Vergil combo thread 2.0


There was one I got from that japanese player that was posted earlier where u do S, H, RT, S, H, qcf.L, cr.H, fwd.H, RT, cr.H, qcf.L, cr.H


Dafuq are you talking about? That doesn’t even work on paper.

Yes, use round trip and judgement orb to adjust awkward spacing on vergil loops. A good option is dash under, throw round trip. It’s pretty free. I still like Vergil 2nd over anchor as of right now, and most of the time he ends up as anchor anyways.


Once you’re at the corner, yea, both disruptor/rapid slash extensions work. disruptor hits in between H, S. slash hits in between H and forward H.

EDIT: in fact, just happened to see an example

at 25:25 mark, Doom grabs Spencer into combo, adds both disruptor and slash assist.

If you use the bounce do, helm breaker, stand.s, TK roundtrip, l.dimension slash, l.dimension slash, 2.h, 6.h, RT, 2,H, l. dimension slash. Still does a lot of damage.

Aside of from that. Here’s a better jam session extension for vergil than what everyone uses now.

I’ll make a vid for optimal vergil/doom/x combo. I’ll probably use strider on the end but many other chars can be used in the same way I use him.

Don’t mean to diminish your post, but that’s not optimized. I’ve got a far easier and more damaging combo using the same assists. It was pretty cool though.

Do we have optimized Vergil/doom hard tag combos, i feel the ones i found weren’t up to current standards.

Both done with little to no hitstun decay. Wouldn’t really consider those extensions so much as “hey, I pressed my assist button during a combo”. Guarantee you try to do that at the end of an optimized doom combo they’ll flip out. I don’t use raw tag setups off my mag throw, but if we’re still talking “optimized”, he probably could have squeezed in a maziodyne loop or two for way more damage.

@ifbpwnstar Assuming you mean off of rapid slash. Just do your raw tag, doom combo, and DHC into vergil. As long as you are using missiles extension post DHC for an extra round trip, you’re golden.

link to example… if it’s the sterotypical vergil/dante jam session extension then it really doesnt do more damage, and builds far less meter.

also if anyone can figure out a way to round trip glitch off of corner stinger/ turn around RT, let me know because I could add another RT. Midscreen stinger wall bounce is easy to RT glitch but not the turnaround RT extension in the corner… dunno why.

for DHC into swords in corner, is using s SH and qcf+L interchangeable as a starter?

I don’t really have a recording device so I’ll do my best to type it. The jam session doesn’t really matter. I do more damage with just strider than your combo does and mines easier so it’s by definition more optimized

l, m, h, stinger, rising sun(hold l), sj.mhs, c.h+strider, S, tap up then release round trip, SxxH, L judgement cut(hold L), c.h, stinger, Release round trip, c.h, L judgement cut, c.h, {spiral swords(hold L), lunar phase, release round trip,c.h, L judgement cut,c.h}x2(two sword loops as done in you video), lunar phase, high time, dimension slash. That alone does 1,091,000 Usually after that last luner phase I do back dash high time+call dante, sj. helm breaker, m teleport, dash high time, dimension slash so that they are in the middle of the screen for maximum hits. If I add the dante part it kills thor.

I have mid screen version and different variations that are basically the same thing.
If you still don’t understand I’ll make a shitty quality camera phone video. I should really do that anyway.

Edit: I also just made a optimal(actually not sure about this one) combo off of rapid slash spiral swords.


Edit: I also just made a optimal(actually not sure about this one) combo off of rapid slash spiral swords.

Have you tried something like raw tag Dante, gun shot loop max reps, rapid slash+sj. sky dance extension, end in million dollar, dhc swords (probably lost ground bounce from Dante to get the corner round trip rep), vajra+high tide, m tele, high tide, ds.

Edit: I also just made a optimal(actually not sure about this one) combo off of rapid slash spiral swords.

Have you tried something like raw tag Dante, gun shot loop max reps, rapid slash+sj. sky dance extension, end in million dollar, dhc swords (probably lost ground bounce from Dante to get the corner round trip rep), vajra+high tide, m tele, high tide, ds.

Raw tag to Dante? Can he do anything off of a raw tag? Or do you throw the round trip then tag?

