Kinda like when you TK something kinda like barely off the ground?
Yeah, it’s basically a tk round trip. What it’s all about is getting the round trip to hit after the last hit of crystal. The timing is quite spacing-dependent, but the height you’ll get right if you just release the button as soon as you leave the ground.
I’ll record my version of the Ramza combo later on, jumping up with some OTG assists and releasing them makes the hitstun act differently for some odd reason, fickle game that this is.
Having trouble with the last hit of lunar phase landing after L judgment cut > spiral swords
I’ve seen people say back dash before the lunar phase but they end up dropping out of the swords when I backdash
I’ve tried walking back a few steps right after spiral swords activates and then do lunar phase which seems to work sometimes but it still isn’t 100%
Can anyone help me out?
It’s mostly about positioning. Characters are less likely to fall out when they are being juggled at the edge of the spiral swords. To put them there, look where they are getting hit by the judgement cut before spiral swords. If they are directly on top of the cut, then your gonna have to put in a cr.H to push them out a bit more. If they’re on the outer opposite edge of the cut, then your probably good. If its somewhere in between, your probably better off including a cr.H.
just do cr.h everytime
On the subject is there any tips for landing the cr.H? Have real issues with that too.
There’s not any trickery behind crouching normals. Just practice and learn the timing.
Yo, peep this Spiral Swords DHC followup. STRAIGHT FROM NIPPON.
Haven’t tested it, but it’s probably more damage/meter/swag.
Edit: More disgusting:
How does he get all three charges for round trip so fast?
Testing it now, I believe he’s using the RT glitch. Pretty exciting since this seems like a practical application of it. Haven’t really bothered with it until now. I believe that they’re charging with M too so they can do the L Judgement Cut and they’re doing the glitch on the Upper Slash S followup.
Edit: Actually, you can start charging with L and “Buster Swap”, for our purposes RT swap, with M. Then you can get the button available for L Judgement Cut. It’s less awkward too, for me at least.
:dp: + :l: (Hold L), :s: :h: Release RT*, :s: :h: :qcf: + :l: *, cr. :h: :s: :h: Release RT, :s: :h: :qcf: + :l: **, cr.:h: :f:+:h: Release RT, cr.:h: :qcf: + :l:, cr.:h: :dp: + :atk: :atk:, :dp: +
Release RT, cr.:h: :qcf: + :l: cr.:h: :dp: +
*(Release :l: Press and hold )
**(Release Press and hold :l:)
So yeah, you can do this whole thing just using M for the RT glitch, but I find that to be awkward so this is just how I would do it.
Double Edit: If you don’t how to do the RT glitch it’s just releasing your button for RT and immediately pressing the same/another button during the hitstop of that move. It’s easier with Heavy attacks and actually not too difficult.
Now I actually have something to practice with this character. Coolio.
You can actually keep the charge for RT without changing buttons. Unlike other charge characters, Vergil can do so.
Ok so the only thing I’m having trouble with is cr. :h: :s: :h: Release RT*, :s: :h: because they keep dropping out from the second :s::h: before the RT comes back. What should I do?
Just wait a tick before hitting them again with the SH. You have longer than you think.
I got it but I just figured out that it doesn’t work with my DHC from dante. I did my best combo with dante and DHCed in swords and did it but they popped out the second the :h: in cr. :h: :s: :h: hit. I guess it was too much HTD?
Did you already use your ground bounce? If so you need alter your Dante combo to save it, or reset it with Skydance.
Ya that’s the thing my dante combo resets the ground bounce so that vergil can use it and I’m 100% sure I reset it. Like I said they aren’t rolling out they’re popping out before they even touch the ground. I don’t know what the problem is because I’ve always thought vergil’s :s::h: will always fully connect no matter how much HTD is active. If you want to try my combo this is it.
Using dante(jam session), vergil(rapid slash), deadpool(quickwork)
:h:,j:qcf::h: (last hit wiffs), call vergil, :df::h::h:, jump forward, j:qcf::h: (reset ground bounce)xx:dp:
quick beehive to catch them, call deadpool and do stinger at the same time, :s::atk:, j.:qcf::h: (catches them as they fall from the dead pool assist and resets the GB again) :qcb::l:xx:h:,:qcf::atk::atk: (million dollars) into swords then do the new tech.
I was also having issues with this. Seems you need to delay the S after the 2nd round trip. It’s pretty finicky overall. Maybe someone else will have some more tips.
I put up some spiral sword combos together in a vid. No new technology , but oh well, might post here anyway
i need some help with this zero rekkoha into vergils swords (toaster/cloud805er) combo but im doing toasters variant. my question is when i dhc into vergil normal jump MMH super jump HS let go of RT a lot of the time the S just knocks em down. do any of ya no the timing to get this down more consistent ?