Vergil combo thread 2.0

Is there a variation of the loop where I can omit it completely? Just until I get the actual hang of it?

I was going straight into swords after the 236L. [Does Helm Breaker x2, round trip, cr.H xx 623M xx swords] work?

I feel like that works in my head.

Normally the loop is swords>lunar phase>round trip>c.H>236L>c.H>swords and repeat. But you can omit the second c.H and it will still work. The reason you do the second c.H is because it puts the enemy in the perfect position for lunar phase. But if you go straight into swords from judgement cut you can still do it by adjusting their position so that lunar phase will hit. I’ll tell you something that will make the whole thing easier though. Right after Lunar phase, instead of releasing round trip right away, dash under the enemy then release round trip. It always puts them in the right position for the c.H or if you don’t want to do it just skip the c.H and do swords into lunar phase and repeat.

I gotta try this later tonight…I usually walk backwards a tiny bit before releasing round trip.

The dash under spacing is free, but if you’re keeping proper spacing on your loops you shouldn’t need to walk at all

Exactly. Dash under make it very easy. It also has another effect I find useful. Some people have trouble doing certain motions on one side of the screen as opposed to the other and if you dash under them you can change the direction of the loop to whichever direction you find easiest.

Dude this tech is godlike. Thanks for posting this up. I optimized it and got ~1.1m off of a rapid slash confirm. 2 bars to start, and is meter neutral (2 bars left after completing the combo).

I’m discovering and incorporating all sorts of dirty vergil tech. I’m scared to post any of it because I don’t want it used against me. This is a sweet little trick to add to my bag, sick find.

Also this character is broken

You should post it anyway :slight_smile:

What’s the optimal/practical dhc into SS in the corner combo? Lunar phase x2, cr. H, stinger, round trip etc ? Or other?

SS -> d+h , l judgement cut, release round trip, l judgement cut, lunar phase, cr.H, stinger, roundtrip is my go to combo.

Not actually sure if that’s more optimal than the one you listed

I also use the version Materia posted, I’m pretty sure it’s optimal. Double lunar phase is bad

That’s not true. Double lunar phase does more damage and is easier to do. I’ve tested this many times and I still don’t understand why people do anything different other than to avoid the 1 out of 50 percent chance it drops. But in my experience the combo materia posted dropped far more than double lunar phase. I mean I guess materia’s combo looks cooler but it actually does less damage and is more difficult.

Are you sure? I’ll have to test it. Hard to believe that Helmbreaker+2x L Judgement cuts+ round trip< lunar phase on damage.

As far as consistency, orb hb rt orb lunar phase is FREE. That I can vouch for. Plus the times where double 623 would drop, the first judgement orb brings them to the perfect height for loops. Nothing difficult or inconsistent about it. Like, super free.

And double lunar phase looks scrubby.

Yep, I just tested it again from dante’s million dollars.
helm breaker, judgement cut, round trip, judgement cut, lunar phase, c:h:,stringer= 499K Additionally it took me 4 times to actually do it right.
Lunar phasex2,c:h:,stinger=502K This took me one try.

I know double lunar phase looks scrubby but it’s what’s better.

723,700 - Very basic mags combo with lmhs starter and tempest ender. Hyper was not mashed. Values adjusted slightly to reflect damage difference for an early DHC. These are my numbers

933,000 for big boy loops
917,000 for scrub loops

You can actually do lunar phase, throw round trip, lunar phase consistently, but it’s still not enough damage to make scrub loops better than big boy loops. Also, you’d probably have trouble timing it if it took you four tries to do big boy loops. Which are more like little girl loops.

I’m pretty sure your flaw was not taking damage scaling into account. To test this, I decided to go with raw million dollars into loops. Raw million dollars does 254,200. The numbers I this time were

406,700 for little girl loops
447,800 for scrub loops.

Conclusion: If you’re doing raw super DHC to sword loops, use scrub loops for most damage (no scaling) - though honestly in the long run that could hurt your combo damage from the harsh scaling on lunar phase, but I don’t feel like testing all that.

If you are doing an actual COMBO, and then DHC’ing to swords loops, orb hb rt orb is rather clearly the better choice.

Also, how did it take you 4 tries to do that loop? :- / Bad spacing I’d imagine.

Edit: How did you even come up with those numbers? I know it wasn’t a raw million dollars into sword loops, the hell did you do to test this? /facepalm

Edited edit: I stopped at the ground bounce on lunar phase and you did cr. H/stinger afterwards. I’m a scrub.

886K from (Dante)j:h:,:h:,stinger,BC Volcano, j:h:, air play, j:h:, killer bee, :s:, skydance, million dollars(mashed) DHC into SS, HB Orb RT Orb, lunar phase, done
897K from (Dante)j:h:,:h:,stinger,BC Volcano, j:h:, air play, j:h:, killer bee, :s:, skydance, million dollars(mashed) DHC into SS, Lunar phase, Lunar phase, done

There full combo dante scales like a bitch so this is proof that the scrub loops as you put it are better.

Edit: Did it with another combo just to be sure.
911K from (Dante):h:,stinger,BC Volcano, j:h:, air play, j:h:, killer bee, :s:, j:m::m::h:,sky dance(hard knockdown), acid rain, volcano, skydance, million dollars(mashed) DHC into SS, HB Orb RT Orb, lunar phase, done
913K from (Dante):h:,stinger,BC Volcano, j:h:, air play, j:h:, killer bee, :s:, j:m::m::h:,sky dance(hard knockdown), acid rain, volcano, skydance, million dollars(mashed) DHC into SS,Lunar phase x2, done.

Only problem with mashing is that it’s just another variable to throw into the mix. Though I’ll admit when I mashed I got about 1k more dmg post dhc from double lunar.

Do whatever you like. In most cases it’s not going to be a statistically significant difference. I like switching the loops up so people don’t get tired of seeing their char get TOD’d the same way.

Lol. Agreed. I do double lunar for simplicity sake. But either way, vergil is godlike.

The reason double lunar phase drops is cause the character is tall. If its around Dorm’s height, use alternative. Midsize and below double lunar works fine and should never drop. Dorm is risky and depends on how high he was before DHCing into SS. Haggar is almost in that class. Any biggies, no go.

Meh. Noone should be dropping sword loops anyways

I don’t do double lunar for consistency reasons. Also, since I can DHC from many different positions and sometimes need a dash in-between, I do:

HB, (dash) HB, Judgement Cut, Lunar

I’m sure you can release RT between HB-JC but I haven’t practiced it.

Are you guys taking in consideration meter build? I’d rather have meter than 10-20k more damage.