What reliable sword loop are you guys doing off of Spiral Swords DHC from Million Dollars? I’m having trouble getting anything consistent. Mid screen and corner both.
More swords…
In the corner, i go for dante’s regular bnb: L, M, H, 6H, BC, 623M, j ( H, 236M, H), standing S, prop shredder, hj Hammer, standing 3HHHH, 6H, BC, j 236H, standing 236MM, million dollars. I don’t really use acid rain, but you should - i just used this a couple of times on training mode since i don’t really use dante that much.
After that you should remain in the corner, DHC into swords, (charge), HS, Roundtrip, 236L (charge), 623M, 2H, 6H, Roundtrip, 2H, 236L, 2H. At this point, if you still have meter to burn and need to kill a character go for spiral swords, if that’s not the case just use 623M after the last 2H and finish with high-tide > maximum vergil.
Hope that helps
Thanks, what about mid screen?
I think you can make this work midscreen tbh… You have to add some teleports on Dante’s bnb to continue the combo. Anyway, i found this vid:
I guess it has all you need and it looks like it’s meter and damage optimized
After watching those videos and seeing Justin Wong use Vergil for a bit in CEO 2012, it got me thinking, when doing going for sword loops, is it possible to replace the x2 helm breaker with S H after activating swords or is it possible to start the sword loop while the opponent is blocking round trip. Say that they’re in round trip’s guard stun, from what I’ve seen Justin Wong do, it looked like he used 2H when the round trip was on the way back, which prompted him to start the sword loop from there. If that’s not possible, then how is how do you do the x2 helm breaker after activating swords? I had tried the usual helm breaker, trick up cancel and helm breaker again, but the opponent recovers by then.
Also, what’s the notation for the new sword loop? Keep hearing about it but not sure what it is.
You can start a sword loop with lunar phase or SH, you just need to work your timing out.
You can: Spiral swords, (start charging L), lunar phase, Roundtrip, 2H, 236L, 2H - at this point, if you still have a ground bounce available, you can use another lunar phase before spiral swords, if not, cancel the last 2H with spiral swords.
This doesn’t work in the corner though - in this situation just go for the SH. Since you have spiral swords activated the opponent doesn’t reach the ground and preserves your groundbounce.
the one I use (does more damage) is
(Dante combo) blah~Million Dollars DHC on spinning shot (2nd to last shot of million dollars) Dash :dp: (round trip held) (land and Release :l: ) cr.:h: :qcf::l: cr.:h: (next loop or :dp:
in the corner just use
million dollars :dp: :dp:
cr.:h: :f:+:h: delayed round trip cr.:h: xx :qcf::l: cr.:h: ( :dp:
or next loop )
how do you continue the loop when you reach the corner but you’ve already used your ground and wall bounce?
the lunar phase has so much push that it’ll push me right to the corner and the rent of the loop starts dropping at odd times because of round trip being thrown into the corner.
Look above and try my transcription of the “buster swap”. No buster swap necessary.
After the 6H you can cancel into rapid slash if you have meter or xf to keep it safe. Otherwise reset with s.L instead of the c.H, f.H.
You just have to be aware of when your in the corner or about to be in the corner the trick I use to be aware of this is that I look at the stage and what it is has in the corner so that way I know but if your in the corner you got a few options which is double lunar phase or helm breaker 2x RT lunar phase or helm breaker 2x rt SH judgement cut L swords again etc
Midscreen I usually just L teleport after the final shot of Million Dollars and then: Dash > Helm Breaker > Judgement Cut (Sometimes I just do another Helmet breaker if i’m lazy) > Round Trip > (optional c.H) > Lunar Phase then do whatever, this should always push to the corner and give you wallbounce > Round Trip or whatever.
In the corner, I do: (dash up if not fully in the corner) Helm Breaker > Judgement Cut > Round Trip > Judgement Cut > Lunar Phase. Builds more meter and does slightly more damage than Lunar Phase x2. Characters also don’t randomly fall out of it at the worst possible time.
