Vergil combo thread 2.0

If you go the route of not linking the crouching h after judgement cut can’t you just crouch and do the lunar phase so the character wont fall out of the loop?

the cr.H really builds more bar than S,H?

Yes, but that leads into ender only unless you still have your ground bounce.

There are two c.H’s.

I thought he was talking about SH xx Judgement cut, c.H
instead of c.H xx judgement cut, c.H

I always went off the ramza which was SH xx cut xx swords.

I did some testing with that you still have enough time to release Rt into crouchin H, judgement cut activate swords. But in the case where you crouch and wait to go into lunar phase it’ll lead into the ender. You have to crouch and go straight into lunar phase…

Now that’s all said and done in the long run it’s better to just practice going from judgement cut into crouching h activate swords. Like its been stated before you gain more meter and get a better positioning to where the character won’t fall out of the combo.

I’m new to vergil but i’m trying to figure out a combo using thor (mighty spark) and she hulk (torpedo)

I’ve got something like LMcrH f+H, qcb+M, HS, sj MMHd+H, call thor assist, spiral swords, ddf+H cancel into H trick, and here is where I dont know what to do. I’ve seen Richard Nguyen do a similar setup with Dante weasel shot and i’m wondering at this point what is the most consistent way to continue the spiral swords part of the combo.

Other combo is very simple I have like 2 left hands so these combos are crap but I would like some simple advice

LMH dp+L, H trick, sj MMHS, cr H f+H qcb+M, cr H S, MMHd+H, call she hulk dp+M spiral swords… I’m stuck here. I keep trying release L, qcf+L, cr H into another dp+M but i drop it and I just dont really know hwere to go at this point. not sure if i should be following a standard loop notation or if its specific because of my assist choice eetc.

sorry not very familiar with this cahracter.

Hmm i know with weasel shot you just jump Helm breaker,release Rt,c.H,judgement cut. Idk the properties of mighty spark , maybe try Helm breaker,release Rt,c.H,judgement cut, c.H activate swords- Continue onto sword loop. LmK if that works.

I’m surprised the first post in this thread hasn’t got more likes. Show some love guys!

Anyways, great thread and it’s much appreciated. I’ve hopped on the Vergil derp train and plan to go full herp derp at evo. mag/wasker/vergil

best solo combo after connecting with rapid slash?

Rapid slash to Swords into Standard Ramza… I think this does about 750K for 2 bars starting but i’ll check later
RAPID SLASHxx Swords (hold L) :h: :f:+:h: release L Cr.:h: :qcf::l: (hold :l: ) Cr.:h: Stingerxx:qcb::m: :s:~:h: release :l: Cr.:h:xx:qcf::l: (Hold :l: ) Cr.:h:xx:dp::atk::atk: :dp::m: (release :l:) Cr.:h: xx :qcf::l: :dp::m: :df::h:


Just some Basic RT glitch just for style.
(sorry for the bad quality)

Slight improvement on this:

RAPID SLASHxx Swords (hold L) :h: :f:+:h::qcb::m: :h:release L Cr.:h: :qcf::l: (hold :l: ) Cr.:h: Stingerxx:qcb::m::h: :s:~:h: release :l: Cr.:h:xx:qcf::l: (Hold :l: ) Cr.:h:xx:dp::atk::atk: :dp::m: (release :l:) Cr.:h: xx :qcf::l: :dp::m: :df::h:

dayum i got to do 4 roundtrip charge from Rapid Slash xx Spiral Swords.
I’ll try to make a video of it…somehow.

just a couple things from OP to help out new vergils… the first one there should be qcb M not qcf, although maybe on some ranges that might work haha but that’s not what you’re going for…

then that second combo it says to start holding L after the L judgment cut, but for all swords loops variations you can just start holding when you do the spiral swords super to avoid unnecessarily doing MH for super or something like that that may be unnatural… this might be of special note to pad players, though I don’t really know

wonderful OP good stuff

The “Buster Swap” DHC ender in the OP is not correct. It’s easiest to do this combo using *:m: *for your round trip charges, no need to swap at all.

