Vergil combo thread 2.0

Do sword throw glitch loops midscreen with s.s tked into rt glitch. Its easy and works on everyone. Also does more dmg than scrub lunar assault into rt if you at least throw a s.h canceled into your 2nd rt . Way easier than it sounds. Because your tking into rt you literally have twice the frames to get rt glitch. Its almost undroppable

Also have a theory that with eye of agomatto you can get 4 in a row if spaced perfect.

Sent from my VS910 4G using Tapatalk 2

<blockquote class=“Quote” rel=“Lanzoma”>EDIT: Also, the corner version (coming from DHC) that goes Stinger xx Release RT (side switch) does not work on Wolverine or Cap. I’m not sure if there are others, but in that case you can do Stinger xx Judgement Cut L xx Swords into more damage.</blockquote>
On any weird hitbox’d characters like Cap or Wolvy, you can always get the wallbounce that sets you up for roundtrip by just mashing forward H.

<blockquote class=“Quote” rel=“Lanzoma”>You should post it anyway <img src="/plugins/NBBC/design/smileys/smile.gif" width="" height="" alt=":)" title=":)" class=“bbcode_smiley” /></blockquote> - Mag Vergil Doom BnBs with each character. Some neat Vergil tech in there.

Sarto Halim! That was the guy who I got the raw tag from a rapid slash confirm trick from. My optimized version with this team is in that video too.

So I got a recording device that is my phone:

Its the best thing I got now so… expect a better-lighting/angled combo video !

I haven’t posted here in a good while thought I would show most recent finding for a Vergil loop with 1 gauge 1 assist.<br><img src=“”><br>

<blockquote class=“Quote”>
<div class=“QuoteAuthor”><a href="/profile/50697/MrBGuy">MrBGuy</a> said:</div>
<div class=“QuoteText”>So I got a recording device that is my phone:

Its the best thing I got now so… expect a better-lighting/angled combo video !</div>

I’m liking the use of the rising sun assist!<br>

<div><font face=“Arial, Verdana” size=“2”><span style=“line-height: normal;”>Playing around with Vergil a bit even though he’s not really a character I main.  I used to play ZMC as my secondary a lot.  I hate him but my god is he fun to play.  I’ve been going with Vergil/Dante/Ryu a lot lately for fun.</span></font></div><font face=“Arial, Verdana” size=“2”><span style=“line-height: normal;”><div><font face=“Arial, Verdana” size=“2”><span style=“line-height: normal;”><br></span></font></div>Standard BnB with 2 extra round trips.  Not really sure how to squeeze out more damage with Jam Session and Hadoken. </span></font><span style=“font-family: Arial, Verdana; font-size: 10pt; line-height: normal;”>600k before super. (Phone decided not to focus but I was too lazy to rerecord).  </span><div><div><div><font face=“Arial, Verdana” size=“2”><span style=“line-height: normal;”></span></font><br></div></div></div><div><font face=“Arial, Verdana” size=“2”><span style=“line-height: normal;”><br></span></font></div><div><font face=“Arial, Verdana” size=“2”><span style=“line-height: normal;”>Attempting to use the RT glitch in combos now rather than just to put opponent into 9054690548645906 seconds of pressure.  I’m very sure this is not optimized at all.</span></font></div><div><font face=“Arial, Verdana” size=“2”><span style=“line-height: normal;”></span><br></font></div>

anyone know whats the combo that Taekua uses with nova assist ? 

<blockquote class=“Quote”>
<div class=“QuoteAuthor”><a href="/profile/66845/Mr_V_Neck23">Mr_V_Neck23</a> said:</div>
<div class=“QuoteText”>anyone know whats the combo that Taekua uses with nova assist ? <br></div>

From what I saw from him in the FGTV tourney he just does whatever starter until he gets a hard knockdown(typically from helm breaker) then calls nova, does :df:+:h: trick down, Stinger. then if he’s in the corner he does the normal release round trip combo into sword loop. If he’s not in the corner I would see him just m tele after stinger and do c:h: into sword loops. You could just re-watch his matches to make sure though.<br>

duh duh duh

For anyone else who’s playing Vergil w/ Hidden Missiles:

No offense to your contribution, but the raw tag w/ Doom gets ~660k and saves ground bounce and wallbounce for when you dhc back into swords.

can you provide an optimum combo for this?

yea, I’ve using that a lot, but you need to start off with an extra bar to be able to have enough to DHC

Not sure if it’s optimized, but it goes slash, swords, h, stinger, m tele, c.m (may need to walk back a bit depending on char size), release round trip, tag Doom, s, (m, m, f.h, s) - regular foot dive loop twice, call rapid slash, h, f.h, jump f.h, s, jump, h plasma beam, photon array, dhc back into swords, you know the rest.

