Since the links and site is still all busted up, it’s hard to find things so I’m just gonna ask, what are my optimal solo vergil and vergil/missiles combos?
My solo combos are:
• c.MHf+H, qcb+M, s.MHSH, release L, c.H, qcf+L, c.H, **loops, dp+M, df+H, qcf+ATK+ATK - main BnB
• f+H, dp+L > H, sjc.MHS (land), s.Hf.H, qcb+M, c.H, **loops, dp+M, df+H, qcf+ATK+ATK - stinger BnB or accidental s.H starter instead of c.H
• dp+H, swords, s.Hf+H, qcb+M, f+H, release L, c.H, qcf+L, c.Hf+H, qcb+M, s.HSH, release L, c.H, qcf+L, c.H, **loops, dp+M, df+H, qcf+ATK+ATK
• midscreen - dp+M, release L, c.H, qcf+L, c.H
• midscreen (awkward confirm) - dash, j.d+H, dash, j.d+H, release L, c.H, qcf+L, c.H
• corner - j.d+H, s.H, release L, qcf+L, qcf+L_(c.H or dp+M instead for final loop)
• c.MHf+H, qcb+M, s.MHSH, release L, c.H, qcf+L, c.H + doom, S, sjc.MHd+H, qcb+M, **missiles hit, s.H, release L, c.H, qcf+L, c.H, **loops, dp+M, df+H, qcf+ATK+ATK
I know I can optimize the missiles one, but I can’t find the nerd josh extension and I haven’t experimented with the hard tag yet. Which is better? Also are these all optimal?