You don’t have your ground bounce because you did an S foot dive with doom when they weren’t in launch state, which causes ground bounce hard knockdown. Omit the rapid slash extension and your fine
Oh cool. It’s basically the same. l, m, h, stinger, rising sun(hold l), sj.mhs, c.h, Stinger, M tele, s.H+Strider, S(release trip by tapping up), c.H, L judgement cut, c.H, {spiral swords(hold L), lunar phase, release round trip,c.h, L judgement cut,c.h} Lunar phase or whatever ender you want to use.
Rapid slash: I’ve actually been trying to come up with stuff for this. Here’s something I made: Rapid slash, Spiral swords(hold trip), sH, Stinger, M or L tele depending on what will get you facing the corner closer to you, sH(release Trip), cH, L judgement cut, sH, Stinger, M tele, cH+Strider, S(release Trip by tapping up. Also! This combo utilizes the round trip glitch so you need to use it here.), cH, L judgement cut, Dash SxxH Release trip, cH, L judgement cut, cH, whatever ender you want. You could use lunar phase and end it with Maximum bubbles. Or add another loop to it and go into spiral swords.
If any of this confused ya then just let me know. I’ll try to clear it up.
The damage is near the same, but the latter combo is easier to do, easier to confirm if the f+:h: hit opponents standing or airborne, more meter before sword loop point, etc… The only time the first one seems justified is s.:h: or f+:h: confirms on standing opponents and if the j.:s: lands in corner to get the RT extension. I see this all the time and I’m just like “why?!?”, seems like more effort for less reward. Am i missing something here?
Honestly for me it’s actually harder to do. When I get a hit my hands automatically do the former. Plus usually people have extensions into sword loops which deal more damage if done from the first combo.
Yeah I see the assist extension potential since RT is ready (w/o need of glitch). I just find that knowing the opponent is always in air to wall bounce due to c.:h: and foregoing dfp+:l: conversions makes it so much easier. c.:h:, qcf+:l:, c.:h: can be made easier by omitting the last c.:h: and just going to sword loops. For solo vergil I ALWAYS do this one.
The rising sun conversion just takes practice. You might be doing the super jump too early. Learn to not mash the :h: teleport and practice when to cancel the rising sun and how long it takes to recover from the teleport before you can super jump. The timing is not super strict, but it is awkward and not incredibly lenient
The Rising sun combo is a safer combo (Degrees of hitstun and the recovery of the teleport off rising sun effectively make the move a -3~ -4 on block, not the safest, but damn near unpunishable if not pushblocked properly) and most extensions worth their salt work just as well from both combos
So I’m having a bitch of a time making this consistent, especially across the cast. My solution currently is:
Swords, hitconfirm 1st bounce on swords, qcf+:l:, hitconfirm 1st bounce on swords, qcf+:l:, walk forward slightly, RT, c.:h:, etc…
I’m doing this in corner after Cap hyper CS (which probably puts vergil a little more flush with the opponent. So far works on all normal size characters down to zero size. Anyone have insight? Is there a way to do this to fatties? Can you fix it so wolverine and Captain properly side switch after the wallbounce?
I always omit the C.H and go straight into lunar phase when I’m facing the right wall doing this. I don’t know why. I just can’t get the :d::h: into :dp: motion facing that way.
I’ve been in the lab this weekend trying out Rikir’s sequence, and I saw the other vid that someone posted up in a separate thread, so I started combining the two for the DHC sequence. Pretty much I’ve been doing:
(Spiral Swords active, hold M) L judgement, SH xx L judgement, release RT, SH xx L judgement, cr. H xx Lunar Phase, cr. H, Stinger, ender
The only issue I’ve found is the same with Frankie G’s variation, with really high hitstun situations. However in contrast to Frankie G’s variation, they don’t pop out as quickly, being that it will take a lot more hits before the DHC for this to come into play. The other variation I usually go for is after the first L judgement cut, I’ll just do the SH xx L judgement before the cr. H xx Lunar Phase like this:
(Spiral Swords active, hold M) L judgement, S xx L judgement, release RT, SH xx L judgement, cr. H xx Lunar Phase, cr. H, Stinger, ender
That one is a little more consistent on the hitstun in most cases, plus it usually holds them in place where as in Rikir’s sequence after you release the RT, sometimes the cr. H can be awkward to hit at times.
I get Dimension slash instead of Spiral swords alot when I’m trying to do combos like are like s. L,M,H f.H xx Spiral swords, judgement cut, Lunar phase etc
If you’re doing it from Stinger, you gotta make sure you just stop at df. With Cr. H xx Lunar Phase/Swords, it always helps me to go into neutral before inputing the dp motion(just in case you have trouble with that too).
Sorry for the double post, but has anyone messed with the advanced midscreen sequence? For reference it’s:
(Activate SS, hold a button) S xx Release RT(hold L or M for RTG), cr. H, SH xx Release RT, cr. H xx L Judgment, cr. H xx SS/ender.
Is this the best sequence midscreen? Also, has anyone had any luck finding a dash under RTG sequence for SS midscreen? I have some ideas, but I need to flesh them out.