It’s not unusual to have at least one meter stocked. 2 foot dive loops and a vergil extension relaunch must build at least over 1 bar, then the corner series after swords builds more to end with a dimension slash if necessary.

edit: went home to test, you need to start at ~1.65-1.7 bars. 1 for swords, the 2 loops+extension builds the other 1.35 to dhc to array (781,900 at this point), then swords, then l orb, helm breaker, round trip, l orb, lunar phase, c.h, stinger, round trip, c.h, l orb, c.h, lunar phase, high tide (1,081,900 at this point) builds another if you need to dimension slash (i got 1,221,900 against viper just now)

Since the links and site is still all busted up, it’s hard to find things so I’m just gonna ask, what are my optimal solo vergil and vergil/missiles combos?

My solo combos are:

• c.MHf+H, qcb+M, s.MHSH, release L, c.H, qcf+L, c.H, **loops, dp+M, df+H, qcf+ATK+ATK - main BnB
• f+H, dp+L > H, sjc.MHS (land), s.Hf.H, qcb+M, c.H, **loops, dp+M, df+H, qcf+ATK+ATK - stinger BnB or accidental s.H starter instead of c.H
• dp+H, swords, s.Hf+H, qcb+M, f+H, release L, c.H, qcf+L, c.Hf+H, qcb+M, s.HSH, release L, c.H, qcf+L, c.H, **loops, dp+M, df+H, qcf+ATK+ATK


• midscreen - dp+M, release L, c.H, qcf+L, c.H
• midscreen (awkward confirm) - dash, j.d+H, dash, j.d+H, release L, c.H, qcf+L, c.H
• corner - j.d+H, s.H, release L, qcf+L, qcf+L_(c.H or dp+M instead for final loop)

• c.MHf+H, qcb+M, s.MHSH, release L, c.H, qcf+L, c.H + doom, S, sjc.MHd+H, qcb+M, **missiles hit, s.H, release L, c.H, qcf+L, c.H, **loops, dp+M, df+H, qcf+ATK+ATK

I know I can optimize the missiles one, but I can’t find the nerd josh extension and I haven’t experimented with the hard tag yet. Which is better? Also are these all optimal?

I know I’ve posted this video in these forums before, but these are the optimal combos for magneto/vergil/doom. You ought to be able to get a good idea of what you can be doing to optimize your combos from this video.

If we’re talking optimal, I can think of:
You could add Mag/Vergil extensions to all the Doom combos before the beam. land, disruptor, H(otg) and after the last footdive rep, rapid slash, slight delay, H (otg), sj. H dive, S.

In terms of team order, what do you think about Vergil being 2nd vs 3rd? shadyk, cj, schmitt all have Vergil at anchor now. I think to avoid the more likely difficult incoming mixup mid game as opposed to end game.

What’s the best conversion off of swords where you hit them out of the air (they are being juggled on swords)? I find many times helm breaker will lead to knockdown and leave you with nothing. The spacing is too close to lunar phase. Would it be round trip, cH, orb, cH, stinger?

Can anyone recommend a combo continuation after a corner DHC to swords (off Nova PotNF) when the ground bounce has already been used. I know the sequence under normal circumstances, but no possibility of lunar phase and bounce changes it a bit. And nothing I’ve come up with does enough damage to justify spending the meter for the dhc.

The ground bounce gets used up during my rapid slash extension (using fwd+H ground pound). So an alternative extension otg-ing with L centurian instead of ground pound before rapid slash could solve the problem, but I just can’t find a way to make that work! Grr.

Any ideas? (For either bounceless corner swords or bounceless corner RS extension)

Dafuq are you talking about? That doesn’t even work on paper.

Yes, use round trip and judgement orb to adjust awkward spacing on vergil loops. A good option is dash under, throw round trip. It’s pretty free. I still like Vergil 2nd over anchor as of right now, and most of the time he ends up as anchor anyways.