Vergil combo thread 2.0

So these are completely impractical in most cases due to meter efficiency, but in terms of flair they are a phenomenal way to kill an opponent if you’re sitting on Xfactor and 4/5 meter. These have several variations so you can customize it once you understand the different segments, here’s just 3. Use them pretty much as a swag ender (It’s way cooler than lvl 3). All deal 1.2+ with 5 meter, this can also bemodifed to still deal 1.2 for less meter obv.

** = cancel before opponent is airborne.

no XF left
dpf+:h:, dpf+:atk::atk:**, s.:m:, [s.:m::h: f+:h:~RT, s.:h:, dpf+:h:, dpf+:atk::atk:**]x4, .s.:m::h: f+:h:~RT, c.:h:, qcf+:l:, c.:h: f+:h:, qcb+:m:, walk forward, :s::h:~RT, c.:h:, qcf+:m:, dpf+:atk::atk:, dpf+:m:, c.:h:, qcf+:l: (dead)

XF1-3 left
dpf+:h:, dpf+:atk::atk:, f+:h:~RT, dpf+:h:, XFC, dpf+:h:, dpf+:atk::atk:, f+:h:, dpf+:h:, qcb+:atk::atk:, RT, dpf+:h:, dpf+:atk::atk:**, dpf+:h:, RT, dpf+:h:, dpf+:atk::atk:, dpf+:h:, RT, dpf+:h:, etc (though they’re dead now…)

XF3 left

dpf+:h:, dpf+:atk::atk:, s.:h:, f+:h:, dpf+:h:, qcb+:atk::atk:, s.:h:, dpf+:h:, dpf+:atk::atk:, f+:h:~RT, dpf+:h:, XFC, dpf+:h:, dpf+:atk::atk:**, dpf+:h:, RT, dpf+:h:, dpf+:atk::atk:, dpf+:h:, dpf+:h:, etc (DEAD)

I am looking for a better way to combo with my dormammu dark hole asssist (or doom plasma beam), currently I am doing ground series (cr.h) -> stinger -> trick M -> H+Dark hole -Delay- SH -> RT cr.h etc
Problem is the timing for catching them with RT is a bit weird after the dark hole (they will sometimes be too low for the returning RT to connect)
Anyone know a better way of doing a standard combo off a simple ground hit with these assists :confused:

I would try:

c.LM > s.H > Stinger > dp.L~H > sj.MHS > c.H > Stinger > qcb.M > c.H+Dark Hole > Stinger > RT > c.H > Judgment Cut L > c.H > whatever

If I block the incoming and land safely, I won’t just pop XF, as that’d be a waste. So Anchor Vergil, XF3 on deck waiting to get a hit.

I know the ShadyK stuff to maximize XF/meter, but what should I do when they get hit with a…
-St. L? I tend to go into LMH Stinger, Rising Sun, j.MHS, H Stinger, Tele, cr. HS j.H Helm Breaker, High Time, Dimension Slash and XF Dimension Slash if I they aren’t dead. I don’t think this is the best way to maximize XF or meter, so what should I do?
-Rapid Slash cancelled into Spiral Swords?
-Raw Spiral Sword? (like from Rapid Slash xx Spiral Swords, Tele mix-up and they get hit)

Typically my rule of thumb with rapid slash is to go devil trigger on block, sword on hit. Solo and w/o devil trigger vergil is extremely limited on opening an opponent in that situation, unless you plan to do qcf+:s: or :atk:+:s:. They’ll likely just block you and waste the swords, you’re better off doing devil trigger and abusing his speed and bigger hit boxes for awhile.

I disagree. Swords on block is great as well. using RT glitch, you can get off probably 2 round trips and cause a good 100k chip damage and in addition to that, you get a mixup at the end and build a little bit of bar off that second round trip. With devil trigger, you don’t get to build bar for a good while and don’t get to do that much chip damage. Whatever works for you is good of course, but just wanted to say what works for me.

What do you do when you are doing sword loops, and you land in corner after the lunar phase?

In order of preference:

  1. Don’t. Side switch with a dash before throwing Round Trip, during loops.

  2. Round Trip > s.SH (timed as to not use the ground bounce) > JCut L > Lunar Phase

  3. Another Lunar Phase. Finicky.

If you’ve already used the ground bounce, just get them in a hard knockdown state however you want, and throw Round Trip to mix them up on wakeup or use Dimension Slash if it’ll kill, because you should be side switching to keep them midscreen in that situation anyway.

I have two questions regarding vergil loops.

  1. If I DHC into swords on an opponent in the corner, what can loop can I do if i’ve already used ground bounce/wall bounce? I ask this because i’m trying Modok/Vergil/Doom and my standard modok combo causes me to use both ground bounce and wall bounce. I can of course modify it but it does pretty solid damage. Which bounce does vergil need most? I assume I can save the wall bounce so I can do some extension that ends in cr H f+H M teleport etc.

  2. When beginning a spiral sword loop people do L judgement cut, cr H then cancel into swords, but I find that timing to be finnicky.,

i usually do wall bounce, teleport, SH, release round trip, cr H, L judgement cut and then cancel into swords. What I’m wondering is, what is the proper follow up to spiral swords at that height? should I be using j d+H as a starter in that case?

  1. test to see what does more damage, using ground/wall bounce w/ modok or saving for vergil, choose the one you won’t drop and does more damage. if you’re at the corner, you don’t want to do the f+H m tele, skip the tele and do another round trip loop.

