Vergil combo thread 2.0

lol wut more info on this pls

I messed around with that a little bit. Specifically round trip hard tag into magneto tri-dash over opponent and raw tag vergil back in on the other side. If they block the round trip comes and makes them block longer in the back, but not long enough to make raw tag safe.

Why do people test these things?!?!

Speaking of random round trip oddities, if you can throw round trip over your opponent and then make them cross under you, you can then rapid slash and round trip will hit them afterwards so you can confirm off of it. If you do it late enough round trip can hit them before you even cross up.

Only setup I could think of was j.S->round trip (whiff over them) and have the opponent forward tech. In Devil Trigger you could do air round trip->airdash j.L->rapid slash. Nothing practical that I can think of, oh well.

hmm you think maybe throw rt> raw tag viper> viper ball> air feint x3 over opp> raw tag vergil could work? ill try it out now

Question. Whats Vs favorite spiral swords DHC? I still go for double 623Ms

Question. Whats Vs favorite spiral swords DHC? I still go for double 623Ms which i dont think is the most damaging @-@

Why is it considered the norm now to cancel rapid slash into swords as opposed to devil trigger?
I know the Yipe’s sequence made it so the combo could have decent damage, but devil trigger allows way more damage.

I can understand going into swords of rapid slash gets blocked, but it’s not too hard to confirm dt on hit and swords on block.

Because in devil trigger you actually get way less damage as opposed to swords. I don’t know what combo you’re doing, but with my team, after a rapid slash DHC into swords, I build 2.2 meters doing I think about 600k before I go into sword loops. With devil trigger, you’re going to stay at -1 bars because you don’t build it back. Plus, if they do block it, then I get an easy unblockable setup with Wesker gunshot assist because swords keeps them in block-stun, whereas devil trigger probably puts you at around +3 or 4 after the flash, that’s it.

Yeah swords after Rapid Slash builds wayy more meter and does more damage if you do a real combo.

Taking shots? Lol

Wesker swords unblockable doesn’t work <_<

623Mx2 is an aweful swords DHC and should never be used.

Round trip glitch combos are godlike.

Shots fired.

For example, this does 586,900.

I don’t see any youtube video of it but I recall the following doing ~800k.
Rapid slash, devil trigger, cM, cH, stinger, tele, H, S, H, S, sj.H, helm breaker, Samurai Edge OTG, H, S, sj. H, helm breaker, M tele, 3H, DS. Obviously sword loops can also be an option if 800k doesn’t kill (which will also build a bit of meter after swords end, except the start of the combo was less scaled starting with DT)

Seems to me the trade off is:
swords allows meter build after it ends (1 bar?)
DT doesn’t scale damage as much so you do more damage but gain no meter and you must start with 2.0 meter, otherwise you can’t continue anything afterwards.

The meter gain becomes a lot more significant once you start adding in assist extensions.

What do you recommend then?

Oh I found out something kinda cool yesterday and i dunno if anyone mentioned it but it seems that if you throw a DT round trip while a character is coming in, then raw tag Vergil out and call Rapid Slash assist as soon your incoming character is done taunting Vergil with come out and do rapid slash and round trip will follow him :rofl: I dont know if there are any set-ups for this but im trying to get a legit Viper/Vergil unblockable so I’ll see what I can come up with.

I just tried out Rapid slash (1 hit), devil trigger, cM, cH, stinger, tele, H, S, H, S, sj.H, helm breaker, Samurai Edge OTG, c.H, swords, round trip, c.H, lunar phase, which got 874,700. Those assists you mention can be substituted in my combo as well (assuming I get into swords without Sam Edge, ie. starter, wallbounce, tele, c.H, swords). So meter gain wise+damage wise, starting with DT is still better.

What I typically do is judgement cut L->helm breaker->round trip->judgement cut L->lunar phase.

Does more damage, builds slightly more meter, and doesn’t have all kinds of size issues like double lunar phase does. You can also do helm beaker->judgement cut L->round trip->judgement cut L and it works the same.

I’m getting 729,000 with that same combo you mentioned in training mode right now. 2 bar start, end with 0. Are you sure you’re not leaving something out in your notation? Because this is a long way off from 874,000.

With Rapid slahs (1 hit)->spiral swords->st.H->round trip glitch->st.MH->round trip->cr.H->judgement cut L->cr.H->st.S->sj.MMH Helm breaker->wesker OTG+round trip->cr.H->judgement cut L->cr.H->stinger->M teleport->cr.H->SH round trip->cr.H->judgement cut L->cr.H->spiral swords->lunar phase->round trip->cr.H-> Lunar phase I get 700,300, starting with 1 bar, ending with 0.9 bars.
How can you even compare this? Spiral swords combos are very obviously superior in terms of meter gain, being 1.9+ meters over Devil Trigger (DT is -2, Spiral Swords is -0.1 in the above examples)

I’m getting 729,000 with that same combo you mentioned in training mode right now. 2 bar start, end with 0. Are you sure you’re not leaving something out in your notation? Because this is a long way off from 874,000.

With Rapid slahs (1 hit)->spiral swords->st.H->round trip glitch->st.MH->round trip->cr.H->judgement cut L->cr.H->st.S->sj.MMH Helm breaker->wesker OTG+round trip->cr.H->judgement cut L->cr.H->stinger->M teleport->cr.H->SH round trip->cr.H->judgement cut L->cr.H->spiral swords->lunar phase->round trip->cr.H-> Lunar phase I get 700,300, starting with 1 bar, ending with 0.9 bars.
How can you even compare this? Spiral swords combos are very obviously superior in terms of meter gain, being 1.9+ meters over Devil Trigger (DT is -2, Spiral Swords is -0.1 in the above examples)

That’s right, I missed from Sam edge…release round trip, c.H, judgement cut L, swords, lunar phase etc. After the last lunar phase, while still in DT, he’s fast enough to M tele to the other side and get a better dmg 3H, DS, putting him at 1 mil for 3 meters.

I suspect your combo would need another sword loop or two to get to 1 mil. Which in the case of being at -0.1 meter loss, would not be a problem. I can’t round trip glitch in my combos (though that part of your combo it wouldn’t be used to build meter, just add more damage/hits), but what happens after you continue with 2 more sword loops and end in a 3H?

I’ll try your combo out tonight to see if I can pull it off. Never thought of the S, sj.mmh, helm, wesker OTG part before, I was just thinking the solo Vergil version, so I see your point about how significant that meter gain is.

Messing around…after an upward TAC into Vergil you can whiff J.S and i want to see if you can link cr.H.

Anyone try this out?

only works in DT.