You could use the ground bounce off Lunar Phase. Not sure how much hit stun that would eat up though.
Ok, I was messing around in the lab yesterday with Vergil’s instant overhead L. Usually with the right assist you can combo from it. You can also combo solo into helm breaker while in xfactor or/and satan-mode. Pretty standard stuff right? Well yesterday I was comboing instant overhead to helm break with just regular old Vergil. I was like wtf, didn’t know I was supposed to be able to do that. So I tried again and again. It worked literally every time I tried it. I was even getting pickup after the helm breaker and all kind of stuff. Thing is I go to try it again today…and it’s working like it should have been working. I don’t know if I unwittingly stumbled onto some kind of way to change hit-stun ( if so, I can’t repeat it ), so I figured I’d ask if anybody has ever gotten anything like what I’m talking about.
Mixup posted in a theory thread about a new Vergil/Disruptor starter. I decided to post some basic examples. Notations are in the YouTube description. Enjoy!
I swear I’ve had this happen to me before in training mode. Couldn’t repeat it, so I thought maybe I wasn’t looking at it right or my memory was bad or something. But since somebody else has done it, I’m thinking it may be repeatable.
off to the lab
One of two things, I would think:
The character you practice on changed, and the height difference let Helm Breaker hit earlier in its active frames.
Counter-hit was active.
I knew that counter hit puts people in certain states with specific move ( dive kick, head butt ) but I didn’t know it changed hit-stun times. I’ve been playing this game since it came out and I’m still a scrub.
I thought about it maybe being character specific. But I did it a bunch and from different distances. And tried it on the whole team ( Vergil, Taskmaster, Dante ) and it worked. I’m thinking maybe I had counter hit on now, lol. I’ll go check it out and see.
Yeah, counterhit increases hitstun. Some moves get extra properties too, like you said. On counterhit, j.L > Helm Breaker works 100% of the time.
I just realized how scrubby I am, lol.
Anyway, since I’m here does anybody play with dr. strangelove? I’m trying to main him and have Vergil in the back and was wandering if anybody else used the pair at all?
Tenboss in Japan plays x23/Vergil/Strange. Vergil is a better anchor, but strange is no slouch with xf3, and vergil/bolts especially in devil trigger is way, way better than strange with rapid slash. Vergil in xf2 can still do the high time teleport cancel super jump extension too.
I was wondering if there were any mixups/unblockables using Trish’s round harvest on block? I was thinking of a situation where round harvest is thrown and blocked, hard tag and activate swords and then choose which direction you want to teleport making the opponent guess
Swords doesn’t cross up by itself. If you hold back, and Vergil teleports behind you, you’ll block it.
So no, there is no mixup there. The only way Round Harvest leads to unblockables is with either a low-hitting assist (Wesker gunshot, X-23 Ankle Slice, PW dog, Deadpool Quick Work, She-Hulk Torpedo, Felicia Rolling Slide), or a high-hitting assist (Akuma palm, Iron Fist heel kick, Nova Centurion Rush, Viper Burn Kick).
The best you can do is a fuzzy setup, but it’s not really worth it. The best Trish teams involve Doom or Dante with a low assist, because they can actually make the RH unblockable sort of worth it. If you want to run Trish and Vergil, you won’t be relying on the unblockable, especially with Vergil second. It’s not worth it; you have Sword DHC anyway, you’ll kill regardless.
hi new player here. A few questions, firstly. is the cr.H >stinger>roundtrip in the corner after a spiral swords combo >lunar phase character specific? I’m talking about the one where he walks behind them in the corner and changes direction with the round trip. I tried it on zero today and it worked once but never again. seems like vergil stays in front until just before zero lands, by then it is too late. Also tried it on captain america and doesnt seem to work either. Is this character specific? Should I use a different combo that’s universal?
It doesn’t work on Zero, Wolvie, Haggar(for whatever reason) most small characters. To make it work you have to do M,H,Stinger after the ground bounce. Of course if there is too much hit stun at that point you cannot do that and you just have to wall bounce teleport then do c.H into spiral swords.
