Vega Thread Redux

Wow, what a match. That last game was seriously a heartbreaker, with the fake walldive that stops just short of the roundhouse flash kick twice in a row. Really good stuff.

There is a followup Grand Finals match:


Finally, HDR footage of Ganelon. He was/is considered the best Claw, right? That was a great match, Masrgatti has some crazy reflexes.

Holy crap, that was a hot matchup! Mars is super good at charging those Somersaults fast. There were a couple he did after a Sonic Boom, where I was like WTF? LOL And Ganelon is nasty with those fake Dives, perfect spacing. Finally we have a high level Claw vs Guile match that is not 2 years old. LOL Thanks Shari.

awesome, awesome stuff :tup:


Shari - how are you avoiding Dee-Jay’s wake-up kicks here? I find that seems to be my biggest problem with this match, regardless of crossing up or whatever. Any tips? Thanks! I also noticed you didn’t use st. fierce at all, something you recommended previously if I recall. Did you conclude that it isn’t effective or did you just find weakness in Bogeuk’s anti-dive game? He’s a great Dee-Jay, well played.

[media=youtube]CAcWAtLQxEc#t=2m40[/media] You mean this ?

It’s the same as any crossup where your opponents anti air goes the other way but the important part is the angle.
Either you can get the angle of entry right by going to the opposite wall or by holding in the air for a few frames so you go down at a 45 degree angle.
You want to pass over his head and then sharply go down at an angle to avoid the hitting part of the kick.

In regards to the Normal i still use it but mainly if the Deejay player is able to corner himself since at that point walldiving is very difficult. At that point your main goal should be finding a way to get him out of the corner. When you have him out of the corner walldives tend to be the superior option i have found.

More questions: Dictator. I’ve been facing Exposed alot lately in order to fine-tune that matchup since I’ve only played Vega for 2 months. Anyway, I understand how to time the walldive loop but my problem is the ground-game. Ok, so I use j. fierce to stop the crusher but his headstomp still hits. Also, I find that all of Dic’s attacks stop the cr. mp and slide. My problem is getting the walldive charge forces me to crouch, thus slowing my offense down. Once he gets in its pretty much over, he can just cr. mk > scissors. If I do a flipkick after the scissor, he can easily block and punish. If I don’t, my normals all get beaten by his. Given Expo’s skill I actually think I’ve been doing pretty well (I think he’ll tell you the same), but I need some fresh ideas. There are some matches we had which could’ve gone either way, so I don’t feel too bad about getting tossed around.


Play defense if he is being very aggressive and try to rely on flipkicks against psycho crushers as the knockdown is a lot better than the damage from a :u::hp:.
You also sometimes catch headstomps with it depending on your timing worst case scenario it simply passes you.
Against head stomp it is better to merely try to predict it and walldive him out of it. If you both are charging down going to the wall is a good option if you are next to it. What can happen is:

1: He does Headstomp you Izuna Drop him out of it and have a loop going.
2: He Psycho Crushers you but as you are already close to the wall you will get of it before he can reach you.
3: He tries to go Air to Air with probably :u::mp: which if you have good spacing you can trade with or if he does it early you can fake and then do a quick followup walldive giving him little time to react. Depending on how early he does the :u::mp: you can move around or above it and simply drop him.

If he is playing Defensive you have to make him aware of the risk of getting Walldived so he will start taking risks.

Simply do Walldives as safely as you can unless you see him not reacting to it in which case you should simply go for the drop.

The biggest part is getting the Dictator player cautious of walldives so that he either tries to turtle up too much so he becomes a target for drops or make him take risks which you can flipkick and then proceed to loop.

Dictator players that do not rely as much on charge moves but rather elects to Poke you with st:mk:/:hk: and similar and going air to air from that same poking distance against them you will have to rely on finding an opening getting in a :d::mp: into opposite walldive or simply an opposite walldive alternatively flipkicking it as a riskier option.

Just curious: how long have you been playing Vega overall, man? I only started him this year and in HDR, but recently I tried him in ST by playing the collection on XBox. I can see the appeal of his dive there.

EDIT: Thanks for all the help, man, very much appreciated. I hope I’m not annoying sometimes with my dumbass questions.

I played Guile in ST.
Started Vega a month or two after i started playing HDR when i dropped Guile.
Can’t remember the exact time to be honest.

Its the 25th Annual “Norieaga Asks A Vega Question And Shari Answers” event! Today’s topic: Balrog. Ok.

