Vega Thread Redux

  • A Mega Drive/Genesis port was produced titled Street Fighter II?: Special Champion Edition (known as Street Fighter II Dash Plus in Japan and promoted as Street Fighter II? Plus), released in Japan on September 28 and during the same month in North America. Special Champion Edition features much of the same content as Turbo for the SNES, except the primary game mode is “Champ” (“Dash” in the Japanese version), a game mode based on the arcade Champion Edition, while the secondary game mode available is “Hyper” (“Exciting” in the Japanese version), based on Hyper Fighting. This port features ten stars (11 speed settings including 0 stars) as standard, contains an exclusive “Group Battle” mode allowing 1 vs 1 up to 6 vs 6 (or any intermediate amount ie 6 vs 2), and the ability to disable any of the characters’ special moves in Versus Mode. Sega produced a six-button controller specifically for the game, which later became the standard Genesis controller. Capcom also produced a Genesis version of their CPS Fighter controller. Unlike the previous SNES and PC-Engine ports, this version features the original attract sequence from the original arcade game featuring the two generic street fighters fighting in front of crowd. In the western versions of the port, the black fighter who gets defeated by the white fighter is replaced by another white fighter.

From Wiki.

Need help with Dhalsim matchup. The drill seems to beat everything I do. Once I block a drill or get knocked down, I pretty much get drilled and thrown to death. How should I approach this match?

Knock Dhalsim down by any means necessary (trading is perfectly fine as long as he doesn’t knock you down, too). Proceed to wall dive him into oblivion. Pretty much what I said a few posts up on this page. :slight_smile:

When you are at full screen against bison, stand straight up, don’t crouch.

If he headstomps, crouch, and cr fierce him as he flies over your head. if crusher, jump back fierce. If scissor, sweep it.

After that throw him or whatever, and then go back to doing nothing.

Key vega move is do nothing.



Narrated by a Swede with a bad headset.


Vega Touch Of Death.

YAY SHARI! YOU DID IT! My FAQ helped, huh? :slight_smile: Just kidding. Great stuff. I’m very sure I have that combo in my FAQ. The crossup (whether it’s j.:hp: or j.:hk:) is definitely the hardest part.

On that note i tried j.:hp: :hp: d:mk: and it doesn’t work.

d::mk: will not hit after standing :hp:

Yeah…that’s a Super SF2 only link, it seems.

What do i do against someone who repeatedly does a jump in attack, I have to block high so i lose my charge and cannot flip kick.

Also is there any difference between the 3 dfferent version of wall dive?

jump straight up or jump back and anti air with fierce. or stand if you know they are jumping at up and do standing roundhouse.

Nice yo, try it without the crossup, it can be done…

I dont get how to play against guile, i read all i have to do is slide against him and trade with sonic booms but he can it also flash kick it

also i played this chun online and all she did was jump backwards in the corner doing jumping kick, how can you stop this?

If he is hitting you out of it with :d::mk: and flashkick you are merely being far too predictable with when you are doing it.

Try moving a lot in the match too make him scared of a walkup throw so he continues to stick out things for you to stuff.
Another way to bait him is with :d::mk: as the animation is extremely similar to slide but does not move forward. It is also pretty good at beating his

If Chun is just jumping backwards with no regard to when or or how just time your walldive so you hit her when she is going down and your priority will easily beat anything she does.
If you are good enough at steering it you can probably get above or behind her and throw her.
If it’s not in the corner jumping towards her wall while she is at the peak of her jump means you get behind her for free and get a free drop.
If she is on the other hand doing it on reaction to your walldive you can try to bait but even then you can trade with her jumping back normals by using the tip of the walldive.
On the other hand if she does a neutral jump you won’t be able to trade with her neutral :hk: and will have to get behind her for that.

At that don’t neglect playing a ground game against her even with upkicks you can generally jump on her for almost free with :u:::hp: and you can play footsies with her except for when she uses lightning legs.

I posted about being able to do Instant Izuna Super in the corner a long time ago.


Here’s a video of it.

Don’t ever try this cause it will never work unless you are playing against a complete beginner.

Just incase you havn’t noticed, alot of the video’s you have posted here are gone.

And where are all the good Vega’s? Think I have only run into like 1 or 2 that are just decent at best.

That actually looks very useful. Thanks for the vid.

Actually, there are a few excellent Claw players around here. Including: Blacmore, immortalBMW, blueblood12 (from PSN), Sharizord, Vega uno, dos, tres and cuatro. Super, you and Deluxe both have pretty damn good Claws, I was impressed. I remember having a few matches with you last week on my brother’s account, OG Feds.

Anyways, as I was saying, the players are out there, it’s just a matter of catching them when they’re online. Or, you could try hitting me up for matches, though I don’t consider myself in the ranks as some of the other players I mentioned above.


Yeah ive heard of all the people you mentioned above, but im not sure if they even play anymore (at least on xbox). I was looking more for active vega players.

Also Engravings, anytime you want some matches you can hit me up, i can do Vega mirror match all day! This goes for any other vega thats wants to fight as well, just send me a FR