Vergil combo thread 2.0

Right but it seems like a gap between when Vergil can actually do a Cr.H after JudgementCut L,so catching the character as they fall down and doing Cr.H straight into L.Phase is what screws me up…character tends to flip out before my L.Phase hits a good portion of the time

is it possible for you to record so I can see where you messed up?

Nah,unfortunately not…what I mean tho is that the animation of JudgementCut L seems like it has to finish before Vergil can do Cr.H so I do have to hit the character with it on their way down.I do but then the part that seems to whiff on me is the L.Phase right after the Cr.H,may just be a timing thing or even spacing but I don’t know what…that link seems a lil quick for me to get consistently

try doing lunar phase directly after judgement cut

Yea I tried that too,since Vergil has to wait for the animation of the cut to finish before L.Phase tho the timing’s kinda weird on it…that’s what made me start trying to land the Cr.H in the 1st place

But i said you can buffer it so you dont have to time it.

Oh okay,well I know I’ve done it before I just tend to drop it a bunch cuz of mistiming on that part when I use to try it that way…so at what point of the JudgementCut is a good time to start the LunarPhase motion then??

DHC’ing into swords midscreen I’m just doing helm breaker, helm breaker, cr. H, L ball, cr. H xx loops…is there something more damaging/meter building I can do? They’re in the air after the dhc

Hey guys can I get some help with the cr.:h:xx:dp::atk::atk: :dp::m: release round trip cr.:h: xx :qcf::l: cr.:h: into next sword rep or :dp::m: :df::h: combo. After lunar phase the opponent jumps out.

Quick questioin. How you guys cancel the otg move of vergil quicker? I keep mashing it and it doesn’t seem to work. I’m trying to do the vergil Xfactor lv2 and lv3 solo relauch but I can’t get it most of the time. Also how do you cancel his otg move to super lol. I serious suck with this character but I can do his sword loops.

  1. Don’t mash the teleport cancel. Learn the timing for the earliest cancel.

  2. Input the super with L+H or M+H. (or L+M+H whatever, there just has to be an H button in it).

Check what range the opponent is at before doing :dp::m:. The opponent should be near the edge of your spiral swords range or else you’ll cross under them before the last kick.

To get this spacing, check how you are setting up spiral swords.

  1. If you’re doing judgement cut L->spiral swords, make sure they are at the edge of judgement cut L range. If not, you need to add a cr.H before spiral swords. If they are, DO NOT do cr.H before spiral swords.

  2. If you are going straight from cr.H->spiral swords (such as after a wallbounce->M teleport or after a j.S groundbounce). Change the timing that you cancel it into spiral swords based on how far they are from you. If they are near the hilt of cr.H, do a late cancel into spiral swords, while if they’re further out cancel immediately. If they are near the edge of cr.H spiral swords will not connect no matter what.

Thanks for the help.

New Vergil player here. Is there a good vergil combo to DHC into if you USED a wall bounce already? I would like to DHC into Vergil from She Hulk and I’ve already used a wall bounce. Is there a good normal vergil combo that doesn’t use a wall bounce?

You can probably use she hulk’s otg for a good extension after the DHC.

I’m having trouble getting the round trip to connect after the dp M. I’m trying to do :dp::m: release round trip. Any tips?

Wait longer. Let Vergil stand there for a second. Lunar Phase has ass recovery. Don’t worry, your swords won’t run out. It might help your spacing/timing to do a forward dash after the Lunar Phase (like you might see Yipes doing).

Thanks for responding. I’ll give the dash a try.

if you hold backwards during the lunar phase once you see him walk backwards you can let it go any time and it’ll still work just fine.

Is it known that, with the correct spacing and timing, you can throw round trip, tag out, call Vergil assist, and have the round trip come back onto the screen and function as part of the assist?

Far too situational to be practical I think… but hell… somebody might care to make some tech out of it I suppose.

Didn’t really feel like attempting to search for this, so if it’s known, just tar and feather me and move along :slight_smile:

Well I knew about it. Not sure if its well known already. It’ll have its uses if the point character has a teleport.