That is also how I loop if I unintentionally run into the corner, I cancel the second Judgement Cut into swords and repeat.
Also, if you know that doing the next loop will put you into the corner, after throwing the Round Trip you can c.H > Rapid Slash (cancel into swords after the third hit) and will be able to continue the regular midscreen loop in the other direction.
I don’t know exactly when to call Crystal assist after j.H,j. 2H…
I have done it several times but I can’t figure out the timing!
It seems like I am even getting less consistent lol…
Pardon the strange/novice question, but I haven’t really run into canceling crouching normals into DP motions in this game thus far, but how
are you guys doing the cr. H xx Spiral Swords consistently? Double fireball?
Just practice it, the timing is more leinent than you think it is due to Vergil’s Cr.:h: having alot of hitstun and always forcing a soft knockdown
Right as Vergil touches the ground, you then delay before throwing the round trip. I posted stuff in the team thread:
Also, for the full screen combo, instead of doing c.H > Stinger > Teleport > etc. you can cancel that c.H into Spiral Swords, and do a standard rep ending with a Lunar Phase (which will carry to the corner) and then wallbounce > Round Trip > etc.
I should probably make the video for it sometime…
[LEFT][SIZE=13px]New Vergil Tech: Hold forward and press M+H. Stinger wave dash cancel. On knockdowns if they tech back you can use that type of wave dash to create a mixup because Vergil will go through them like Iron Fist. Try it in the lab![/SIZE][/LEFT]
Is it okay if I post a notation for an impractical/useless combo with so much RT Glitch?
(j.H), s.M, s.H, s.f+H xx Spiral Swords, (hold L), s.H, Trick or Trick Down,
(depending on Vergil’s Location, If Vergil is facing at the corner then he must be facing away from it)
s.H, s.f+H, RT Glitch, cr.H, Judgement Cut L, cr.H, s.f+H, RT Glitch, dash twice, cr.H, delay s.S, s.H, RT Glitch, cr.H, Judgement Cut L,
[Lunar Phase, High Time xx Dimension Slash] or
[cr.H, Lunar Phase, High Time xx Dimension Slash]
Costs one bar and builds one bar.
Approx 600k dmg.
You could either change the combo ender into Sword loop.
I’m still trying to figure it out the ways which the RT Glitch is effective on combos as well on lockdown mix-ups.
Ah, I was simply throwing the Round Trip too early. Thanks~
copy paste from other combo thread:
So I found this a while ago but never posted it.
You can get a helm breaker really late into combos by using round trip. Blah blah blah->round trip->cr.H->(round trip starts hitting)->S (while round trip is hitting)->helm breaker. So with this I made a new spiral swords DHC that allows you to tag in an OTG assist+round trip regardless of hitstun scaling
corner carry combo->spiral swords->judgement cut L->helm breaker (jump forward a bit before helm breaker)->cr.H->round trip glitch->cr.H->S->helm breaker->call OTG assist->back dash round trip->cr.H->judgement cut L->lunar phase->ect.
You can change the first judgement cut L to helm breaker if you weren’t right next to the cornered opponent after activating swords (judgement cut will make your swords miss in this case). You can move around and still get 2 helm breakers, so make sure to correct your spacing for the cr.H->round trip glitch. You should be almost at the edge of your spiral swords when you throw round trip.
Haven’t really tried tinkering with it to make a midscreen version because my team can always put them in the corner.
My testing was with Dante’s crystal assist (one of the slowest OTG assists in the game Q_Q), so you may or may not have time to back dash and throw round trip AFTER calling your OTG assist. Adjust your assist call timing so that round trip hits as your assist is hitting them.
edit: gonna go test it on more characters. Forgot to test it on fatties and midgets lol
Nice good stuff as always Dark :tup:. I was just telling myself I need to optimize my Swords DHC follow up in-case I still have Viper assist available. I was being lazy and doing 3 helm breakers, cr.H, stinger, roundtrip, cr.H, lunar phase(ground bounces), helm breaker, call Viper, into another round trip loop. But I’ll experiment with this and see how much meter build and damage it is.