Yes you can release a round trip anywhere in there pretty much.
I also dislike double lunar for consistency reasons.
Yes, I took meter build into consideration.
Then I considered that you’re in swords while you’re doing this and can’t build meter. And felt dumb shortly afterwards.
Then I reconsidered, and due to the timing ( I havn’t checked or anything this is just off the top of my head), you probably get several more lunar phase hits post swords that can build meter for orb hb rt orb lunar than you do for lunarx2. I remember from playing around with it that swords generally ends right at the end of the 2nd lunar just a moment before the ground bounce.
So yeah lanzoma, that’s super plausible. I was too quick to shrug off meter build as reason for which swords loop you do.
Also, why the hell is double lunar phase even being discussed. It was obviously sub optimal the day people started using it. Round trip glitch is basically fail safe when tiger kneed off of stand s…so lets work with that.
Hell here’s a fun combo off rapid slash midscreen . Rs, Ss , s.s, tk round trip +glitch, RS, wait slightly, throw round trip>>generic ender.
Off of a bnb combo into SS non corner
HB, S.S, TK rt +glitch, s.h, round trip…still does more than derp wheel.
I suggest not starting helmbreaker in the DHC combo cause theres times where the character gets through the swords somehow and combo is ended lol. Dorm once again a prime suspect in that case. opening with judgement cut makes sure that doesnt happen.
I do. It really depends on how far you are in a combo. I haven’t done much testing with assists after long Dante combo> improved ss loop I posted then try to extend. I remember the times I tried they would immediately tech after the s after crouch h.
Oh wait I read that wrong…but yes you can ! Use strider extension first with a glitch then use weasel shot or jam session to get one more .
Also I managed to get that combo to work in the corner once I believe. Ive been using the midscreen j.s into almost on the ground round trip. Shits hot for Virgil 2nd…then I wall bounce and use strider if I haven’t used him to get in.otherwise ss
Okay, very noob question here, but how the hell do you time the follow up to Rising Sun consistently? j.H ends up whiffing half the time for me and I’m not sure what to do about it. And then, how are you supposed to set up the loop from that? Just c.H -> Stinger -> Round Trip?
It’s really not bad at all once you get the hang of it. Two things:
Play around in training mode and learn the timing for the trick down after rising sun.
While I will very very very very very very rarely use j. HS for the followup when hitstun has already been scaled a bit, j. MHS is 10000x more consistent.
If I knew what assists you used I’d be able to help out more. As far as basic ways to get into loops:
In the corner after the ground bounce from the S, yes, you can start looping by c. H, stinger, throw round trip.
If you aren’t going to make it to the corner, or aren’t sure if you will, after the ground bounce from S you can do c. H, stinger, M teleport, c. H xx swords
Another midscreen variation of starting up loops that doesn’t involve rising sun would be cr. LMH stinger, M teleport, SH, throw round trip.
Thanks, that does help. I should clarify something though:
I have been doing j.MHS but for some reason I can get j.M to hit most of the time but the H afterward won’t connect. Vergil’s up-forward momentum just keeps going and the H whiffs. I have a feeling I’m gonna find out I should be neutral jumping or something…
I know how to relaunch with my assists, but I’m playing him in the scumbag slot so I feel like I should get the solo starter down. Rising Sun is the only part I can’t get consistently.
Just grind that execution yo. Do everything as fast as the game allows. Also…make sure you super jump up forward…this is important. Also when you hit the up forward…you need to almost simultaneously hit M. If your using rising Sun bnb you might as well learn how to round trip off of the j.s at the end of jump m,m,h,s. Just do the string as slow as you can get away with and right when your upper torso is level with their head release round trip. This is before you hit the ground. Then do s.h, l.dimension slash. Its more consistent for that specific scenario over c.h
Definitely go into training mode and play around with it. It’s effortless once you get the feel for it. In training mode pay particular attention to when the first frames you can trick down out of rising sun are, and how quickly you can super jump after. If you time those correctly, it should be pretty impossible to miss the j. MHS. To me, that part just feels like a SJ height confirm. Good luck!
I’ve been practicing Vergil sword loops lately but, i’ve seen so many variations and I want to do the best ones, so which ones are the absolute best for midscreen and corner? as in, the ones that won’t randomly miss.
Midscreen after swords do lunar phase, release round trip, c:h:,Ljudgement cut, c:h:, repeat as much as you want.
Corner loops suck. Always do midscreen
You also have to learn the HB, dash, HB, release round trip, c:h:, L Judgement Cut, c:h: variation, since the Lunar Phase one will drop unless you start the first rep with the swords hitting on the edge. Once you get started with the Lunar Phase though, it pretty much never drops…but you won’t always start a combo with the correct spacing, and sometimes you activate swords and catch them jumping, etc.
EDIT: Also, the corner version (coming from DHC) that goes Stinger xx Release RT (side switch) does not work on Wolverine or Cap. I’m not sure if there are others, but in that case you can do Stinger xx Judgement Cut L xx Swords into more damage.
The midscreen loop kinetic posted is the one every Vergil uses and is very consistent.
Corner loops are not ass however, especially not off of a DHC. I use (Charge M on activation), L judgement orb, helmbreaker, throw round trip, L orb (charge L), lunar phase (ground bounce), c.H, stinger (Wall bounce), release round trip, c. H xx L orb, c. H etc. etc.
This is not true at ALL. On characters with wide or wonky hitboxes, do the c. H super early so the stinger hits as deep as possible. Off of a DHC, you can hit this far more optimized extension with 100% efficiency when you learn how each character juggles. If it’s in a normal vergil combo though, depending on how your j. S (ground bounce) hit, sometimes you are unable to recover quickly enough to get a deep enough stinger for this to work on the wonky hitboxes.
A few wonky hitboxes off the top of my head: wolvie, cap, joe, shuma, tron, nemesis (sort of), ammy (sort of)… there are likely more but I don’t have a roster to look at. With enough practice you’ll learn how each character juggles and automatically make adjustments.
Wolvie would be a good one to start with for getting the feel of it. Try to hit the very bottom of wolvie’s hurtbox with the top of your cr. H hitbox, and stinger immediately afterwards