Vergil combo thread 2.0


After a down exchange(maybe side&up too, haven’t checked), if you immediately do a side exchange, Vergil’s sword will whiff, meaning you’ll hit the ground first while the opponent is in the spinning knockdown state. Dunno if you can get a cr.H, but you can go directly into spiral swords.

whiffed side TAC can still be countered

I’m trying to get a damaging DT combo for after a (L, M, H, Stinger) -> L or M Judgement Cut -> DT, for those blocking forwards for Rapid Slash.

So far i’m doing (after the DT):
[INDENT=1]H -> S, sj.MMH -> Helm Breaker -> OTG assist -> Release RT-> cr.H -> L Judgement Cut -> Stinger -> M tele -> S -> H -> Release RT -> cr.H -> L Judgement cut…[/INDENT]

Then either, depending on meter:

[INDENT=1]->Lunar Phase -> High Time -> Dimension Slash (726k)[/INDENT]


[INDENT=1]->Swords -> Lunar Phase -> Lunar Phase -> High Time -> Dimension Slash (848k)[/INDENT]

Unfortunately they are both quite expensive meter-wise, any tips on another one to do?
Or is it more viable to go for a reset whilst still in DT than go for the damage?

Hey I finnaly got the Vergil set p for loop right but the problem is when many times after I do release roundtrip, cr.b qcf L Swords, Lunarphase <— the last kick for this lunar phases always misses so no bounce to continue the loop. I also forgot to mention this usually happens mid screen

Can anyone tell me the best extension using wesker assist? I do rising sun opener into wall bounce, launch into knockdown wesker assist, round trip into loops or end. Is there anything else better that I can be doing? I think I have seen better combos with the wesker assist used at a different point?

The problem you’re having is due to the body of the ‘loopee’ not being low enough when the you use the sword hyper after the qcf A. You can either try to get the timing down just by practicing so that the swords are going through the middle of the opponent when you do the hyper which will mean the lunar phase will connect correctly;or you can try the better version of the sword loops which is:

…cr.C -> qcf L -> cr.C -> Swords…

This way the cr.C gets the loopee to the correct height and also helps build meter/damage. It is more difficult but with practice it is the preferred way to do the loops. Hope that helped, if not just watch some Vergil videos to get the timing down.

I personally use the OTG assist at a different point, instead of using Rising Sun in the combo you can omit it and instead just use a normal launch like this (mid screen):

LMH -> Stinger -> S -> MMH -> Helm Splitter -> OTG assist (dash forward) -> Release RT -> cr.H -> L Judgement Cut (charge RT) -> cr.H -> Stinger (Wall Bounce) -> M Teleport -> SH -> Release RT … Begin with sword loops.

Also, I think that the standard S -> MMH -> Helm Splitter, is not only much easier but also does more damage (could be wrong but it’s not a huge difference). The Rising Sun combo is used for when you don’t have the OTG in the back so it’s still useful but only if Wesker gets snapped in and killed.

any tips on comboing after vajra assist? I’ve seen some videos of vergil being able to df h vajra hits then he continues with a standing combo.

On a ground and on a helm breaker I do the Stinger Dash Cancel twice and call Strider in the first dash then do the df+H > Trick down > St.M.

The notation would look something like: Forward+M+H+A1 > Forward +M+H > DF+H > Trick Down > St.M

Use St.M for raw helm breaker and after your first launch helm breaker mid combo, you can use stand L on a ground throw.

Does it work on everybory? I don´t know if it misses in some chars or I´m messing… some of them don´t get crossed after the wall bounce no matter what… (wolverine, Shuma Gorath). The timing is very strict against the tiny ones too… To be honest after an hour trying I just can do it work in a reliable way on “normal” size chars, such as Ryu, Dante, Vergil, Wesker…

I have no idea what this means. are you saying that i should do l,m,h(call strider)6h…then strider hits then go into his bnb again?

lol no, i did this recently which might help: [media=youtube]eqi2HdWItnQ[/media]

Im talking about calling strider on the first dash input, the second dash is just for timing purposes, its in the description. Hope it helps.

What DHC ender variations does everyone use if the character you’re DHCing from used their wallbounce?

So this combo right here, I’m having a hard time getting the last hit of Lunar Phase after the first Judgement Cut. Anyone have any tips on landing this?

For this combo and the loop variant:

:l:(hold):m::d::h::f:+:h:xx :qcb::m: :m::h::s::h: release round trip :s::h:xx:qcf::l:(hold :l: )
cr.:h:xx:dp::m: :df::h: ( :qcf::atk::atk: )

is a cr.H required after :qcf::l:(hold :l: ) for both the loop and non loop version? It keeps whiffing for me and I don’t know how to make it hit. I looked at the video for the loop version and he just goes straight into spiral swords without doing cr.H

I’ve been searching Youtube for good Vergil comboes for forever now.

What are some good solo Vergil comboes that are meter-efficient? What’s his most damaging 0-bar combo / combo starter? What’s his most damaging Spiral Swords followup finisher, midscreen and corner? What about a Spiral Swords followup that enables looping? Which one builds the most meter? I don’t care how difficult. I’m really tired of seeing those 400k dmg meterless -> 1 million 4 bar awful horrible comboes. I guess if those BnBs aren’t known I’m just going to have to grind the training mode until I figure something out.

Oh, and what’s the best way to implement Dante’s Jam Session early on in a combo? Later on it only adds maybe 20k damage total which of course sucks. I’m guessing it at least enables me to combo without X-Factor off a Helmbreaker which would be great. No access to the console until monday but it really would help to have clear goals for practice instead of having to figure everything out from a scratch. Vergil comboes are seriously underdeveloped if some junk like this:

Is the best material on youtube.

try doing cr.H instead of st.S xx Upper Slash that puts them at the right height for lunar phase to connect like 99% of the time.

no cr.H is never really reqired. it just makes landing the lunar phase more consistant. I know on some characters (wolverine, zero, dorm) landing the cr.H after a judgement cut can be a pain so if you aren’t feeling it you can omit the cr.H just make sure to crouch when you activate swords so thier hurtbox falls lower because that helps make the lunar phase more consistant.

For solo combos I still do these


I dont use Jam Session but afaik the best extender is the one Darksim uses which is cr.H (call Dante) > Stinger xx Release round trip > cr.H xx L judgement cut > cr.H > whatever ender which is the first combo in this video [media=youtube]XrhSAbpKJS0[/media]

Is it possible to glitch a round trip in sword loop after DPM + M? Any normals that you can do midscreen?

If so I guess it would be possible to significantly extend that BnB by saving the wallbounce.

Also thanks alot for that extender, it really should be good for the cases where I have Vergil out before Dante’s dead.

Oh also, first non-terrible youtube channel, thanks alot again.

On 1P side you can do cr.H->round trip after lunar phase during spiral swords. Very finicky on 2P side.

So I have been practicing the L Orbs cr.H into swords to start the Virgil loop without lunar phase whiffing on its last hit and I still haven’t gotten it.

Any other ways to do this without the cr.H?