  2. the timing is not hard, you just haven’t put in the practice. regardless, j d+H will not drop but does less damage, if you can move back a bit, depending on the opponents hit boxes, you may be able to do the lunar phase version of sword loops.

DT gives you better opportunities to make the follow up open the opponent. If I do rapidslash and they block, I can cancel to DT, call an assist and immediately teleport, rapidslash again, tic throw, or squaredash. DT is much scarier, because they know you have options to mix you up, with swords they can just safely block you and endure the chip.

What do you guys do for adjustments on heavy characters? Sentinel has been pissing me off with how he falls out of late sword loops.

I’m a little confused about the second question. What do you mean by beginning a loop? In what context?

As for the first question…I would say save wallbounce, but either way you’re losing a lot by putting the team in that order. I would strongly suggest MODOK/Doom/Vergil instead for various reasons, if you’re committed to Dok and Vergil on the same team.

And then you get a full combo in DT that 1) builds you no meter and 2) makes Sword loops useless. You can’t “safely block” Swords. Your options are not pushblocking (enjoy the free RTG chip that no, you are not going to “endure”), pushblocking everything (enjoy the frame traps), or pushblocking sometimes (enjoy the mix of RTG if they know what they’re doing, or H teleport mixups). Vergil can mix you up with Swords on, I don’t know why people think he can’t. I’ve THROWN people with Swords on, seemingly out of their blockstun, because they weren’t pushblocking, and got a full combo. Stuff happens. He has fuzzies, he has crossup j.S, he has low jump RT > high or low…all in addition to the massive chip from RTG.

I believe the standard adjustment for Sent is delaying the c.H > Judgment Cut. Round Trip hits him a lot. Watch DJ Houshen vs any Sent player (Unknown, Rayray). He does the proper loops, IIRC.

Sent just seems to fall before c.:h: can hit him after a full combo into swords. Haggar and modok occasionally do this too where they just hit the ground immediately after swords touches them and I can’t combo,

I’ll have to mess around and see exactly what I do to loop Sent. I can’t quite remember but I don’t usually have an issue, so I must be making some adjustment.

If I had to guess, I’d say this is what’s happening in the sequence [Round Trip > c.H > Judgment Cut > c.H > Swords]: RT pops him up higher, because it hits more, and juggles him in a weird way that makes the Judgment Cut also hit weird, and screw up your timing on c.H. Easy solution is omit the last c.H.

Sorry I think I gave u guys the wrong context.
Regarding my second question I’m talking about when starting a mid screen loop.

So after something like cr LMH f+H, teleport M, SH release round trip crH Judgement cut L cr H swords.
For me, I usually omit the last cr H in this situation and go with judgement cut L into swords. I’ve been trying HB, HB release round trip crH Judgement cut L as the proper way to convert off this loop but don’t know If I’m missing a move like jM then HB in my notations. If I land this loop, then I can do the typical lunar phase, release round trip loop with little problems. Just that first initial sword loop.

In order to do dhc spiral swords, SH judgement cut L release round trip judgement cut L, lunar phase, cr H f+H, (falls over head) release round trip crH swords, do I need access to both ground and wall bounce? Or s there a way to get this extension with just wall bounce?

Oh, what you’re doing is fine. Typically, the double Helm Breaker (throw a dash in before the second one at least, for consistency) is used when the opponent is too high for a Lunar Phase. It’s something you’ve gotta eye. If you omit the c.H, which players usually only do on wonky characters (Sent) or if they want to be 100% sure everything connects fine (trying to kill a problem character), they end up too high for Lunar Phase, unless your timing is godlike. So yeah, you’re doing it right.

The other thing now…there is a way. I remember seeing a Japanese vid that had a truly optimal method in which I believe they did exactly what you’re asking for…but I can’t find it. I think you’ll just have to screw around in the lab, do something weird…or optimize Dok combos from any confirm to the point where you don’t need another loop. :confused: There’s probably a lot of ways you could cut it short and still do another loop while in the corner, but the point of the ground and wallbounce stuff is the meter build…

Joe’s right, if you’re getting the whole combo, and cr.H is consistently not hitting, you should just go into SS’s after the judgement cut. ( you might just need to practice more )

I sometimes have similar issues with a cr.H at the end of my sequence pushing the opponent too far away for SS’s to keep them juggling. The solution is the same, just omit the cr.H and cancel your judgement cut into SS’s

I’m talking just activating SS…sent falls out immediately after a long combo. With most heavies in corner i do a very simple Sword, c.:h::s::h:, qcf+:l:, qcf+:m: as my loop. But with sent he falls out before i can hit him with anything after swords. So the issue is keeping him in swords, not whiffing the c.:h specifically

Hey, are there any variations to the Vergil -> Doom raw tag combos that I can do if I hit my opponent with a normal while they’re in the corner?

If I land say a [c.L (hold) s.MH f+H o]r Rapid Slash xx SS s.H f+H (hold) xx Trick L (hold), c.M, Tag Doom with my opponent in the corner, the sword will travel too far into the screen and they will fall out of the combo. Any variations to this that I can do where I can still land the hard tag if I have them in the corner? I can’t seem to be able to use M teleport to corner myself amnd then try to hard tag to doom and do a corner carry combo successfully (too much HSD)

From what I’ve tried and what I’ve seen so far, all of the hard tag setups for Vergil -> Doom require you to land a hit on a grounded opponent and keep them grounded for the tag to connect. If they are airborne (ie I use a c.H or any kind of launcher combo) then the Doom tag will whiff.