For all characters with weird hitboxes, just mash f+H after the groundbounce (so no cr.H) and you get the correct wallbounce.
ok thanks for the help guys, I tried just doing stinger and it seems to work most of the time where I dont mess up the charge time for round trip. however I have another problem - sometimes after lunar phase, before the cr.h>stinger (or just stinger) to switch sides, the opponent loses the ‘juggle state’ or whatever its called. any move just whiffs and its like what happens when you hit an airborne opponent with cr.h>lunar phase at the end of a combo, and the only option is high time. Any ideas on what causes this?
You used up the ground bounce already. You only get one wall bounce and one ground bounce per combo, barring TAC bounces or moves that force/reset the ground bounce (like Nova’s Centurion Rush M).
If you already used up the ground bounce, Lunar Phase causes a hard knockdown. If you’re DHCing into swords, make sure the character that began the combo doesn’t use a ground bounce. This includes Doom’s j.S footdive when not preceded by a launch, interestingly enough; it causes a mini-ground bounce in that situation.
Soooooo last night I pulled helm breaker, swords, hightime (OTG)~H…and it converted to a full combo.
I have no fucking idea how it happened and I’ve been trying to figure it out, but me and 2 others clearly saw it work. All I can offer are the conditions known:
It was against doom, midscreen, I was not fully flush with doom on helmbreaker, I think I crouched immediately after teleporting back down, no X-factor, no assists.
Basically he bounced on the swords the whole time and never fell out and I was able to do an RT loop into wall bounce conversion.
Are these near optimal? Im a new marvel player and i got relativley optimized combos with mag (F champ combo) and doom (duckstrong combos) but idk whats up with vergil
I have alot of trouble finding lists/vids of optimized bnbs corner/midscreen and dhc that are recent [My understanding of this games combo engine is weak]
Isn’t this known? Only works on some characters, on one side.
Or am I thinking of the JCut pickup that only works on one side?
Perhaps both? This sounds familiar tho.
^ Here is some stuff, ask specifically if you need to incorporate assists:
Bnb is the first two combos in that vid, obviously you can continue to Sword loop. Side switch to stay midscreen by doing a dash right before throwing Round Trip.
Rapid Slash confirm, easy: Rapid Slash > Swords > s.H > Stinger > Trick M > s.H > Round Trip > c.H > Judgment Cut L > c.H > Stinger > Trick M > s.HSH (use s.H for the forward movement, instead of c.H; on smaller characters, better to do dash c.HSH; alternatively, omit the c.H after the Judgment Cut in the following) > Round Trip > c.H > Judgment Cut L > c.H > Swords
Rapid Slash confirm, Round Trip glitch: Rapid Slash > Swords > s.H (RTG) > Round Trip > dash s.MH > Round Trip > c.H > Judgment Cut L > c.H > Stinger > etc.
Rapid Slash confirm, tag (used to tag into characters for more damage/meter, typically Doom or Zero): Rapid Slash > Swords > s.H > Stinger > Trick M > c.M > Round Trip > tag into desired character > continue combo
Throw: Same as bnb, but replace beginning with s.LMH > Rising Sun
DHCing to Swords: Best one I’ve found is Swords > Judgment Cut L > s.SH > Judgment Cut L > Round Trip > c.H > Judgment Cut L > c.H > Lunar Phase > c.H > Stinger > Round Trip > etc.
Typical one is Judgment Cut L > Helm Breaker (you can actually start with either of those) > Round Trip > Judgment Cut L > Lunar Phase
Easy one is Helm Breaker x2 > Round Trip > Judgment Cut L > Lunar Phase
XF + DT combo is whatever you want, just know how to High Time > Trick Down > s.J MH. Watch ShadyK’s anchor Vergil vid, the stuff applies to XF2 as well. XF1 is trickier, better to keep it simple. Watch Clockwork, he’s got a really good grasp of Vergil combos. PR Balrog runs through teams with his anchor Vergil all the time, but he’s a daywalker lol
Everything besides this stuff is likely 1) useless, 2) situational, 3) team-specific, 4) improv’d/obvious, or 5) something important I forgot maybe.
Rapid Slash confirms?