Yea, refer to the mag/verg/doom vid that r313n71355 posted where Vergil does raw rapid slash, swords, H, stinger, m tele, c.M, release round trip, tag…

His video has Mag doing a combo. Doom gets 2 foot dive loops and extensions. I’ve tried getting a few 80k’s with Spencer. I believe that all chars in the game can get some sort of “relatively” less scaled combos than if Vergil were to stay in there and do the Yipes combo.

I haven’t played Dante since Vanilla, but I’m guessing after the tag, he could h, stinger, bc volcano, j.H, airplay, j.H, S, delay, gun shot loops x 6 reps? During gun shot loops, I know he has a rapid slash extension that sends the opponent back in the air and he can catch them with sky dance, so finish with whatever corner series into million dollar dhc swords, side switch with vajra, high tide, ds. I’m pretty sure something like that would be quite close to a thor kill, especially since the gun shot loops build so much meter and damage.

While you can’t get a round trip glitch, you CAN get enough time to simply charge round trip again anyway.

Round trip->delayed SH->judgement cut L->cr.H->… causes them to bounce multiple times on the judgement cut and actually gives you just enough time to charge round trip. For example, you can do round trip->delayed SH->judgement cut L->cr.H+jam session->stinger->round trip.

Of course this is HSD dependent because SH will drop if done too late in a combo.

Also Vergil hard tagging to Dante wouldn’t do more damage, because the only way Dante can combo off that hard tag is with a round trip (or off a lunar phase groundbounce, but then he has to OTG with cold shower->stinger to get anything anyway). That starts your combo heavily scaled and…Dante’s minimum scaling is pitiful. You’re better off just keeping Vergil in and fitting as many round trips and judgement cuts as you can get (and lunar phases where possible), or tagging to…not Dante.

Actually, while I’ll agree Dante isn’t optimal, I’d definitely recommend doing hard tag combos with one of your chars. Like strider mentioned, a massive majority of the cast can take advantage of the reduced scaling and do faaaaar more damage off of a rapid slash confirm than Vergil could muster. Anything comparable, you’re probably burning extra meters, whereas the mags raw tag I use through to tempest and dhc back to vergil with missiles ender for an extra round trip does well over a mil, costs like 1.5 bars to start, and iirc nets an entire meter if you’re doing the optimized stuffs.

I’m pretty sure I’ve heard Dante has one of the worst raw tags in the game, don’t quote me on it though. But I know for a fact his minimum scaling is ass, and most of his combos use up bounces, and that really diminishes the value of the rs raw tag tech. You need to be doing an optimized combo that doesn’t require bounces off the tag, and DHC’ing back to Vergil, doing as long of a combo as is possible, preferably with assist extensions if you’ve got em. The beauty of it is the fact that it actually nets a meter over the course of the combo, so you’ve always got extra meter to burn at your discretion if you need to kill off Thor.

Id been trying to use plasma beam to pick up after a raw helm breaker but have been unable. Was just wondering if it’s just not doable? Or if I just hadn’t yet figured out the right timing/sequence yet?

Also, after an air grab, I’m sure you all know we can combo to a lunar phase and hard tag doom, etc. But it seems doom’s resulting combo flips them out relatively early, to the point where its hard to perceive if its even worth it unless the goal is a quick lvl 3. Midscreen its even worse since ‘more combo’ is required to get to that lunar phase. So basically: do you guys find the hard tag after air grab tech to even be worth it, in general?

Thanks in advance for any input!

To pick up with plasma beam try - Helmbreaker xx activate swords, dash+ doom assist (hold L), high time, trick down (should catch them here), helmbreaker, throw round trip, cr. H xx L judgement cut (hold L), cr. H, stinger (wall bounce) xx M trick, SH xx throw round trip, and so on.

I don’t like raw tagging off of the air throw, just personal preference. I always dash up and do st. LMH xx rising sun, corner carry and TAC into infinite. Or, if I’m in the corner and I know it will kill, I’ll just go for a standard corner combo with round trips and missiles extension for an extra round trip.

Unless its the dash that sets the proper timing, that exact sequence (which works with rock, disruptor, and hawk arrows), is exactly what’s not working, minus the dash. Ill try it WITH the dash and see if that fixes it. Thanks!

Which combo should a beginner be using?