On a sidenote a good poke to use in the boxer match is standing :mp:.
For this reason:

I am in the process of uploading some matches against Geneijin87 since you guys are discussing the boxer matchup this might help:
First one is up so far the rest should be up in a little while.
3 hit combo
Shari -
I usually do the dive opposite wall, I release the claw around the stomach of my opponent. I notice that when I hit and try to combo into cr. mp, they sweep me out of it or some other randomness. Some characters like Dhalsim manage to get up and just st. jab??? WTF? Basically I’m looking for a general idea of how deep the dive should be.
You can probably find a few more examples in my vids.
Hello Fellow Claw member:
What answer does Claw have against a crossup tatsu from a Ken Player? It seems like any answer Claw has is countered in this situation.
let it whiff.
Walk up throw.
Wow. Sometimes the best answers are the most obvious ones. So used to backflipping or flipkick that this answer seemed far from my mind.
I have to take on a particular player… his name rhymes with SmoldenMarch, if you get my drift. Gotta prove that matchup is 6-4 Vega.
Thanks for the tip.
It’s dependent on how low to the ground they do it though.
Generally if you are being hit out of flipkick it’s done at a high altitude which you can just crouch under.
If it is done low on the other hand it is dependent on if they have already crossed you at which point you can do a flipkick in the other direction (Don’t ask me how it’s done it just happens) and if they are in front of you just a normal flipkick.
But at that point i would just block the tatsu and backflip away from the mixup.
In other news I suck vs. good Dhalsim’s. I faced Cvital’s 'Sim so he’s better than most of 'em, but it was impossible to get the dives started. On the other hand I’ve gotten used to the Honda match, its not as hard as it once was. Thanks for the help fellow Vega’s!
EDIT: Heavenly Claw - please try to record those matches, I need some new ideas v. Ken. Maybe there is something I’m forgetting to exploit. Isn’t Vega supposed to be Ken’s worst matchup? Certainly doesn’t feel like it.
I don’t know who you could possibly be referring to, but from what I gather, he sounds like he would be pretty scrubby.
Hey asshole. He means me. Calling me a scrub? lets fight it out! However you play on XBL and I play on PSN so there’s only one way to settle this. Rock paper scissors. I’m going to post my move at 11 PST (PDT?) and you do the same. That way we can post simultaneously without any chance of cheating.
Dude, wtf? It’s been over five minutes and you haven’t posted? That’s like rage quitting even before you’ve turned on your XBox.
Posting here incase people do not check the other threads.
Since there has been so much focus on Ken lately you guys might enjoy this:
[media=youtube]WIxtN3j0KHY[/media] Part 1
[media=youtube]QTFnRIrXf9s[/media] Part 2
[media=youtube]xsesISMDQXg[/media] Part 3
I’m on part 2 as we speak. If he took you to the edge I can only imagine how my crappy Vega would have problems. In fact, the way you played his Ken is pretty much the same way I play Ken’s. I think I just suck more lol. Thanks for doing this, fellas.
Ok, so I faced a very good Ken today and started weak but finished strong. One final question about this matchup:
**How do you punish the fucking hurricane kick? I used to be able to throw it after the landing but this guy would just do cr. lk right after. I was pulling my hair out, its like there was zero recovery on that thing.
Ken is full of the biggest bullshit in HDR by far. I fucking hate that stupid character so much. From his invincible hurricanes to his ability to do one fierce SRK right after the other, I can’t stand 'em. Let’s not mention how he can somehow land from his super and throw you before you throw him even if you’re standing right next to him. FUCK KEN.
I would honestly rather face Thelo’s Honda 200 times than play even an average Ken.
It’s basically safe on block vs. Claw (throw punish only).
Crouching fierce should win or trade with it in your favor.
The super recovery is 1 frame on the ground. You’re usually better off going for air-to-air hits.
What if I get caught in the kick and am stuck blocking? I’m gonna guess the best option is to charge flipkicks and let it out when he goes for the cr. lk? That’s a dangerous risk though, if I’m wrong he’ll just knee bash.