Or you could just cr.:mp: before it lands. As a Ken main and a decent enough Claw player, I know this works all too well. Bottom line with Ken is to assume he has no landing frames after his specials and hit him while he’s in the air. As a Claw player, you should be in love with his air throw. Missed :hp: Shoryukens and Shoryureppas should always be air-thrown when you don’t have a Scarlet Terror charged.
The funny thing is I know all this but I just seem to have bad luck against Ken. Example: he’ll throw a jab SRK, I’ll punish, he’ll just throw another somehow. Ken’s recovery on his moves feels VERY inconsistent, I always second-guess myself when I attempt to punish. I’ll try what you guys suggested, thanks.
Also, if you’re standing and blocking, you can immediately crouch and avoid the rest of it. Do that and then slide with cr.:hk: when he’s coming down.
Another way:
standing :hk: will beat it at close range.
No timing required.
Other than that as others have said best way to punish is :d::mp: as it is landing.
I’ve had luck with simply using s.mk to stop in mid-air or if I know they will use it. Everything else Shari and Fresh said also works wonders.
Good luck and hope to face you eventually,
Fellow Claw Masters,
I can’t seem to land that damned air throw with Claw. I’ve had Ken on practice mode jumping in place and out of 100 attempts, I only landed 2 air throws. Is there some secret to making this throw connect more frequently?
Fellow Claw Masters,
I can’t seem to land that damned air throw with Claw. I’ve had Ken on practice mode jumping in place and out of 100 attempts, I only landed 2 air throws. Is there some secret to making this throw connect more frequently?
No secret to it.
Simply hold towards or away and press :mp:/:hp:
Here’s an example for you:
It doesn’t seem that way to me. Is the button and direction press simultaneous, or do you hold the direction as you jump for the throw?
Thanks for the input again.
No point in not holding the direction if you are going air to air and want to get the throw.
Isn’t there a link to the throw range box for Claw’s air throw? I remember seeing a graphic for it. That being said, I don’t think it’s changed since Champion Edition. If you’re even or slightly below your opponent, you’ll grab and fling them across the screen. You don’t even need training mode for this one. CPU Ken will give you all the practice you need.
Howto: Standing Forward Lockdown Shoto character.
Shari - you’re using opposite-wall roundhouse dives, right? And cancelling out of cr. mp? It just seems like my crossup dives are a tad bit slower than yours, I must be doing something wrong. Hopefully we can hook up soon and you can see whether I’m doing everything properly.
What kick button you use changes nothing as far as i know.
Don’t know why mine would be any faster tbh.
But yea just send me a message whenever you see me on.
Don’t believe him! He’s lying!! … :xeye:
Just playing. :pleased: Yeah, Claw’s st Forward is a huge difficulty for Ryu and Ken to deal with. At its max range, the st Forward has a huge hitbox that is impossible to counter with Shoryuken or Tatsu or just about anything. It’s a very strong weapon that every Claw player should familiarize themselves with, especially vs Ryu and Ken. Good video Shari. :tup:
I’m definitely not a Claw expert, but I find that when I do Wall Dives with him, the Dives are faster when you start steering even before he touches the wall. What I mean is, if you wait to steer the Dive until after Claw has touched the wall, it’s just a tad slower. But if I’m holding df or db before Claw has touched the wall, I find that he just flies off that wall.
Thanks gents. One other thing I noticed last night in training mode: cancelling into the dive out of cr. jab is seamless for me, but with cr. mp there is always a delay. So, which one is it???
Shoto’s up/away :hk: says “GGPO” to Vega. Sorry, no video evidence, just experience.
Loses to all his anti air normals.
And you can simply slide it as it is landing.
Using Walldives and Fake Walldives against Guile:
Featuring Ganelon and Marsgatti.