Fellow vergil bros, I come to you frustrated, annoyed, but mostly embarassed. The ramza loop into swords thing is what’s giving me problems. I can hit it from the p1 side going to the p2 side with a bit of practice, but for whatever reason going from the p2 to the p1 side is damn near impossible. The trouble comes when I’m supposed to activate swords after qcf+a, cr. c xxx swords. I cannot get the dragon punch motion, even when I try crazy things like uf, d, df. Any tips? other than to keep practicing
If you can already do it on one side…then its just practice man. lol. You know what you have to do.
all the vergils I see at tournaments do a combo with swords where they do multiple helm breakers - is that a lazy/easy version of one of the combos in post 1? What’s the advantage?
Its just the lazy version of the combo, the :dp: vairant of the combo does more damage and carries to the corner better
Can anybody offer any advice as to how I can convert off Rising Sun? I understand that you need to teleport, but I always miss the follow up. Any advice would be welcomed.
Edit: Questions… Is doing Stinger into FDF L into Trick safe or at least close to it? Because if i can cancel stinger into that as opposed to burning a bar…yeah.
Also, if when I do swords they are VERY low what can i do?
Some resets/tricks I’ve been toying with:
When you are doing a combo I find:
Using Trick L is good if you want to Establish a corner game and end with Dimension Slash
Using Trick M is good if you want loops.
-After doing your wall bounce and Trick if you do a st L as opposed to HS to air combo or activation of swords you can dash under them and create a tricky reset. Mix this up with Trick L and Trick M start ups to make it even more difficult guessing game.
After high time do not activate hyper and land and cross to the other side.
You can do the first reset with Rising sun as well.
(Tested this with ground bounce after S and it does not work. It has to be either a wall bounce after stinger or rising sun) EDIT-It works if you are in Devil Trigger.
Anyone have any good resets with Vergil? Trying to find some good shenanigans with him?
After you hit :h: for the trick down you have to immediately super jump into j. , j.:h:, j.:s: or helm breaker/whatever else you plan to do to continue the combo.
Need some help with corner sword loop. Currently I’m using Nemesis/Vergil. I’ll land a full combo (using both wall and ground bounce) with Nemesis, then DHC into swords, problem is 99% of the time this will end up in the corner.
I do the lazy sword loop [helm breaker, helm breaker, round trip, c.H, judgement cut L], but the c.H always misses and I drop the combo
Any advice on how to make this combo work in the corner, or should I be using a different loop?
After you release Rt instead crouching h do a l. Judgement cut into lunar phase…
Thank you for your reply. I will practice that vigorously!
Having a little trouble trying to do the lunar phase after activating spiral swords, the last hit of the lunar phase doesn’t land and I always drop the combo, is there a way to make it a little easier rather than just doing spiral swords and helm breaker twice?
If your activating swords right after a judgement cut the lunar phase will tend to miss on the last hit most of the times due to the character being over vergil’s head. Like it’s been stated before in this thread it’s recommended to use crouching h after judgement cut then activate swords for better character positioning. Now if you haven’t gotten the crouching H into swords link down, and your doing judgement cut into swords you’re going to have to crouch then do lunar phase sp the character won;t drop.
When i start my swords loops i usually do:
helm x2, cr h, jc----swords hyper again and then the character is too far away and i have to do hold L to rising sun (which of course is better) but is there another variation of the loop i could do that is more effective than helm breaker x2? That seems so useless and doesnt build any meter for me…
right now im having trouble landing rising to throw to cr h to jc to cr h to swords again.
i find i have more time to slow down and get a loop by doing helm breaker as a starter. it is more flexible with the timing of activating the sword hyper in regards to where the opponent is. If i start the loop with Rising Sun they have to be very high.
I may be misunderstanding you, but do not use rising sun in a sword loop.
As a general rule, sword loops come after the sequence: release RT, 2H, 236L, 2H xx swords. There are other points you’d want to start swords, but most combos should at some point look similar to the above, and that’s when you start your loop, unless you still have your ground and wall bounces. As long as your opponent isn’t in the corner lunar phase, release RT, 2H, 236L, 2H should almost always hit. Notice that the sequence is identical to the above.
IF you still have both bounces left, instead of cancelling into swords after the last 2H, chain into 6H, 214M, HSH, release RT, 2H, 236L, 2H xx swords. Once again notice the last sequence after the HSH is identical to the above.
As another general rule, always be charging RT. It helps vergil stay safe without meter, allows for mixups, and is handy to have charged for when you get the right hit confirm.
I do not understand number notation. lol. Would love for someone to quickly show/teach me. Link?
Look at your number pad on your keyboard.
1 = down left
2 = down
3 = down right
4 = left
5 = neutral
So qcf = 236, shoryuken = 623
Guys which sword loop variation do you do against sentinal ? The ramze loop is not consistent on him.
also i’m wondering what’s a good combo to follow up with after hit confirming with rising sun? I’ve tried the ace killah, but it’s a bit awkward throwing round trip after a stinger, and cancelling into spiral swords after said stinger would mean having to readjust by crouching, I seem to have trouble doing lunar phase after crouching. in that case, should I be attempting isedelica’s loop and go for trick instead of trick down and do judgement cut L instead?
I’ve got a pretty basic corner BnB that’s a 100% combo. Requires a little less than 1 meter startup