  • Ground game is tough, have to strictly react with pokes as all his normals beat mine
  • I switched up my style the last round against Genei’s Balrog and maintained more of a free-walking approach
  • I understand that the matchup is all about getting the walldive behind 'Rog and catching his headbutt

With this in mind, what’s the best way to guide the dive here? 'Rog has too many ways to hit Vega out of it, and once he starts his cr. mp > low rush > TAP > headbutt string then its totally over. I need some fresh ideas for this match.


Guide it the same way you would against Deejay.
Same principle he goes the other way and you get a free followup of your choice as he no longer has charge.

In terms of normals the problem i have seen amongst most Vega players is dealing with his :d::mk: which shuts down most of your usual pokes.
Standing :mp: will cleanly beat his :d::mk: and from there you can simply start mixing up pokes and jump-ins.
In general using a lot of Vega’s standing normals is a good idea in this match.

In terms of mixups of your free jump-in there are numerous options.
:u::hp: into walkup throw.
:u::hp: into walkup :d::mk::d::mp:
:u::hp: st: :lk: into tick throw.
:u::hp: st: :lk: into :d::mk::d::mp: which is somewhat of what could be considered a frame trap.
etc etc.

If he starts rushing you down with rushes and taps simply hold down back because eventually he will run out of charge so to speak and has to do one of a few risky options to continue the RTSD:
#1: Throw you.
#2: Tap.
#3: Headbutt.

#1-2 loses to Flipkick.
#3 You will need to block.

Reacting to Tap should not be all that hard just listen for the sound or look for the turning animation and do a Flipkick.

Or of course option #4 which would be doing nothing which would give an opening.
It’s better to simply block it and eat some chip damage than the potential risks of eating a low rush combo.

This is really great material Sharizord. :slight_smile:

AGH! I absolutely hate the Ken match. I just keep blocking fireballs until he SRK’s, and then I either catch him with cr. mp, he somehow managers to recover and do another SRK, or he just blocks somehow. The recovery on Ken’s SRK is SO inconsistent, I never know what I’m going to get. Same with his hurricane: if I block, he can suddenly tick me to death. WTF? After a cross-up walldive I try to connect cr. mp, and somehow I just eat random sweeps. Same thing when I try to slide, I eat random sweeps. Do Vega’s normals have ANY priority? Fuck.

I also faced Dhalsim in ranked twice, mainly my good friend NLP OU. Ok, so fuck. What exactly is Vega’s advantage in this match again? Dhalsim’s normals totally stop mine, and all he needs to do to stop the dives is st. jab. Once I’m in down-back and blocking his barrage of drills and bullshit, its probably over unless I catch him with a lucky scarlet terror. How do I initiate offense here? Should I be in free-walk mode? I was really great at this matchup up until tonight’s beatings.

Against Ken, don’t get knocked down so he can’t zone you easily. Just like against Ryu, st.:mk: is your friend in stuffing Hadoukens…when your not jumping them on reaction with Claw’s very fast jump. Nothing wrong with hitting Ken with a cr.:hk: when he’s coming down from a Hurricane Kick or a Shoryuken. Add cr.:hp: and the good ol’ air throw (not likely on :lp: Shoryukens of course) for whiffed Shoryukens. Against Dhalsim, knock him down and walldive loop his non-reversal having self. The only person easier to walldive loop to death is Dictator.

Don’t give up. Those matches are in Claw’s favor. You have to be creative though. By the way, if you’re getting swept out of cr.:mp:, you should do it from farther away and add st.:mk: to your poking game. Shari’s stated too many times for me not to remember that the tip of Claw’s st.:mk: has no blue hitbox. Abuse that.

I think what I’m going to do is spread my dives out more, I think I’ve been doing them too deep and close and making myself susceptible to throws, random sweeps, and whatever. I’ve also found that strategy to be effective against Balrog.

Due to Ken’s hitbox and speed of his tatsu it is a lot easier and reliable to hit it with :d::mp: when it is landing rather than :d::hp:

Against good shoto players you have to learn to fake them out with movement and whiffed normals to punish.


This against Ryu but same principle applies.


Watch how the best Claw player of all time vs Europe’s probably best Ken player does it.

On another note i believe Claw vs Ken is 5-5.

Against Dhalsim you can do a crossup dive into :d::mp: into opposite dive and if you dive it correctly he can’t standing :lp: you out of it.

Dhalsim players that are good at that matchup tend to play aggressively so what you do is pretend you are Thelo.

Down back all day, punish drill on reaction with flipkick and look for openings to walldive.
If you get cornered and he is pressuring you with mixups jump back :hp: can be a good way to get out of it.


Too fucking good.

^^too amazing for words

wtf is sfII+???