Day 1 vergil is lmh stinger, rising sun, trick down, sj. mhs, cr. H, stinger, L trick, cr. H, stinger, S, sj. H, helmbreaker, M trick into corner, high time, dimension slash
I’ll try to work with that. I’m shooting to get 4 round trips in a combo not counting spiral swords shit. I think with eye of ago you can get 5, would be gnarly hard though ( like actually hard )
Why do people insist on s.:l::h: f+:h:, dpf+:l: combo? Isn’t it only better IF you land the j.:s: in the corner to do the wall bounce RT part? I always do s.c.:h: f+:h:, qcb+:m: combo. Does slightly more damage, gains slightly more bar (1 full), and you have your set up for Swords deeper into the combo, optimizing meter gain and damage. Am I missing something here? I only do the combo if I land a s.:h: or f+:h:
Also my beam convert:
j.d+:h: (land), dpf+:atk::atk:, :a1: (slight delay), df+:h: (no trick ~:h:, land), s.:h:~RT, c.:h:, qcf+:l:, c.:h:, f+:h:, etc…
Too far midscreens:
Swords, dash, j.d+:h:, s.:h:(or j.d+:h:)~RT, c.:h:, qcf+:l:, c.:h:
Easy Corner:
Swords, dpf+:m:, dpf+:m:, c.:h: f+:h: (wall bounce), RT, c.:h:, qcf+:l:, c.:h: (does not work on cap and wolvie ) [edit - just read back and I may attempt this: “Hb, S, immediate TK round trip, l.judgement, l.judgement, lunar phase > wall bounce combo” if it’s still optimal]
Hard Corner:
Swords, :s::h:~qcf+:l:, RT, (slight delay) :s::h:, qcf+:l: c.:h:, dpf+:m:, c.:h:, f+:h: (wall bounce), RT, c.:h:, qcf+:l:, c.:h: (works on Cap and Wolvie!)
My biggest issue is the corner ones. The first one seems very dated and does not bounce somebodies high enough for the wallbounce to clear vergil in time to do a sideswitch RT (captain america is one of those bodies). The other one does, however landing the “(slight delay) :s::h:, qcf+:l:, c.:h:” is extremely inconsistent. Either you land the :s::h: at the wrong time and waste the ground bounce since they didn’t land on RT, flip out cuz you waited too long, or c.:h: doesn’t connect in time. I just need a decent corner sword combo that is consistent.
[edit] completely wrote the last combo wrong, fixed (i think).
What is an optimal combo when you DHC into swords after using your groundbounce?
I tried the one posted earlier in this thread
(helm breaker, S xx TK roundtrip, L orb, L orb, cr.H, stinger)
Sometimes this combo works, other times the S launches the opponent out of the swords
Is there a way to make this combo more consistent?
Or perhaps a more consistent combo option altogether?
So I found that I can do 1.050 off a ground throw starting at 1 bar with my Nova/Vergil/Hawkeye team. The only problem is, the three characters with that much health (Cap, Spencer, Frank) all seem to have wonky hitboxes and fall out of shit at random. How do you adjust for these guys? c.H seems to whiff a lot after Round Trip…
It’s definitely timing. Are you struggling on round trip into c.H or c.H after orbs? I assume the latter since the first c.H is easy on everyone.
Here’s the way I see hitting c.H, after throwing round trip, depending on WHEN you hit the first c.H, l.orb, the timing of the second c.H will differ due to how the orb juggled your opponent. Generally, it is easier to land the second c.H if you hit your first c.H earlier than later. The c.H should look like it’s slicing under the body/hitbox of your opponent and juggle them up slightly before orb hits, hence giving you more time to hit your second c.H (they are falling from higher and their hitbox is closer to Vergil)
Alternatively, if your first c.H was hit later, his sword will slice into the side of your opponents body and after the orb, the opponent will fall from a slighty lower height giving you less time to hit your second c.H (this way is usually harder because it also pushes them horizontally away from you a bit).
I’ve never seen Vergil’s hitbox image, I just play by feel, but I think the hitbox closer to Vergil (lets say the near the hilt of his sword) starts higher, whereas the tip of his sword’s hitbox is lower. Once you understand that difference you can visually adjust your timing of when to hit c.H depending on where your opponent is.
To the Vergil/Jam session players out there. Could anyone maybe note some of Vergil’s strongest BnB’s involving Jam ? I would really appreciate it. I’ve been playing Dante/Vergil and Vergil/Crystal forever but I wanna give this crazy assist a try. The first thing I’ve noticed is that the scaling is crazy with Jam but I’m sure you should still be able to do decent damage of confirms too.
Question for you Vergil mains: Is the Vergil + Hidden Missiles extension (I’m referring to the …S (delay SJ) j.H Helm Breaker (Call Doom) QCB M Dash Dash S j.H…) applicable to all characters, or will certain characters drop out of it?
That’s a good question. I’ve never played Doom but I know what you’re talking about. It should work on a good portion of the cast. What I recommend is to test it by doing it on Rocket Raccoon, Wolvie, and Sentinel. If you can do it on those characters then you can do it on every character. They have the weirdest hitboxes. Especially RR and Sentinel.
Haha I’ll give it a shot. I’ve got it down pretty good on Wolvie, I tried a bit on Taskmaster and my consistency was essentially the same. I’ll definitely try it on RR and Sentinel, and probably Tron and Magneto as well.
Ive finally given in to using vergil. What combos should I know. Could someone please notate his hit confirm, combo off of throws, and his combo off of a round trip starter…or refer me to where I can find current info regarding those combos. It would be much apprecated. wouldve checked the OP, but I know a lot of the time the OP’s arent up to date.
The Stuff is up in the OP, unless round trip glitch combos are standard (which I don’t think they are, fix my face if they are though)
Vergil combos really haven’t changed much in the 2 years of the character being out
Biggest “game changer” would be the raw-tag combo into Doom, Magneto, Strange, ect)
:l::h: Stinger or Rapid slash (omiting last hit) (hold :l: or ) :h: Stinger xx :qcb: or :l: (whatever keeps you close to the corner) :h: Release Round Trip Raw Tag-Combo
Trying to optimize and clean up my combos for EVO and need help with a consistent ‘no ground bounce left’ corner sword loop. There’s an odd glitch that for some reason eats up Vergil’s ground bounce and limits my DHC, though often arbitrary due to the damage being 1.1mil w/o the side switch RT ender. The glitch is off doom raw tag combo:
dpf+:h:, dpf+:atk::atk:, s.:h: f.:h:, qcb+:l:/, s.:h:, RT, c., hard tag
:s:, sjc.:l::l: xx ADDF, (2)(land), j.(2)(2)f.:h::s: (land), s.:h:(2):s:, sjc.(2)(2)f.:h::s: xx ADDF (land), :a1:, sj.qcf+:l:, f.+:h::s: (land), j.qcf+:h:, qcb+:atk::atk:,
dpf+:atk::atk:…??? (no longer have ground bounce for some reason), f+:h: (wall bounce sideswitch), RT, c.:h:, qcf+:l:, c.:h:, dpf+:m:, df+:h:, qcf+:atk::atk:
So I just need a sword loop combo that will fill that gap and guarantee the wall bounce after swords without using my RT (I’d prefer not to attempt RT glitch for the sake of consistency)