spray midscreen. If you plan on getting used to it machine gun spray all the way. (assuming ur comboing jill>vergil). As for the combo to use im clueless too lol so hopefully someone will help us out there seems to be different versions players use

I can’t say I really know anything about making Vergil combos, hence the post, but yeah I plan to run Jill/Vergil/Hawkeye, with the hope of landing a hit with Jill and killing a character. Thanks for the advise on supers, I assumed MGS as most all Jill combos of note end that way and it causes soft knock down so I assumed the DHC into Swords would work. More testing must be done.

Alright enough is enough,I’m sick and tired of dropping these damn sword loops and wanna know what the hell I’m either doing wrong or any tips on landing it more consistently.Seems like no matter how I practice the damn thing I always seem to drop it a good 68% of the time,I’ve tried to do it with the Cr.H in between either the Lunar Phase or Sword Super but the window for that input’s pretty quick for me on my 360pad going from down to a super quick dp motion in like 1 second consistently.Then I started trying to time it without the Cr.H and that’s even worse at least for the ender,can time the first sword super fine without it but drop the ender a lot without the Cr.H…I’ve also seen some players bypass it altogether and just do Helm Breaker,Helm Breaker,RTrip,L.Phase so is that the easier way out or what?Somebody give me some tips/advice/insight on this…tired of feelin like a weakling playing Vergil

If you’re talking about midscreen swordloops, buffer the inputs. when you do cr.H, the moment you input that, immediately buffer judgement cut L then do another cr.H and buffer lunar phase. Being vergil cannot whiff cancel/empty cancel, what happens is if you do the motion without the normal hitting anything, no special move will come out. But if you do buffer the motion, the frame it connects with the opponent it will do the special move inputted. This of course isnt the case for hypers cause he can whiff cancel/empty cancel his normals at any time so you will have to time that but that shouldnt be too hard as long you time the round trip loop correctly.