you have to jump just high enough for your S to send them back into the swords.
in other news, found a practical application for that loop i uploaded a little while ago: [media=youtube]WLo9VG3doo4[/media]
you have to jump just high enough for your S to send them back into the swords.
in other news, found a practical application for that loop i uploaded a little while ago: [media=youtube]WLo9VG3doo4[/media]
Hmm Intresting, I feel that if i jump is higher then the other character is the reason why the S sends them to the ground, when I do get it vergil and the other character are at the same height or other character is slightly higher. im trying to make this consistent i get it about 60% of the time, sometimes i dont want to kill using the lighting loop
To comment on your video … Vergil just gets dirtier and dirtier
When doing a ramza loop or a variation of it after dimension slash into spiral swords occasionally during lunar phase they slide out. Is it because I activate spiral when they are too high in the air after dslash because when I delay the spirals a bit it is much more consistent.
from my experience adding the cr.H after the judgement cut L to go into SS made it more consistent. but besides that since the cr.H is a link and the spacing has to be right or else when u activate swords they will be too far for the swords to reach. but in your case delay the lunar phase a lil pretty much to give u a visual wait until their on top of the sword belt. hope that helps
Bump for Sticky
Yep i’ve tried that but then the spirals end before my lunar phase finishes or before I can send out round trip but I’m getting really consistent now.
What is the best combo to do off a DHC? Like when I DHC from Viper’s Burst Time to Spiral Swords?
Best bet is probably (hold light during swords flash) lunar phase * 2, c.H, f.H, release round trip (after they pass over your head), c.H, light judgment cut, c.H, [SS loops] or [lunar phase, high time, dimension slash].
There is another combo out there that is more damaging although I’m not sure on just how much as I haven’t been able to complete it.
SS flash [M], S, H, ]M[, [M], S, H, light cut, c.H, S, H, ]M[, [M], S, H, light cut, from here follow the above combo after the lunar phases * 2. I believe you have to use the round trip glitch on the first one to charge the second round trip in time.
In the first Ramza combo where do you insert the beginning of the loop? I guess, firstly, it might be good to know exactly what the “sword loop” is. Thank you in advance for any and all replies.
Starts immediately after the first judgement cut. Loop is: SS [L], lunar phase, ]L[, c.H, light judgement cut, c.H. After the last c.H either SS for another loop OR lunar phase, high time, dimension slash.
{DHC into Spiral Swords}Holding :l: :dp: :dp:
cr.:h: :f:+:h: Late release :l: (they wallbounce over your head) cr.:h: xx :qcf::l: cr.:h: xx :dp:
Also Acekillah is awesome
I recorded a few of my bnbs with a shitty phonecam, there’s some Vergil-stuff in there. Last combo is for shits&giggles obviously.
Hey everybody. I need a bit of advice on a Vergil combo. This is what it is:
C.Viper: LMH/M Thunder knuckle(cancel on hit)MH/L Seismic Hammer (IAD) HS, (Land) MHS, (air) MMH (double jump) MMHS, Wesker Samurai Edge, IA Burn Kick, S, (air) HS, L Seismic Hammer, Burst Time, Vergil DHC into Spiral Swords, (release buster) H, L Judgement Cut, H, Lunar phase X2, (hard knockdown) C.Viper Burn Kick Assist, High Time. 1.045 million. But I know there’s more I can do, as I don’t use Vergil’s wall bounce in the combo. Could anybody spread some light as to how I could extend this combo?
Look one post above yours, there’s a combo with a dhc into vergil from viper in there.
Either way, you can easily do 1.3m+ off a clean hit with viper and vergil 2nd, best consistent combo I came up with after the dhc is j.2C,j.2C, release round trip, 236A, 623B, 2C, 6C, release roundtrip, etc. You could do 623Bx2 immediately after swords, but it doesn’t work on some of the larger characters and even others seem to drop out randomly.
You can pick people up from a hard knockdown with bk assist btw, do swords, call viper, 3C, trick down.
Thanks for that. I need to learn how to staircase!
Hey, what’s up forum, I’ve been away for awhile and I just picked Vergil back up and I noticed that I think some characters are dropping out of the isedelica combo (combo into :dp::l:[Charge Round Trip with :l:], Trick:h:, sj:m::h::s:, Release Round Trip before hitting ground, st.:h::qcf::l:). Now mind you, I may be rusty at it, but I was hitting it pretty consistently for awhile before I stopped playing back in march. But has anyone else noticed this?
Also, has anyone really paid attention to the fact that Vergil can build meter pretty damn good by himself?
I noticed Zero tends to fall out alot so it has to be adjusted for him.
Bump… this is kinda like the wesker threads… can’t really add too much too this
i got a question about comboing into spiral sword super.
i notice after releasing boomerang most top players link cr.H -> qcf.L ->cr.H and then spiral sword super.
is that more consistent so that the character wont fall out? i usually just release L ->S,H chain-> qcf. L , etc.
Yeah it builds slightly more bar and the cr.H makes the sword belt much more likely to hit correctly so they dont fall out of the next Lunar Phase.