:dp:* + :l:[:m:], :s: :h: ]:m:[ [:m:], :s: :h: :qcf: + :l:, cr.:h: :s: :h: ]:m:[ [:m:], :s: :h: :qcf: + :l:, cr.:h: :f:+:h: ]:m:[ , cr.:h: :qcf: + :l:, cr.:h::dp: + :atk::atk:, etc.*

This combo is very difficult as the timings for some of the links require delays. I’m almost positive you must use the round trip glitch as shown above by *]**:m:[ [:m:]. *

Just going to post this here. (I am stupid and went to the old thread first.)

I’m having trouble doing sword loops. Tips?

Anyway, here is my post:

"I’m a new Vergil player and by god is he derp derp and fun. He fits on any team and pretty much does amazing at any position. I’ve been playing him at either the two or the three so he has meter do Sword Loops. He basically becomes safe in xf lvl 3 and his shenanigans get even better.

Few questions/things i want to know though…

-Is there any point in doing Devil Trigger outside of his LVL 3 at this point? I just see Swords being the better choice in every situation other then DHC tricks with Frank West…

- for sword loops: Depending on the height of the character when activated you have to time stuff differently. Whats the easiest loop to start on when activated? The most damage/ one i should be doing?

Loops can be done in and out of corner, correct?

-I NEVER see anyone do QCF S (The swords go around the opponent) and i think it looks very promising. Verdict on this?

-After stinger/wall bounce i see people doing Trick M and i have been doing Trick L for my attempts. Why Trick M over Trick L?

-Do the Spiral Swords loops ignore hit stun deteioration if done correctly?

The combo I am doing to start my loop is:

LMH-Stinger-QCF L-Super Jump-MHS-MH-Stinger-Trick L-Swords Hyper.

Is it possible to do the loop from this? Everytime I try to do QCF M during the loop or at all the bounce is obviously not there. Should i preserve my ground bounce to make the loop better? Do a different variation? Whats my best option?

(I was thinking about using Dantes Ice otg assist to start crap)"

DT is pretty good when you know you need to add mobility options like an airdash or double jump
if you DHC Vergil Out (to say go into something like Hail) you have a vergil that gains a double jump to escape incoming mixups and the fastest box dash in the game, in every other case, swords is gonna be the best
#2 if you start a sword loop and they are above your head, crouch and :dp::m: to adjust them, there isn’t really timing thats different outside of characters like raccon so its all good
The proper sword loop that most people do is (blah into starter) :dp::m: release round trip crouching :h: xx :qcf::l: (hold :l: ) Cr.:h: :dp::atk::atk: with bar or :dp::m: with no bar left
#3 Sword crown is really saved for the last character or after a snap when you have lots of meter, on last characters though, its… kinda busted.
#4 Trick M puts you in a better position to get more sword loops and hence more damage
#5 Substituting Trick M will make the swords combo much easier too do and make it worth using your wallbounce

the “easy” crystal extension is to use Dante’s crystal earlier in the combo, it gives you the same amount of meter, and is a LOT less finnicay
:l::m::h:~:f:+:h: xx :dp::l: (hold :l: )~:h: trick superjump :m::h::d:+:h: call dante release :l: :h: xx :qcf::l: (hold :l: again) cr.:h::f:+:h: :qcb::m: :s::h: xx round trip (release :l:) cr.:h: xx :qcf::l: (hold for loopage)xx :dp::atk::atk:~loops til out of meter or dead

Yea I’ve been doing the charge during hyper freeze ever sense I picked him up as well, and it is a massive help when your really only chucking round trip in specific parts. It’s essentially the same way Zero gets his lvl 3 buster just before the lightning loop.

Oh hi, You are awesome.

So quick wrap up:

After i do wall bounce and do teleport M should i activate ASAP or WAIT more then I think I should?

Hit stun detioration does not matter in these loops at all?

The above combo you mentioned is the best choice for meter build and damage?

And it is my choice with whether or not I want to do my ground bounce really? Still good dmg output either way if I use otg help assist or do the ground bounce early?

If i suck and can’t seem to get that loop is the helm breaker x 2 option good or not really? It seems shitty…