Vergil combo thread 2.0

Hey all, can someone provide a link for the vergil doom (hm) combo? I’ve looked everywhere for it again but can’t find it. The combo is something like

cr.l s.H rising sun air mmh d+h tp m call doom fm+h dash x2 into stuff


EDIT: Nvm here it is again for future reference


Mags combo using vergil assist/tempest ender, dhc to swords, use of doom assist to get an extra round trip loop with vergil. ~1,150,000 if you don’t use any additional meter, and you have a net gain of an entire meter over the course of the combo.


Any antiair comboes for Vergil? The best ones I’ve found are j.MHS(helmbreaker if out of range for S) into the normal continuation, and s.H Rising Sun into a normal Rising sun combo.

Anything else?

Oh yeah and anti-airing with S there’s the S H release Round Trip -> cr.H Judgement cut cr.H f.H teleport etc combo

If you’re talking about stuffing out their air normals, you should be able to just st. LMH xx rising sun (let them fall far enough after the heavy to where they are at “ground” level, and then proceed with your bnb.

Learning how to use his fast st. L to stuff shit out is an art, but I’d say it’s better than relying on a good read and having to toss out a st. H outside of devil trigger. If you whiff or if you made a bad read, Vergil’s gettin bopped.

I don´t understand this part… You mean "Let them fall far enough after s.H from LMH, and Rising Sun… or the H is from trick after Rising Sun?

Not the H for the trick down, the H form the LMH prior. Basically hit confirm with LM, and use the heavy hit stun from the following H to let them fall to where they are level with the “ground” for the rising sun. If you don’t let them fall low enough, it makes it extremely difficult, and in some cases (impossible?) to hit the superjump MHS afterwards.

Long story short, use the hitstun from the heavy to adjust the opponent to the correct height for the followup

can’t doom be used in these loops?

Sure can, the extender I came up with for my dhc is a few posts back, and the post above it has a pretty sweet use of missiles right at the beginning of the combo. I would think missiles at the beginning of a combo would cripple your damage output, but I’m not certain. However, I am certain that using a missiles extender for an extra round trip loop does far more damage/builds much more meter than using the missiles for mags

If you wait too much, the opponent will flip out before you hit RS… or not? if not, Am I doing anything wrong? I found if they´re not too far from ground, you can hit confirm with LM, and follow with c. H, it´s hard knockdown so you can do RS really late (easier to land the follow up)… But I´m trying to hit them from almost any height covered by s. L on air opponents, so I can convert random hits in nice combos… haha… so… I think learning the timing of s. H to adjust height fits better.

c. H works fine if they’re grounded I suppose, but vergil’s aa arsenal relies pretty heavily on his standing normals. If you have an otg assist, you can just do a st. LMHS then neutral superjump, Hxxhelmbreaker etc., and get some super wacky confirms sometimes vs air (vergil crosses up several times underneath, reminiscent of wesker).

But you are right, if you catch them with the top of your hitbox as aa, the st. H will NOT cause a knockdown. However, if they’re a bit lower to the ground, say, you do neutral jump H (call disruptah) M teleport, and then pick them up with st. LMH, the H has enough hit stun to cause a knockdown.

Basically I was just saying that for optimized conversion/confirms, letting them drop a little after the st. H helps quite a bit. I played around with it a bit and I might have exaggerated a little, but it does make for wonky timing/difficult conversions when the opponent is at the top of rising sun’s hitbox.

If you’re playing point Vergil for some reason and you want derpmode conversions, use an otg (wesker pistol being optimal ofc), and if you don’t really care about optimization go with just the standing magic series sj. Hxx helmbreaker. It’s basically impossible to drop as long as you keep your sj neutral, and if you hold down L from the st. L, you can have a round trip charged and ready for the otg.

Here’s an easier version I made,


Damn no crown or blistering sword combos? I hope it’s because ya got those on deck but just haven’t posted it, I would show off mine but godlike so I’m keep that to myself :slight_smile:

So much fun. And a total waste of meter

It’s only a waste of meter of u play Vergil without a otg assist. I play zero Vergil Dante in that order so using Dante session my extensions are limited to get damage or tod I’m have to spend about 3 bars on sword loops. My blistering swords combo isn’t that damaging 800k for using 3 bars is pretty bad but my crown on the other hand is about 1mill using 3 bars but in the combo I build one back :slight_smile:

Mags bnb, with vergil extension, tempest ender, dhc to swords, doom extender - 1.2 mil off of a lmhs starter. Nets a meter. Not builds, nets.

That’s different tho if I go into Dante’s bnb and dhc into Vergil swords I can get a tod on any character and remain meter positive. And from the tourney results it seems like any character bnb dhc into Vergil is a tod, I design my team that i can kill ether way you put my team order and playing Vergil on point or as a incoming char to get over 800k u have to burn meter and with my crown swords combo before I use the 3rd bar I already gotten around 800k. So it’s not bad when you look at from that perspective

Does vergil have anything better on a tac than jMMHd+H? And assuming now, anyone have any good setups post tac helm breaker? I only ask because I run vergil 2nd and sometimes want to bring him in w/o burning 2 meters on it. For reference, my team in question is Mag Vergil Doom-b. Sometimes Nova Vergil Doom. Thanks!

You can start sword loops if you have an OTG or an assist that can convert off helm breaker when you spiral sword before doing high time.

I think it is possible to do it with Magneto’s disruptor. Try to spiral sword then do high time + disruptor at the same time.

With nova you can probably call nova, helm breaker, then stinger to wall bounce then start sword loops. This is assuming you didn’t use your wall bounce already.

I´m Finally trying this combo too… I used to have the same problem… them I started to delay s. S from. c.H, s. S, s. H… and it works…
I noticed against tiny/lightweight chars this part is a lot harder… i think, after S, you need to delay s. H too… like: c.H, delayed s.S, slightly delay s.H… Against the big bodies like hulk, sentinel and thor… I can do it almost everytime… things get bad when I tried against Spider Man, Strider, Zero…

Still no luck on the Rising sun combos